
  1. 利用最优控制理论求出沿河线的污染物(BOD)排放与河流中污染物(BOD)之间的关系.考虑了污染物(BOD)对河域生态系统造成的损害的最优控制。

    In concern with damage of pollutant BOD to river basin ecosystem , the relations between pollutant BOD in river and the drain to be controlled have been found .

  2. 如果另一次大水如预计一般把泄漏的石油又推回了河里,这可能会对河中的鱼类资源构成威胁,蒙大拿州鲑鳟类保护协会执行理事BF称。

    If another surge of water pushes oil further into back channels as expected , it could be a potential threat to fisheries , said Bruce Farling , executive director of Trout Unlimited 's Montana chapter .

  3. 地壳构造运动对河型转化影响的实验研究

    An experimental study of river pattern changes influenced by tectonic movement

  4. 3种氯酚类化合物对河蚬的毒性和氧化应激

    Toxicity and Oxidative Stress of Three Chlorophenols to Freshwater Clam Corbicula fluminea

  5. 河道边界条件对河型形成影响的概化试验研究

    Research on influence of river boundary condition upon pattern

  6. 通过对河蚬软体部分营养成分分析,综合评定其营养价值。

    The nutritive compositions in the soft part of Corbicula fluminea were analyzed .

  7. 在此基础上,利用多元信息对河台金矿床进行成矿预测,并且划出了找矿前景区。

    MORPAS-based multi-information prognosis of lead-zinc deposits in Lintan-Dangchang area , Gansu Province ;

  8. 他不再坚持对河西岸全部土地的要求。

    He waived his claim to all the land west of the river .

  9. 季节变化和个体大小对河蚬积累重金属的影响

    Effects of Seasonal Variation and Individual Size on Heavy Metals Accumulation in Corbicula fluminea

  10. 上游河道宽度变化对河相关系影响之研究

    Study on the Effect of Morphological Relationships by Regulating Width on the Upstream Channel

  11. 在河床演变过程中根据河流最小能耗原理对河宽的变化进行了调整。

    Changes in channel width are calculated based on the minimum stream power concept .

  12. 温州围垦工程对河口水交换能力的影响

    Impact of reclamation project on the water exchange capacity of the estuaries in Wenzhou

  13. 对河的丛树耸立在四周围,被乳白的朝霞衬得非常鲜明。

    Bushes across the river stood round and bright-coloured out of a milky haze .

  14. 重金属镉和铜对河蚬呼吸和排泄的毒性研究

    Toxicity Effects of Cd and Cu on the Respiration and Excretion Metabolism of Asian Clam

  15. 对河流水生态进行修复,可采用设过鱼孔和拦鱼网两种措施。

    Two measures of fish pass and fish weir are adopted for the restoration of river ecosystem .

  16. 对河流水质监测控制断面设置的基本理论和方法进行了探讨。

    The theory and methods to locate control section of monitoring of river water quality were discussed .

  17. 对河宽、河段蓄水变化量的计算方法进行了改进。

    Of Hotan sub-project area , the computation ways of the river width and storage change are improved .

  18. 天山北坡自然地理特征对河流产汇流影响的研究

    On the Effect of the Natural Geographical Characteristics of Northern Slope in Tianshan Mountains on the Productivity and Confluence of Water

  19. 本文研究结果对河保偏矿区水土流失治理、植被修复和生态环境建设等具有重要的指导意义。

    The results of this paper have important instructional significance to the soil erosion management , vegetation restoration and eco-environment construction .

  20. 其次,本文通过田野调查,对河州回族脚户的生活进行了重现。脚户们的生活辛苦而富有智慧,在长期的贩运生活中,他们积累了很多宝贵的经验,形成了许多独特文化。

    The driving-man accumulated a lot of precious experience in their driving life in long time , formed lots of unique convention .

  21. 他还说,他没有看到明显的证据表明相对于地下水而言,多少冰川对河流量有贡献。

    He added that he has not seen clear evidence of how much glaciers contribute to river flow in comparison with groundwater .

  22. 首先在图像预处理的基础上,采用迭代阈值法对河表面图像进行二值化;

    Based on image preprocessing , the image of the river surface is binarized by using the ( iterative ) threshold method .

  23. 通过概化水槽试验,研究了流量过程对河型的影响。

    By means of experimental study , different discharge processes may end with different river morphology , even can lead to channel pattern transformation .

  24. 对河125断层进行了几何学再造,利用平衡剖面分析了运动学和动力学特征。

    This paper analyzes the kinematics and kinetics characteristics of Fault He125 through the analysis of balanced section and the geometric reconstruction of Fault He125 .

  25. 在社会经济的快速发展过程中,由于忽视了对河流水环境的有效保护,使得众多河流已经遭到严重污染。

    In the process of socioeconomic fast development , because of neglecting of valid protection in river water environment , numerous rivers have encountered serious pollution .

  26. 比较了河蚬的两种常见吸虫种类感染率的季节动态以及它们对河蚬的危害。

    The seasonal fluctuations about infectation percentage and the harm on the Corbicula fluminea ( M ü ller ) by two species of frequent trematode were comparised .

  27. 汨罗江的主要支流有昌江河、纸马河、车对河、钟洞河、木瓜河、黄金洞。

    Miluo River 's main tributaries of a river-chang , paper Ma River , the cars on the River , Tung Chung River , papaya River , gold holes .

  28. 本文对河台金矿金精矿氰化浸渣浮选回收铜的工艺研究和改造过程及影响浮铜回收率的原因进行了探讨和研究分析。

    The paper probes and analyses the process and improvement of copper recovery through floating selection in cyanided dunking residue of refined gold ore , and its affecting cause .

  29. 最后对于花儿研究的目的和方向提出自己的看法,期望对河州花儿的传承与发展有所裨益。

    Finally , for the purpose and direction of flowers to present their views , expectations of the flowers on the river heritage and development of the state benefit .

  30. 在五敏实验研究的基础上,通过结垢趋势计算、室内流动实验对河86生物灰岩油藏注水水源进行了系统评价;

    Based on the five sensitive experiment study , the injected water source of He 86 biolithite reservoir is assessed by means of scaling tendency calculation and lab flow test ;