
  1. 最后,通过对弦杆无轴压作用K型间隙CR节点的滞回曲线进行简化处理,建立了此类节点的恢复力模型。

    At last , the restoring force model of the joints without axial compression was proposed by simplifying hysteretic curves in the dissertation .

  2. 本文的后半部分,都是以VISUALBASIC语言为界面,编制了非线性有限元的分析程序,分别对弦辐穹顶结构做了荷载态分析、施工过程跟踪分析以及可靠性分析。

    In the second-half part of whole paper , the paper programs with nonlinear finite element method by using Visual Basic computer language as the program interface and makes load-state analysis , construction process analysis , and reliability analysis of chord spoke dome .

  3. 本文提出了施工反分析法对弦支穹顶结构进行了施工全过程分析。

    Analysis of construction process is the key problem to suspen-dome .

  4. 在大多数情况下,对弦图数据的校正效果最佳。

    In most cases corrections are optimally applied to sinogram data .

  5. 小提琴运弓和发音的声学基本原理&从《试论小提琴弓对弦压力的物理特性》等文谈起

    The Basic Principles in the Bowing and Articulation of Violin

  6. 对弦管刚接、腹杆铰接的半刚接模型和全刚接模型进行了静力性能比较。

    The half-rigidity model and the full-rigidity model were compared .

  7. 超音波血流计对弦脉和滑脉客观化检测的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Objective Detection of Slipping and Wiring Pulses with Ultrasonic Smart Doppler

  8. 对弦振动实验中振源的改进

    Improvement of vibration source in string vibration experiment

  9. 利用多尺度方法对弦-梁耦合系统动力学方程进行摄动分析,得到弦-梁耦合系统的8维平均方程。

    Then , the method of multiple scales is utilized to obtain eight-dimensional averaged equations .

  10. 但目前对弦支穹顶结构的风振特性、抗风设计方法等方面的研究还十分欠缺。

    However , researches on wind-induced vibration and wind-resistant design of suspen-dome have not jet quantified results .

  11. 因此,利用天文观测,可在某种程度上实现对弦理论的检验。

    So to observe the universe can offer the test of sting theory on a certain degree .

  12. 主要研究了弦线性能对弦线横向振动的影响,着重探讨了抗弯刚度这一性能。

    This paper discusses mainly the influence of the properties of the string on the vibration of the sting .

  13. 然后我觉得这可能对弦理论研究有些不错的用途。小忙不值得一提啦。

    and I thought it might have some interesting applications to string theory -- it 's not a big deal .

  14. 因此,对弦支穹顶结构进行系统的风振响应研究,分析各基本参数在常用范围内变化对结构风振性能的影响,并提出可供工程设计参考的实用抗风设计方法显得十分必要。

    So it is important and necessary to analyze the wind-induced response and responding behavior of suspen-dome when the elementary parameters change within common range .

  15. 基于局部分析法并且在以预应力作为自平衡的初始内力情况下对弦支穹顶结构的动力特性进行了初步分析。

    Based on the local analysis method , a preliminary dynamic property & response analysis of suspend-dome is carried out by taking account of the pre-stress as self-equilibrated initial internal force .

  16. 对弦虚脉、弦弱脉作为相兼脉的属性,从文献研究、弦脉的脉图、弦脉的特征进行论证。

    As far as the nature of weak-taut pulse and feeble-taut pulse are concerned , the author demonstrates in various aspects including documentary studies , conditions and characters of taut pulse .

  17. 对弦向积分的被积函数作多项式分段逼近,可使核函数的表达式成为封闭形式的有限和,导致性态很好的系数矩阵。

    A segmented polynomial approximation for the integrand of the chordwise integral is deduced to evaluate the kernal function in a closed form finite-sum manner , resulting a well-behaved coefficient matrix .

