
  • 网络couplet;antithesis
  1. 对偶句、骈文、律诗与对联之关系

    On the Influence of Antithesis , Parallel Prose and Regulated Verse upon Antithetical Couplet

  2. 试论《水浒》中对偶句的翻译

    On Translation of Antithesis Sentences in " Outlaws of the Marsh "

  3. 对联是由律诗的对偶句发展而来的,它保留着律诗的某些特点。

    Therefore it contains some of the characteristics of this special poetic form .

  4. 她还大量使用叠字、叠句和对偶句,使词的音律和谐婉转。

    She also use a lot of reiterative locution , hooks and antithesis , making the word harmony music melody .

  5. 本章主要是从其五言诗常用的两种句式以及诗中大量出现的对偶句、叠字的运用分析其诗歌形式与技巧的特点。

    Combining with a large number of antithesis sentences , application of reduplicated words and two types of sentences that appear in five caracters'poems , the chapter analyses mainly the characteristic of the poems ' form and skill .

  6. 文章主要从散句中的对偶、判断句中的对偶、对偶与其他辞格的综合运用三个方面入手,对《荀子》中对偶的运用进行了探讨。

    This article mainly discusses the use of antithesis from the following three perspectives : ( 1 ) its use in loose sentences ; ( 2 ) its use in declarative sentences and ( 3 ) its integrated use with other rhetorical devices .

  7. 具体而言,他的译文尽可能保留原诗的意象、对偶、反衬、句长、重复、尾韵以及丰富的内涵等,因此,他的翻译更倾向于无我之境。

    In practical terms , he tries his best to make his translation keep the original images , antithesis , contrast , sentence length , repetition , rhyme and rich connotation , so his translation is more inclined to " selfless state " .