
  • 网络evolution theory;evolution;the evolutionary theory
  1. 经济演化理论为观察制度变革提供了一个有效的工具。

    The evolutionary theory of economy provides an effective instrument to observe institution change .

  2. 而演化理论的产生为研究复杂的经济现象提供了新的方法。

    The evolutionary theory provides a new approach to study the complex economic phenomena .

  3. 通过对SonyEricsson移动通讯公司发展过程的全景式分析而得到的启示,验证了本文提出的以刺激-反应(动态适应)为基础的竞争性战略联盟系统演化理论。

    Some inspirations were obtained through the panoramic analysis of development process of Sony Ericsson mobile communication company . Meanwhile , the evolution theory of competitive strategy alliance system which is based on stimulus-response ( dynamic adaptability ) was tested .

  4. 本文以蕴震系统自组织演化理论为基础,提出了一种识别地震前兆和综合预报的新方法&蕴震系统信息合成方法(ISSS)。

    In this paper , a new method & Information Synthesis of Seismogenic System ( ISSS ) , for identifying of earthquake precursors and synthetic prediction of earthquake , has been presented based on the evolution theory of self-organization system . This new method is of generality .

  5. 岩体爆破的损伤统计演化理论模型

    A theoretical evolving model of rock mass blasting with statistical damage

  6. 岩土破损演化理论(I):破损空间

    Damage-fracture evolution theory of rock and soil ( I ): damage-fracture space

  7. 裂纹扩展与损伤演化理论与应用研究

    Theoretical and Applied Research on Crack Growth and Damage Evolution

  8. 研究了几何活动轮廓的基本原理,根据几何活动轮廓模型的拓扑自适应性特点,基于曲线演化理论和水平集方法对医学图像进行处理;

    Basic theory of geometric active contour model is studied .

  9. 粘弹性时变体的损伤演化理论与分析

    Damage evolution theory and analysis of viscoelastic time-varying body

  10. 首先,基于演化理论的热点话题发现方法找到的热点更加全面。

    First of all , our method can find hot topics more comprehensive .

  11. 石油演化理论与实践(Ⅰ)&石油演化的机理与石油演化的阶段

    Theory and Practice on petroleum evolution (ⅰ) & mechanism and stages of petroleum evolution

  12. 硬件演化理论与应用技术研究

    Research on Theory & Application of Evolvable Hardware

  13. 演化理论是一种看待世界的方式。

    The theory of evolvement is one of the ways to view the world .

  14. 熊彼特的资本主义演化理论:一个再评价

    Schumpeterian Theory of Capitalist Evolution : A Re-evaluation

  15. 外资银行渗透对中国银行业体系稳定性的影响&基于阶段理论与演化理论的实证研究

    The Impact of Foreign Bank Penetration on the Stability of China 's Banking System

  16. 企业的合作演化理论、模型及经验研究

    The Theory and Model and Empirical Study of the Cooperative Evolvement of the Firm

  17. 这一章介绍了经济演化理论的起源和发展。

    This chapter the development and origin that has introduced theory of economic evolution .

  18. 企业文化:基于演化理论的分析

    Corporate Culture : Analysis Based on Evolutionary Theory

  19. 恒星的自转,是恒星结构和演化理论的难点。

    Stellar rotation is a difficult problem of the theory of stellar structure and evolution .

  20. 计算时间复杂性是演化理论中的一个重大课题。

    The computational time complexity is an important topic in the theory of evolutionary algorithms .

  21. 其次,基于这些抽取得到的话题,我们使用演化理论来计算每个话题的热度。

    Secondly , we use aging theory to calculate the energy value for topic candidates .

  22. 功能主义:企业演化理论的基石

    Functionalism : cornerstone of enterprise evolution theory

  23. 文章阐述了乡村聚落体系演化理论、规划组织理论。

    This article expounds the evolution theories and planning organization theories of rural settlement system .

  24. 旅游地复杂系统演化理论研究流派、进程与展望

    On the schools , courses and Prospect of complex system evolution theory in Tourism Areas

  25. 制度演化理论的新发展

    Recent Development of Institutional Evolution Theory

  26. 共同演化理论是现代演化经济学的理论前沿。

    The theory of coevolution between firm and industry is the theoretical frontier of evolutionary economics .

  27. 企业成长模式的适应性调整&基于演化理论的表述

    Adaptability Adjustment of Enterprise Growth Pattern

  28. 第二章对已有的企业演化理论和企业生态位理论进行了综述,指出了其中存在的问题;

    The second one summarizes pre-research results about organization evolution and niche and some existing problems ;

  29. 企业集群演化理论对集群管理和企业战略制定均有重要意义。

    The theory about enterprises cluster evolvement is much meaningful to cluster management and enterprise strategy making .

  30. 制度变迁的演化理论发起了一场对经济学界唯理主义和决定论的反对运动。

    The evolution theory of institutional change launched an opposition movements of rationalism and determinism for economic circles .