
  1. 所得到的塑性区应力、塑性区半径、围岩压力和硐室周边位移等研究结果,与基于理想弹塑性体的Fenner解答相比,要更接近实际硐室围岩中的对应量值。

    The research results of plastic zone stress , plastic zone radius , surrounding rock pressure , and surrounding rock displacement are more nearly actual correspondence values of cavern surrounding rock with Fenner solution based on ideal elastoplastic materials .

  2. 扭矩是力转动的对应量。

    Remember , torque is the rotational analog of the force .

  3. 我们发现对动量也有一个转动的对应量。

    We have found that there is also a rotational analog for the momentum .

  4. 解决电学计算,培养学生综合解题能力,首先是培养学生分析电路,并正确判别电路连接及电表所测量的对应量的基本能力;

    To solve electric calculation and cultivate students ' comprehensive ability of solving problems , the first thing is to cultivate students ' basic ability of analyzing circuit and correctly distinguishing circuit connection and the corresponding amount that the electric meter measures .

  5. JONSWAP谱和N谱的几个对应特征量间的关系

    Relations of JONSWAP spectrum and neumann-form spectrum characteristic variances

  6. 应用传输线理论求出电场、磁场所对应的量,通过坐标变换回到原来坐标系中,求得所需的谱域格林函数。

    Spectral-domain Green 's functions are then obtained by using transmission-line theory and coordinate transformations .

  7. 利用Prony法辨识三相短路电流中各分量对应的特征量;

    Identify corresponding characteristic components in measured currents with Prony method ;

  8. 结果表明改进的BP网络模型比较稳健、收敛快,而且根据时间与对应的沉降量形成的样本训练的网络预测出的工后沉降误差小、精度高。

    It shows that the improved BP neural network model is steady and fast convergence . Furthermore , the network model trained by the samples from time and according settlement has least error and more accurate .

  9. 初步分析表明,Dow法可能对应着剥蚀量下限值,修正法则可能对应着剥蚀量上限值。

    The analysis shows that Dow method may correspond to the lower limit of the denudation thickness value , while the correction method may correspond to the upper value .

  10. 育苗采用前期室内工厂化培育与后期土池培育相结合方法,培育出全为三倍体(体长3cm以上)苗种5.8万尾,对应孵出苗量,成活率为34.6%。

    The fry were reared indoors first and cultivated in mud pond afterwards , 58 thousand fingerlings with body-length above 3 cm were obtained , the survival rate was 34.6 percent .

  11. 最后得出的结果为一些幅度值,比较这些幅度值的大小并找出最大的幅值。FHT矩阵最大幅度对应的偏移量即为需要的序列号。

    After the series of data processing , we can derive some amplitude values and we need to find the offset corresponds to the largest amplitude value . That offset is the serial number .

  12. 实例表明,这样获得的原始地应力更符合实际&对应最小的量测残差。

    An example shows that the rock stresses obtained in-situ are more conformable to reality-corresponding to the minimum measuring residual error .

  13. 对一个目标对应多个量测的情景,考虑了利用成像传感器对小目标的跟踪情况。

    For a target to multiple measurements , we consider the case of small target tracking by using an imaging sensor .

  14. 分析不同类型剪力键的极限承载力及对应的滑移量;

    THE BOND WAVE FUNCTION 2 . The ultimate capacity and the slippage of each studied shear connector type have been analysed ;

  15. 几何量的这种量纲概念,与对应的物理量的计量单位有明显的联系。

    This idea of the dimension of geometrical concepts is obviously related to the units of measurement of the corresponding physical quantities .

  16. 本文拟沿着汉语&俄语方向,从俄语丰富的语言表现手段中,找出对应汉语表量意念的俄语表达方法。

    The essay tries to find out the expressions corresponding to Chinese quantifier concept from abundant expressions in Russian along Chinese-Russian orientation .

  17. 该方法通过离散压下量,迭代计算得出板型良好的轧制压力所对应的变形量,对实际生产有指导作用。

    The deformation quantity corresponding to the rolling press getting good shape can be got by straggling press amount and iterative computation .

