
  • 网络Financial Manager;Financing Manager;Financial Planner
  1. 查尔斯•科恩(CharlesCohen)并没有积极寻找理财经理。

    Charles Cohen was not actively looking for a wealth manager .

  2. 并非所有理财经理都会效仿apcims指数,因为这些指数是回顾性的。

    Not all wealth managers follow the Apcims indices as they are retrospective .

  3. 金马伦麦坚拿律师事务所(CMSCameronMcKenna)的西蒙莫里斯(SimonMorris)表示,此案向所有理财经理传递了一个明确的信息:所有的交易都必须是适当的,必须对其适当性进行审查。

    Simon Morris of law firm CMS Cameron McKenna said the case serves as a clear message to all wealth managers . All trades must be suitable and checked for suitability .

  4. 与其它一些理财经理一样,coutts将理财顾问分配到具有类似需求和目标的客户群。

    Coutts , along with some other wealth managers , assigns its advisers to groups of clients with similar needs and objectives .

  5. 去年6月,对冲基金刚刚随商业地产一道加入apcims指数,以反映私人理财经理投资策略的转变。

    Hedge funds were only added on to the Apcims indices in June last year , along with commercial property , to reflect a shift in how private wealth managers were investing money .

  6. 你们的顾问和理财经理有哪些资质?

    What are the qualifications of your advisers and wealth managers ?

  7. 这正是他的理财经理希望看到的效果。

    Which is what his money manager wants .

  8. 理财经理和个人理财顾问们会不断地打电话过来,渴望打理你的“战利品”。

    Wealth managers and private bankers will call incessantly , hungry to look after your loot .

  9. 或许客户应期待更低的回报,这样理财经理就不会用杠杆放大自己的头寸。

    Perhaps clients should expect less and then managers would not be tempted to lever their positions .

  10. 大多数老牌私人银行都声称,它们的每个理财经理都不会过于偏离公司的风格。

    Most established private banks insist their individual wealth managers do not stray too far from a house view .

  11. 公司是否有其内部投资风格,理财经理在挑选股票或决定资产配置时是否有很大的自由空间。

    Is there a house style or are wealth managers given significant freedoms in stock picks or asset allocation decisions .

  12. 加拿大蒙特利尔银行的理财经理们过去总是从该国最富裕的家庭听到同样的话:帮帮我!

    Wealth managers at Bank of Montreal kept hearing the same things from Canada 's richest families : Help me !

  13. 对科恩而言,拥有一位理财经理的真正好处在于,它“让我生活得更轻松”。

    For Mr Cohen , the real benefit of having a wealth manager is that it " makes my life easy " .

  14. 专门为银行和理财经理提供意见的波士顿咨询集团预测,全球个人财富总量仍将继续增长,但增速会放缓。

    BCG , which advises banks and wealth managers , forecasts personal wealth will continue growing , but at a slower pace .

  15. 由于营运利润率处于5年低点,从一本正经的瑞士银行家到虚张声势的美国零售经纪商,理财经理们正面临一场无声的危机。

    With operating margins at five-year lows , wealth managers from buttoned-up Swiss bankers to swashbuckling US retail brokers are having a quiet crisis .

  16. 最近几个月,理财经理一直在将更多客户资金投入对冲基金,以逃离动荡的股市。

    Wealth managers have been sheltering more of their clients ' money in hedge funds in recent months , to escape the shaky equity markets .

  17. 你的理财经理可能是全球股市专家,但他们不大可能也是对冲基金、商业地产和税务方面的专家。

    Your wealth manager may be an expert in global equities . But they are unlikely also to be the best in hedge funds , commercial property and tax .

  18. 支行范围内的客户经理和理财经理等岗位人员严重短缺,业务营销人员占比太少,业务对外拓展发展的能力不强。

    Customers within the branch managers and financial managers a serious shortage of staff positions , marketing staff accounted for too little business , business outreach development is not strong .

  19. 大多数私人银行都有一个“开放架构”系统,它们的理财经理能借此在全球范围内采购任何一个领域内的最佳专业知识。

    Most private banks operate an " open architecture " system , whereby wealth managers are able to shop around the globe for the best expertise in any one area .

  20. 然而,巴克莱认为,如果缺乏投行部门的支持,私人银行与理财经理们想要在新兴市场的新贵中发展客户,可要好好努力一番。

    However , Barclays believes private banks and wealth managers seeking clients among the nouveau riche of the emerging markets world will struggle to do so without the backing of an investment banking arm .

  21. 增长性连续第二年成为最重要的特征。在接受调查的91位理财经理中,有22%的人表示,增长性是投资者目前寻求的首要品质。

    Growth is the most important feature for the second year running , with 22 per cent of the 91 wealth managers surveyed saying it was the chief quality that investors were looking for now .

  22. 实际上,许多私人银行的最低标准通常是25万或50万英镑的可投资资产,不过一些要求更严的理财经理可能会坚持将标准定在500万英镑或更多。

    In fact the entry level of many private banks is often around 250,000 or 500,000 of investable assets , although some of the more exclusive wealth managers may insist you have 5m or more .

  23. 当然,如果你考虑持有对冲基金,那么你就很有必要询问你未来的理财经理,他们可以投资哪些类型和范围的对冲基金。

    Certainly , if you are considering holding hedge funds in your portfolio , it makes sense to quiz your prospective wealth manager over the types and range of hedge funds to which it has access .

  24. 大多数机构都会派出理财经理上门供你选择,但你可能会乐意花上些时间,带着问题去亲自拜访一下他们机构,以便更好地感受它们的企业文化。

    Most will send wealth managers to a place to suit you but you may like to take the time to visit the institution in question to gain a better feel of the culture of the organisation .

  25. 现在,一大批股票经纪人、理财经理、基金经理以及产品营销员都是属于这种淡泊物欲的人。这些人在市场繁荣期发家致富,他们指望散户能早早重返市场。

    It is this kind of stoicism that has the army of brokers , wealth managers , fund managers and product marketers who grew rich during the boom hoping individual investors will get back into the markets , and soon .

  26. 但是,仅仅提供个性化服务、配备一个理财经理全天候接听电话的做法再也不够了:超级富豪们目前正在寻找复杂的新产品进行投资。

    But it is no longer enough simply to offer a personalised service and a wealth manager at the end of a phone 24 hours a day : the super rich are now seeking out new and sophisticated products in which to invest .

  27. 弗里德曼说,出于保全资本的目的,“他们希望自己的理财经理通过易变现的投资组合来对冲风险”,但为了在一段时间内获得更稳定、更丰厚的回报,“他们会把风险资本投向自己熟悉的领域”。

    They want their wealth managers to hedge risk around a liquid portfolio ' in the name of capital preservation , says Friedman . But to generate steadier and bigger returns over time ' they want to put risk capital in things they know . '

  28. AXAAdvisors纽约办公室的注册理财规划师、经理SusanM.Cooper建议大家至少每周两到三次自带便当上班。

    Bringing lunch to work , even two or three times a week , cuts down on food costs , said Susan M.Cooper , a certified financial planner and manager of the New York metro branch office of AXA Advisors .

  29. 红梅理财中心大堂经理值班日志

    Journal by the Front Service Manager of Red Plum Financing Center

  30. 问题最终归结为,这些预测数据到底是那些为孤儿寡母理财的投资经理们进行投资决策的依据,还是只是行业内部自说自话的产物,根本无足轻重?这个问题一直没有答案。

    The question always came down to , are these fiduciary numbers that investment managers charged with keeping money for widows and orphans rely on , or are they just inside baseball for the industry to squabble over and not all that important ? That question has never been answered .