
  • 网络rational psychology;psychologie rationalis;psychologia rationalis;PsychologiaRationalis
  1. 与理性经济学相比,心理学与这种现象的关系更大。

    This phenomenon has more to do with psychology than rational economics .

  2. 西方现代主义小说是西方现代非理性哲学与现代心理学相结合的产物。

    The western modernism novels is the combination of the modern non - reasonableness philosophy and modern psychologies .

  3. 我想在理性,哲学以及心理学的层面上理解,“美”的体验究竟是什么,

    I try to figure out intellectually , philosophically , psychologically , what the experience of beauty is ,

  4. 到19世纪随着哲学领域非理性主义和现代心理学的发展,以灵摄肉基础上的精神主体,让位于肉身标志的欲望主体。

    In 19 century , with the development of irrationalism and modern psychology , the spirit subject basing on " Soul leading flesh " yielded to the desire subject with a sign of mortal body .