- 名principles of political economy

An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy
Marshall in the principles of political economy , showed that : the most return on investment is investment in human resources .
Some Suggestions about Teaching " the Principle of Marxist Plutonomy "
An exploration into the improvement of teaching of principles of Marxism Political Economics
Objective To explore a way to enhance the teaching effects of Principles of Marxism Political Economics .
Results A concrete measure to improve the outcome of teaching Principles of Marxism Political Economics was suggested .
It the needs that reform the educational teaching that can accord with times development and raise quality and level of the course .
This research according to yearly experience of teaching , discuss course context , course methods , and examination measure , in order to give other researcher references .
Experiences of Guiding the Paper 's Writing by Internet A Study on the Teaching Approaches of Research Experiences of Teaching Reforms in " Principle of Marxist Political Economy "
Throughout the history of western economics three textbooks have been considered milestones . They are PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMICS by Mill , PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS by Marshall , and ECONOMICS by Samuelson .
The existing political economic theory course based on the criticism of the capitalism has seriously lost contact with and can not meet the need of socialist economic construction and socialist market economy development , so it has to be reformed .
The " Three Representations " Statement is the Practical Application of the Fundamental Theories of Marxist Political Economics in Socialist Context
The author analyses urban infrastructure essence with the basic principle of Marxism economics , and points out that it has dual characteristic : manufacturing and non-manufacturing .
According to Marxist political economics , capital is not a common category of commodity economy , it is not a neutral category and we can 't apply it to all kinds of societies .
Proceeding from the fundamental theories of Marxist political economics , the present paper holds that the " Three Representations " statement enjoys a solid theoretical and empirical foundation , and is the guiding principle for party construction and administration .