
  • 网络Foreign trade system;structure of foreign trade
  1. 中美对外贸易体制比较研究

    Comparative Study of Chinese and American Foreign Trade System

  2. 关于对外贸易体制改革的探讨

    Exploratory Views on Structural Reform of Foreign Trade

  3. 对外贸易体制的改革应适应社会主义市场经济的发展需要。

    The system reform of foreign trade should suits the requirement of socialist market economy .

  4. 实行政府计划经济和国家统一计划的对外贸易体制。

    The government planned economy and the state unified planned foreign trade system should be implemented .

  5. 一个国家采取什么样的对外贸易体制与模式,对经济发展具有至关重要的作用。

    What system and model of foreign trade policy a nation would choose is vital to the development of economics .

  6. 对外贸易体制改革是我国整个经济体制改革的重要的有机组成部分。

    Editorial notes : The reform of the foreign trade system is an important organic component in the reforms of China 's entire economic system .

  7. 有利于中国的产业结构升级和促进对外贸易体制改革,促进对外贸易出口,协调经济发展。

    Help the upgrading of industrial structure of China and promote the system reform of foreign trade , promote foreign trade to export , coordinate economic development .

  8. 国家垄断对外贸易体制的弊端并不能消除,使得经互会成员国间的贸易关系呈现许多非市场的特征。

    Because of wrong conception which socialism must stick to state monopoly , so the reform cannot get rid of the disadvantage of the system of state monopoly of foreign trade .

  9. 本文开头简要回顾了1978年以前我国的对外贸易体制的主要特点以及这种外贸体制存在的严重弊病。同时,扼要描述了1979年以后外贸体制改革的过程。

    In the beginning , the thesis briefly reviews the characteristics and shortcomings of our foreign trade system before 1978 . Then , the process of foreign trade system reform after 1979 is compendiously described .

  10. 本文的研究结果显示,20余年来,中国渐进式的、分阶段的对外贸易体制改革使中国由保护贸易制度逐步转向有管理的自由贸易制度。

    The researching findings of this thesis shows that over the past 20 years , the step-by-step reform of foreign trade has gradually transformed China from a trade protectionist system into a managed free trade system .

  11. 建立健全符合国际通行规则和我国国情的对外经济贸易体制。

    Establish and perfect the foreign economic and trade regime consistent with the international prevailing rules and actual situation in china .

  12. 我国对外贸易经营体制改革的一项重要内容就是推行外贸代理制度。

    Foreign trade agency system is one of the most important issue of China 's reform of foreign trade operation system .

  13. 在对外贸易政策体制中,美国国会起着参与者、监督者和限制者的多重角色,宪法赋予它的权力与它行使权力过程中所受到的限制是以往研究成果未能引起足够重视的问题。

    The United States Congress plays multi-roles in foreign trade policy institution , like an actor , a supervisor and a limiter , however , its power endowed by constitution have not arisen enough concerns yet , and so it is with the limitation endowed by constitution .