
jīnɡ yàn xīn lǐ xué
  • Empirical psychology;experimental psychology
  1. 这并不是经验心理学的某个老论题。

    This isn 't just any old issue in empirical psychology .

  2. 我们首先指出了现象学对意识的研究方式与经验心理学之间的差异,这种差异首先是由意向性理论所带来的,它使得对意识进行一种现象学式的本质研究得以可能。

    The difference of the manner of deal with consciousness between empirical psychology and phenomenology is first received treatment . It is the doctrine of intentionality which made a phenomenological essential research about consciousness possible .

  3. 两种理论的相似主要表现在:它们都反对普遍性,坚持个别性;都是采用了经验心理学的分析、论证方法;它们都是通过对语言的批判来解决哲学问题。

    The Similarities of the two theories are mainly manifested as ,( 1 ) Both oppose universality and adhere to individuality ;( 2 ) Both use the empirical methods of psychological analysis and demonstration ;( 3 ) Both solve philosophical problems by the critique of language .

  4. 该节目主要涉及关于科学的议题,但也会试图顺着这些议题,说回人类经验、心理学和哲学。

    The show mainly deals with issues in science , but try to link those issues back to the human experience , psychology and philosophy .

  5. 《内经》在对病态梦的解释治疗可以为现代医学治疗学的发展提供经验,心理学方面有必要从现代医学获得补充。应该二者结合,互相借鉴,以臻完善。

    The interpretation of dreams Only when we combine therapeutic experience in Inner Canon with psychology in modern medicine , can we get to a perfect solution .

  6. 进而列举出整合的几项成果,并结合实例来说明:这些成果是如何具体地应用以上所提到的教学经验和认知心理学理论的。

    Listing the several results of integration with examples to illustrate these results are how to apply of the above mentioned teaching experience and cognitive psychology theory .

  7. 基于多年来显微镜规范化管理的经验以及管理心理学中的相关理论,分析了当前显微镜管理中存在的一些重要问题,探讨了显微镜管理改革的内容和方向。

    Based on the experience summary of standardizing management of the microscope laboratory , some questions of the microscope management were analyzed . The direction and contents of the reform were discussed .