
  • 网络Foreign investment decisions;external investment decisions
  1. 区位选择与产业选择是企业对外投资决策过程中两个既相互衔接又有所区别的环节。

    In the process of decision-making on enterprises investment , location selection and industry selection are two segments which interfaced and have differences between each other .

  2. 本文将投资环境的研究引入到以企业为主体的分析框架之中,认为投资环境是企业对外投资决策的决定性因素,一个地区吸引的域外投资量是该地区投资环境所有因素的函数。

    It notes that investment environment is the decisive factor for enterprises to make their investment decisions and that the total investment volume a region may attract is the function of all the factors of its investment environment .

  3. 在人民币升值过程中产生的汇率波动怎样影响中国企业的对外直接投资决策?

    How exchange rate fluctuations affect the Chinese enterprise ' sOutward Foreign Direct Investment decisions ?

  4. 这对我国企业的对外直接投资决策和管理具有重要的现实意义。

    It had significant practical meaning for policy making and management of foreign direct investment of Chinese corporate .

  5. 本文认为,东道国文化环境因素在跨国公司进行对外直接投资决策时的作用越来越大,尤其是对跨国公司的投资区位和投资进入模式选择产生了重大影响。

    This research reports that the cultural environment of host country is a important factor in foreign investment decision of MNEs , especially influence the choice of investment location and entry mode .

  6. 在市场经济环境下,企业时常面临理财、证券定价、股权激励、对外投资等决策,这使得期权应用和项目的评估成为必要。

    Under market economy system , enterprises have to make frequent decisions on conducting financial transactions , securities pricing , stock claiming motivation and external investment , which makes the application of future claims and program assessments a necessity .

  7. 最后,文章结合跨国公司对外直接投资决策研究的结论,从决策体制、决策内容和决策策略三个方面,对我国企业参与国际分工和跨国经营提出了相应的对策和建议。

    Finally , the article combines the research conclusions of trans-corporation 's foreign direct investment decision , from three respects of decision structure , decision content and decision tactics , puts forward corresponding countermeasure and suggestion on how to participate in the international division for transnational enterprises of our country .

  8. 跨国公司对外投资模式选择的决策过程

    The Choice of Foreign Market Entry Modes by TNCs

  9. 产业选择是对外直接投资理论研究的重点内容,也是影响对外直接投资决策和效果的主要因素。

    The choice of industries is one of the central problems for theoretical studies of direct investment abroad and also one of the major elements that influence the decision making and effect of direct investment abroad .

  10. 这部分研究可为中国制定切合实际的对外直接投资发展战略,科学地引导中国企业对外直接投资,提供决策参考。

    The research in this part may provide the decision reference for the Chinese government to formulate the realistic strategy to guide scientifically the Chinese enterprises to develop Outward FDI .

  11. 本文通过对各种对外直接投资理论的总结性回顾,试图为我国企业实施对外直接投资的战略决策建立坚实的理论基础。

    This paper , is trying to , by the means of general review of all kinds of the theory of foreign direct investment , offer the theoretical basis for our enterprise making the strategic decision of the foreign direct investment .