
  • 网络Economic Papers
  1. 经济论文的答辩

    On Defending Thesis in Economic Subjects

  2. 经济论文的写作技巧

    The Writing Technique of Economic Essays

  3. 我计划写一篇关于经济的论文。

    I plan to write a paper about economy .

  4. 指出了家族企业内部控制实际存在的工商经济管理论文问题及其成因;

    It is deeply pointed out the reasons and the problems existing in the internal control of family business .

  5. 这本书的结构怪了一点,其实它相当于把两本书钉在了一起:一本是自传,另一本是一系列关于全球经济的论文。

    The structure of the book is awkward . It is really two books - an autobiography and a series of essays on the world economy - stapled together .

  6. 在此背景下,本文应用可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,试图定量分析中国&自由贸易区建成后将会产生的经济效应。论文首先综述了关于自由贸易区的研究。

    In this background , this paper attempt to analyses the economic effects of CAFTA by a computable general equilibrium ( CGE ) model .

  7. 1968年,美国会计学者戴维·F·林诺维斯(DavidFLinowes)发表了一篇题为社会经济会计的论文,首先提出了社会责任会计的概念,并揭开了研究的序幕。

    David F Linowes , an American scholar , published an article named ' Socio-Economic Accounting ' in 1968 and introduced the concept of social responsibility accounting for the first time . It was the prelude of the research of social responsibility accounting .

  8. 市场经济与学报论文的学术品位

    Market Economy and the Academic Quality of College Journals

  9. 馆藏建设是档案馆功能建设和功能发挥的经济管理学论文格式核心问题。

    The archives storage construction is a key question for its function construction and exertion .

  10. 为此,针对配电网有功经济运行,论文提出基于超短期负荷预测的配电网络实时经济运行方案。

    For this reason , aiming at the active power economical operation of the distribution network , a real-time economical operation scheme based on ultra short-term load forecasting is proposed .

  11. 解决了输变电建设单个项目的经济评价。论文研究输变电建设项目多方案的比选。

    This analysis solves the problem of economic evaluation of individual transmission and transformation power construction project . Subsequently , the multi-scheme comparision and selection of transmission and transformation power construction project is studied .

  12. 曾经在省级核心刊物《大众科学》杂志上发表过题为《公平与效率的关系辨析》的学术论文,并翻译过多篇论述瑞典经济学家俄林的经济类专业论文。

    A professional issue named " An analyze on the relationship between justice and effect ion " has been published on . I also translated some economic issues about a famous Sweden economist named Olin .

  13. 农村工业循环经济部分,论文主要讨论区位指向为农村的农村工业,即农副产品加工业的循环经济。

    At the part of circular economy of rural industry , paper mainly discusses circular economy of rural industry of which the niche direction is village , namely artifactitious industry of agricultural product and its byproduct .

  14. 在实施中,需求计划沟通流程可以提高企业的经济效益,论文阐述了需求计划沟通流程流程的设计原则和思路,并研究了沟通流程绩效的评估和流程的执行问题。

    And the company can get more profit from good communication process , the paper have some special analysis , including how to design the process , and how to evaluate the process , and so on .

  15. 2000年,在研究生的最后一年,攻读MBA学位的克拉克选择深圳经济特区发展作为论文主题。

    When he was in his final year at university in2000 , Clark chose to write a thesis on the development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone ( SEZ ) for his Master of Business Administration degree .

  16. 经济类学术期刊论文标题的拟定

    The Drawing up of Article 's Titles of Economic Academic Periodicals

  17. 火电厂热力系统的经济性分析是论文研究的重点之一。

    The economic analysis of the thermodynamic system is one of important studies in this thesis .

  18. 经济新闻与经济论文

    Economic News and Economic Dissertation

  19. 本文论述经济新闻与经济论文写作的目的及其特点和应注意的事项。

    This article talks about the writing purposes , features and noteworthy points of economic news and economic dissertation .

  20. 本文是一篇定量研究湖南省区域经济差异的学术论文。

    This is an academic thesis in which the unbalancing development of regional economy in Hunan was quantitatively studied .

  21. 经济类学术期刊论文和经济类大众读物中模糊限制机制的对比研究我国畜牧兽医类专业期刊分类的建议

    Hedging in Scholarly Journal Articles and Popular Magazine Articles on Business and Economics : A Comparative Study ; Classification on Chinese Animal and Veterinary Periodicals

  22. 随着时间的变化,微观经济学、宏观经济计量学科的论文人均年产量有增加的趋势,宏观经济理论学科有减少的趋势。

    With the passage of time , in disciplines such as microeconomics and macroeconometrics , the yearly production of treatises per person increases , macroeconomic theories confront a production decline .

  23. 第4部分从理论和实证两方面剖析了技术性贸易壁垒的经济效应,这里论文认为该措施对于进出口国的短期效应和长期效应是不同的。

    Chapter 4 analyzes effects of the technical barriers to trade from the sides of both theoretical and empirical analysis of the economic . This paper considers the effects of the measures for the import and export between short-term and long-term effects different .

  24. 在度量经济损失之前,论文分析了生态破坏的经济学原因,并讨论了生态破坏经济损失计量的经验计算方法和计量中应注意的问题。

    Before measuring the economic costs , this paper analysis the economical reason of the destruction of ecosystem , then it discusses the calculation methodology and the issues which should be pay attention to when we measure the economic costs caused by the destruction of ecosystem .

  25. 同年,成立中国经济情报社和中国征信所资料室,向各报刊提供经济论文和经济资料,进一步扩大社会影响。

    In the same year , it setd up " Chinese economy feeling newspaper office " and " the Chinese credit information bureau reference room ", which provided every newspaper and periodical with economy thesis and economy data , expanded its social influence further .

  26. 经济体制转换过程中体育体制改革的理论探索&社会主义市场经济与体育论文报告会纪要

    Theory Study on the Sports System Reformation in the Conversion Process of the Current Economic System

  27. 本文通过对一百篇中外经济期刊上的英文摘要的语步结构进行分析、统计,得出此类摘要的基本语步,以提供一个撰写经济论文英文摘要的基本框架。

    Through analysis of one hundred English abstracts that published in economic journal of China and America , this paper concludes a basic move structure of this kind of abstract .