  18. 对弦支穹顶结构的自振特性进行分析,分析时考虑了矢跨比、初始缺陷、屋面结构重量和支座约束等影响因素,并与相应的单层网壳进行对比。

    Vibration characteristics of the suspend-dome are researched . Various structure parameters including rise-span ratio , the initial defects , the weight of roof and supporting condition are considered in analysis . 3 .

  19. 结合整体可行预应力的概念,并考虑结构自身的拓扑关系,采用平衡矩阵理论方法和线性静力分析法,对弦支穹顶结构的初始预应力分布的确定进行简化。

    Combined the topological relation of suspen-dome and the concept of overall feasible pre-stress , by using the equilibrium matrix theory method and linear static method , the problem of distribution of initial pre-stress of suspen-dome is simplified .

  20. 模拟了不同截面尺寸、不同材料参数和不同变形程度的角型材多点弯曲成形过程,通过分析模拟结果,得到了不同工艺参数对弦板侧向移动量和扭转角的影响规律。

    The process of multi-point bending for angle profile was simulated under different cross-section dimensions , material parameters and deformation degrees and the influence of different technological parameters on the lateral movement value and torsional angle of boom plate was obtained by analyzing simulation results .

  21. 其次对弦辐穹顶结构做了结构形态分析,构造出了各种各样几何外形的弦辐穹顶,并结合弦辐穹顶结构的几何特点,提出了以开关天窗的方式实现结构开合的思想。

    Secondly the paper makes shape analysis of chord spoke dome and conceives lots of domes with various geometrical forms . Combined with the geometrical characteristics of chord spoke dome , a new idea of retractable structure is pointed out which is based on the mode of retracting sky-window .

  22. 研究了分析计算方法、节点刚度对弦支穹顶结构在竖向荷载作用下静力特性的影响,同时得到了单元内力、节点位移、支座反力等静力特性的变化规律。

    It also researches the affection on static characteristics by calculation methodology and nodes stiffness about internal force and displacement of the top structure and end reaction under the action of vertical loads and knows law about internal force distribution and nodes displacement and end reaction of the construction members .

  23. 首先,对振弦进行设计和特性分析,通过Ansys模态分析验证振弦设计的合理性。

    And rationality of vibrating wire design is verified by Ansys modal analysis .

  24. 然后从理论上分析了软X射线能谱测电子温度的优缺点,特别是对由弦积分和探头的分辨率带来的误差进行了系统的分析。

    The soft X-ray PHA diagnostic measures the line-integrated emission , which the spectrum used to derive the electron temperature is not a local emission .

  25. 曲线区段线索张力变化对吊弦计算的影响频域反射器(DR)用一个扫频正弦曲线来探测哪些频段是共振的还是静默的。

    Influence to Calculation of Dropper Caused by Variation of Tension Force of Wires and Ropes in Curve Section Frequency-domain reflectometry ( FDR ): The loop is sounded with a swept sinusoid to identify frequencies that either resonate or are dead .

  26. 本文在对振弦式传感器的工作原理进行研究的基础上,设计了一套可用于动态测试的振弦式传感器数据采集系统,并结合GPRS远程数据传输理论,实现远程监测。

    Based on the research to the principium of vibrating wire sensors , the paper made a data collecting system , which can be used in dynamic testing . In addition , combined with GPRS long-range data transmission theory , this system can also realize long-range monitoring .

  27. 水平弯曲刚度对大展弦比机翼颤振的影响

    Influence of chordwise bending stiffness on aeroelastic characteristics of flexible high-aspect-ratio wing

  28. 损伤对张弦桁架结构弹塑性动力稳定的影响

    Influence of damage On dynamical elastic-plasticity stability of BSS

  29. 采用弧长法对张弦穹顶结构荷载-位移全过程的平衡路径进行跟踪。

    The balanced route of load-deflection is traced , utilizing constant arc length method .

  30. 文章还对振弦压力传感器的工作原理进行了分析。

    The principle of vibration string pressure sensor is also analysed in this paper .