
  • 网络Understanding Marx;Making Sense of Marx
  1. 埃尔斯特的《理解马克思》是当代西方马克思主义中的新流派&分析的马克思主义的代表作。

    Jon Elster 's Making Sense of Marx is a representative work of the new school in the Western Marxism , the analytical Marxism .

  2. 这是理解马克思人道主义思想的历史性前提。

    This understands Marx 's humanistic historical prerequisite of thought .

  3. 全面地准确地理解马克思主义经典作家的矛盾观

    A comprehensive understanding of contradiction view of Marxist classical writers

  4. 全面理解马克思的人的生产理论

    Comprehensive Understanding of Marxist Theory of Production of People

  5. 如何理解马克思的哲学?

    And how to understand Marx ′ s philosophy ?

  6. 从感性直观理解马克思主义哲学的革命

    Exploration of Marx 's Philosophy Revolution : from the Perspective of Perceptual Intuition

  7. 本文就是通过对马克思哲学观的重新阐释来重新理解马克思哲学。

    In this paper the author inquires into Marx 's view of philosophy .

  8. 论唯物史观的深层实质:唯物主义人类观&从表面理解马克思到深入理解马克思

    On the Deep Essence of Historical Materialism : Marx 's Materialistic View on Humankind

  9. 把握历史科学观念是正确理解马克思哲学的关键

    Grasping the Idea of Historic Science is the Key to Comprehend Marxian Philosophy Correctly

  10. 正确理解马克思的五种社会形态理论&兼与石弘博士商榷

    Proper Interpretation of Marx 's Five Social Forms

  11. 正确理解马克思的私有制观

    Correctly Understanding Marx 's Viewpoint of Private Ownership

  12. 重新理解马克思的跨越论思想

    A New Understanding of Marx 's Leaping Theory

  13. 正确的理解马克思主义的法制思想是我们正确运用的前提。

    A correct understanding of Marxist ideology is our legal right to use the premise .

  14. 康德自由观的转向为我们正确理解马克思的自由理论提供了思想指导。

    The change of his idea provides guiding thought for our understanding of Marxist freedom theory .

  15. 在经济学语境中理解马克思,是一个独具诠释魅力的哲学新视界。

    Understanding Marx in economic context of situation is a new philosophy vision with especial charm .

  16. 理解马克思主义与实践标准

    Practical Standard and Comprehending the Marxism

  17. 马克思主义、中国、化是理解马克思主义中国化内涵的三个关键词;

    Marxism , China and Change are three key words in understanding the connotation of Marxism Chinese-Characterization ;

  18. 正确理解马克思哲学形成时期的这两种结构转换,有着十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    They are of momentous theoretical significance and methodological significance to correctly understand the two structural changes .

  19. 理解马克思主义政治经济学

    Understanding Marxist Political Economics

  20. 我们要想走进马克思,更加深入的理解马克思,我们就毫无疑问的要了解费尔巴哈的哲学思想。

    In order to approach and understand Marx more deeply , we must understand the philosophy of Feuerbach .

  21. 只有这样认识,才能正确理解马克思哲学本身,科学地重构马克思哲学的现代形态。

    Only so , can we understand Marx philosophy correctly , reconstruct scientifically the modern form of Marx philosophy .

  22. 论市场道德观的两个极端滑坡与爬坡正确理解马克思的历史观与道德观

    Degrade and Upgrade ── Two Extremes of Marketing Ethics ── A Proper understanding of Marxist Historical and Moral Ideas

  23. 准确理解马克思恩格斯股份公司过渡点的科学含义

    An Accurate Understanding of the Scientific Meaning of " Transition Point " of Marx and Engels ' Joint-stock Corporation

  24. 怎样理解马克思对黑格尔辩证法的扬弃&评阿尔都塞的根本改造说

    How to Understand Marx 's " Sublating " of Hegel 's Dialectic & On Althusser 's Fundamental Transforming Theory

  25. 如何理解马克思的哲学革命的根本性质的问题关系到马克思学说的基本意义。

    The essence of Marx 's revolution of philosophy is related to the fundamental meaning of Marx 's theory .

  26. 笔者赞同出场学,因为这是理解马克思主义哲学的新思维。

    The author approves the theory of appearance , because this is a new thought for understanding Marxist philosophy .

  27. 深刻理解马克思主义中国化的内涵,是我们不断推进马克思主义在中国的时代化和大众化的逻辑前提。

    Understand marxism chinese elements is the premise of logical , which can promote the era and universal of marxism .

  28. 弄清什么是马克思主义,怎样坚持马克思主义是理解马克思主义整体性的前提;

    The premise of understanding the integrity of Marxism to understand What Marxism is and how to insist on Marxism .

  29. 我们应重新理解马克思主义哲学的现代性,并从中领悟超越现代性的方向与途径。

    We should reconsider the modernity of Marxist philosophy so as to better understand the trend and ways of exceeding modernity .

  30. 本文尝试在综合理解马克思主义哲学的基础上,对中国建筑设计市场和建筑师的培养和成长之间关系进行理性的思考。

    Based on the synthetical comprehension of Marxism philosophy , the paper tries to take the rational consideration on these relationships .