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  • 网络shaking;cocoon picking;stringing;picking end
  1. 飞宇2000型自动缫丝机车头自动理绪装置的改进

    Improvement of Stock Head Automatic Picking End Device of Automatic Reeling Machine " Feiyu " 2000

  2. 如何才能从混沌世界中理出头绪来呢?

    How can you sort out the order from the chaos ?

  3. 艾丽克丝似乎理出头绪了

    Alex here seems to have it all figured out .

  4. 他未能从他自己经历中理出头绪来。

    He could not sum up his experience .

  5. 频率特性的总和就是你的身体、理、绪和如电子振动灵性身体播送。

    Identity as frequency is the sum total of your physical , mental , emotional , and spiritual bodies broadcast as electronic pulsations .

  6. 莉莎回来了,你知道,我只是想理出一点头绪来。

    Lisa came back , and I , you know , I 've been tying to figure things out .