
  • Theoretical selection;【辩证法】theory choice
  1. 方法II结合勘探深度理论选择合适的数据提取频散曲线,提高了频散曲线的提取精度。

    The method II improves the precision of extracting frequency dispersion curve by considering the theory of the depth of the Rayleigh wave exploration .

  2. 地面防空火力单元基于D-S理论选择反导防御手段

    The Selection of Anti-missile Defense Means of Ground Antiaircraft Firepower Unit Based on D-S Theory

  3. Fe-Ga合金电解分离工艺条件的理论选择

    Theoretical selection of conditions for separation technique of Fe-Ga alloy by electrolysis

  4. 利用模糊理论选择软基处理方案

    Using Illegibility Theory to Choose Sludge Groundsill as Disposal Project

  5. 运用价值工程理论选择回采工艺方式的探讨

    Choosing of mining technology by the theory of value engineering

  6. 第三部分论述了我国合并会计报表的理论选择问题。

    The third section deals with the select of the consolidation theory .

  7. 基于弹性流体动压润滑理论选择齿轮油粘度的可靠性计算

    Reliability Calculation in Selecting the Viscosity of Gear Oil Base on Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Theory

  8. 国有外贸企业战略转型的理论选择及分析模型

    The Theory and Model of Strategy Restructuring of China 's State-owned Foreign Trade Companies

  9. 应用灰色评价理论选择最优军事运输方式研究

    Research on the Selection of Adaptive Optimal Transportation Modes Based on Gray Evaluation Theory

  10. 应用突变评价理论选择采矿方法

    Selection of Mining Method by Catastrophe Evaluation Theory

  11. 所以,全面收益理论选择了现实成本计量模式。

    So the theory of comprehensive income chose the measuring model of realizing cost .

  12. 用误差传递理论选择实验方法和测量参数的大小

    Selecting Experimental Methods and the Value of Measuring Parameters by the Theory of Error Transfer

  13. 劳动合同关系终结的理论选择

    Theoretical Selection of Labor Contract Relation End

  14. 基于剩余穿深理论选择瞄准点研究

    The Research into Choosing the Aiming Points based on the Theory of Surplus Penetrable Depth

  15. 针对重力式网箱数值模拟中波浪理论选择问题进行了专门的分析与讨论。

    A special discussion is carried out to analyze the wave theory selection in the simulation of Gravity cage .

  16. 因此,计划+市场的混合配置模式是实现教育资源优化配置的理论选择。

    So , it is a theoretical option to realize the goal of optimizing the educational resources allocation with a mixed allocation mode of Plan + Market .

  17. 主要研究内容如下:1.依据光波导理论选择了适合模制工艺制作的光波导包层和芯层聚合物材料。

    The main contents are expressed as follow : 1 . The waveguide core and cladding polymer materials suitable to moulding technique were selected based on optical waveguide theory .

  18. 并提出在经济环境不断变化和大学生就业需求的多样化的压力下,大学生就业指导的理论选择和模式构建是目前最为迫切的问题。

    The essay also proposes that to establish a theory and mode of vocation guidance is an urgent issue in the changing economic environment and with diversified needs of graduates .

  19. 根据挤压气膜产生机理及压电学相关理论选择可产生弯曲振动的双晶片作为振动主体。

    According to the mechanism of gas film squeezing and the related theory of Piezoelectricity , the duplex crystal able to generate bending vibration has been selected as the vibration subject .

  20. 最后,根据公司的战略目标,运用竞争战略理论选择了公司的竞争战略,提出了竞争战略的实施方法。

    In the end , competitive strategy are selected according to the strategic objectives which has been put forward by using the competitive strategy theories and the ways to implement the competitive strategy are also proposed .

  21. 福斯特和索伯指出简单性只是一种特设方法,而豪森主张回避简单性问题,他认为简单性不应该被视为理论选择时的一条重要指导准则。

    Foster and Sober stated that simplicity is an " ad hoc method ," while Howson advocated to avoid the simplicity and thought simplicity should not be considered as an important guidance for choosing a theory .

  22. 当留种率低于70%时,表型分布偏态使实现选择强度低于理论选择强度,这是造成选择反应效率低的一个重要原因。

    When the proportion of selected hens was below 70 % , the realized selection intensity was smaller than the theoretical one due to non-normality , and this was concluded as an important cause which makes selection response inefficient .

  23. 合理用药是指根据疾病种类、病人状况和药理学理论选择最佳的药物及其制剂,制定或调整给药方案,以期有效、安全、经济地防治和治愈疾病的措施。

    Rational administration of drug means making best choice of medicine and the preparation according to sickness category , conditions and pharmacology theory in order to get the valid , secure and economic measure to prevent and charm away disease .

  24. 这在“现代性”话语的理论选择、关注焦点及对中国文学现代性的研究方式上都有所体现,从而显示出研究进一步深化的可能性。

    It believes that modernity research of Chinese literature research of the 20th century has experienced the change from " one modernity " to " two modernities ", which embodies in the theory selection , research focus , and research methodology .

  25. 课题完成的主要任务是:研究商业智能、数据仓库、OLAP理论,选择系统工具;

    The main subject of this paper is : study BI , Data Warehouse , theory of OLAP and select system tool ;

  26. 然后,研究了谐波理论并选择了谐波分析方法,设计FFT算法对采样结果进行谐波分析,通过计算相关参数来判断系统的工作状态。

    After then , FFT algorithm was designed to go on harmonics analysis to the sampling results and the working status were judged by computing related parameters .

  27. 本文利用计算几何的曲面理论,选择均匀双三次B-Spline曲面,对船体曲面进行了数学表达。

    In this paper the uniform bicubic B & Spline surface is selected for expressing the ship hull surface by using the surface theory of computational geometry .

  28. 根据所研究的风险特征,通过理论分析选择了BP神经网络作为风险评价法,利用MATLAB软件对调查数据进行处理,初步生成风险程度评价模型,并用实证演示加以证明。

    According to the risk characteristics of the study , BP neural network is selected as a risk assessment method via theoretical analysis , using MATLAB software for survey data processing , the risk assessment model is primarily generated .

  29. 以焊接结构车间的焊接气溶胶扩散过程为研究对象,应用计算流体力学湍流理论,选择包含浮力项的三维N-S方程以及κ-ε方程模式建立了焊接气溶胶扩散的数学模型。

    Based on turbulence theory of hydrodynamics , threedimensional turbulence field equations were established with the use of N-S equation and κ - ε model to investigate the welding aerosol diffusion process in welded structure workshop .

  30. 本文在深入分析RBF基函数特性和网络结构的基础上,利用粗糙集理论来选择RBF网络的中心向量,提出了一种利用粗糙集理论来构造RBF网络的方法。

    After analyzed the characteristic of the Radial basic function and RBF neural network structure in this article , using rough set theory to choose center vectors of RBF neural networks , puts forward a method for constructing RBF networks by rough set theory .