
  • 网络p-coumaric acid;p-cumariacid
  1. 实验表明,对香豆酸对金黄色葡萄球菌、痢疾杆菌、大肠杆菌及绿脓杆菌均有不同程度的抑制作用,可以减少癌症药物的副作用,并且还有降血脂的作用[1-2]。

    Experiments had shown that p-Coumaric acid can restrain Staphylococcus aurei 、 Shigella dysenteriae 、 colibacillu 、 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa at different levels , reduce some side effects coused by anti-cancer drugs and drop blood fat .

  2. 由以上研究结果可知,盐胁迫下黑果枸杞渗透调节物质游离脯氨酸,对香豆酸、黄酮类化合物积累,说明黑果枸杞具有耐盐能力。

    Makes osmotic adjustment to free proline and accumulates cumaric acid and flavonoids , this shows it has the ability of salt tolerance .

  3. 采用回流、超声、超高压三种方法提取药材白花蛇舌草中的黄酮和对香豆酸。

    The effects of three extraction methods : reflux , ultrasonicassistant and high hydrostatic pressure on the yields of flavones and pcoumaric acid of Hedyotis diffusa willd were investigated .

  4. 植物4-香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶高效液相色谱法测定菟丝子中对-香豆酸含量

    4-Coumarate : Coenzyme A Ligase in Plant Quantitative determination of p-coumaric acid in Cuscuta Chinensis Lam . by HPLC

  5. 三种提取工艺对黄酮和对香豆酸的提取率差别不大,测试结果的差异为试验误差。

    In regard to the yields of flavones and pcoumaric acid , the effects of the three extraction methods show no significant difference , which is mainly the test error .