  18. 而在最低温级分(对应最低分子量部分),与上述情况则刚好相反。

    In contrast , the opposite situation occurred in their lowest temperature TREF fraction ( corresponding to the lowest MW part ) .

  19. 论文首先给出了与并行共轭梯度法求解矩阵方程对应的矩量法矩阵的棋盘块划分方式,然后详细地讨论了并行共轭梯度算法求解矩量法矩阵方程的并行实现。

    The tessellation scheme is employed for parallel filling the impedance matrix and parallel conjugate gradient method is used to solve the matrix equation .

  20. 飞行控制模块负责解析接收到的操纵杆信息,并将方向信息转化为尾翼舵机对应的输出量,最后将该输出量发送给舵机驱动模块。

    The flight control module receives this information , translates into the corresponding sendout of the servo and sends the sendout to the servo drive module .

  21. 通过计算光斑成像点与图像中心点之间的横向偏移量,查询预先实测标定的对应不同偏移量的煤仓煤位深度表,确定煤仓煤位的深度值。

    The depth values of the coal level in coal silo are determined by compute the transverse offsets of spot points and image center points , query pre-measured calibration table corresponding to different offsets .

  22. 以实测每层淤积物干容重还原层泥沙淤积量,可以较精确地对应层淤积量与次侵蚀性降雨,以此对淤积过程机理进行分析将更加科学合理。

    And the presented method can restore the amount of the sedimentation and make the layer sediment yields correspond to the erosive rain more accurately , which offers a scientific and rational tool to depositing process analysis .

  23. 文中从数学上和网络上解释了逆流编号法的消去过程中无“下雨”现象的原因,从而得出了逆流编号法所对应的运算量最小的结论。

    This paper also explains why there is no new element filling-in by UBLT from the viewpoint of mathematics and network in detail . A conclusion is drawn that the amount of computation is least by UBLT .

  24. 首先逻辑推理:把电网络和周转轮系两个线性的系统进行异同点的分析,找出两个系统中相互对应的物理量。

    First of all logical reasoning : the electricity network and the planetary gear train of two linear systems analysis of similarities and differences , the two systems to find each other in the corresponding physical quantity .

  25. 分析结果表明。可变产量的理性产出范围应在最小边际成本所对应的产出量到边际成本与产品的预期价格相等所对应的产出量之间。

    The results show that the rational range of variable output is between the quantity of output when marginal cost is lest of all and the quantity of output which is decided by marginal cost when it equals the expected price of the product in market .

  26. 同时也对国内外高速铁路桥梁结构动力指标进行对比,两者指标类型与对应限值量值均相近,体现了国内外规范的接轨。

    Certainly , dynamic index limits about high-speed railway bridge structure at home and abroad also have a comparison , and the result shows that the type and corresponding dimension of dynamic index are similar , which reflects the connection of the specifications at home and abroad .

  27. 利用GPS/MET实验中5组GPS和LEO卫星的实际轨道,分别模拟了无LEO卫星轨道扰动和有轨道扰动情况下的GPS信号在电离层中的传播,并生成了对应的电离层延迟量。

    Five groups of orbit data for GPS and LEO satellites are employed to simulate and generate the ionospheric phase delay in two cases respectively : one is LEO orbit without forced perturbation and the other is LEO orbit with forced perturbation .

  28. 对于视频合成,我们提出了一般性的模型,并且给出DCT域的视频合成算法,结合对应的运动欠量合成算法,我们给出一般性的视频合成和转码流程。

    With in the field of video combination , we give out the general model for video combination and transcoding , and then we developed two DCT domain resampling algorithms and the corresponding motion vector composition algorithms , then we proposed the generalized video combination and transcoding process .

  29. 将每一条曲线对应的初速减退量、曲线上各段的权重系数一一标出,并可制成曲线板。

    Such muzzle velocity reduction and weight coefficient can be marked out one by one and be made up into the curve board .

  30. 多视角多行人目标检测、定位与对应算法离焦量误差对相位差法波前重构的影响

    Detection , location and labeling under a multi-moving-person , multi-view set The Effect of Uncertainty in Defocus Distance on the Wave-front Reconstruction with the Phase-diversity Algorithm