
yǎn yì quān
  • performing-arts circles;the world of performing arts
  1. 她对演艺圈的聚会敬而远之。

    She gives showbiz parties a wide berth .

  2. 超级宝贝詹妮·麦卡锡暗示了在乌烟瘴气的好莱坞演艺圈内年轻女演员必须经历的种种考验。

    Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood 's seedier realms

  3. 为了庆祝杰里·霍尔的36岁生日,他举办了当年演艺圈最盛大的庆祝宴会。

    He threw one of the biggest showbiz bashes of the year as a 36th birthday party for Jerry Hall .

  4. 基本资料:尹恩惠以韩国女子组合BabyV.O.X成员的身份踏入演艺圈。此后她歌而优则演,其主演的代表作有电视剧《咖啡王子一号店》和《想你》。

    Basics : Yun debuted as a member of girl group Baby V.O.X. She has since moved on to acting and is best known for starring in the TV dramas The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Missing You .

  5. 2010年,唐嫣还是一名演艺圈新人的时候,RolinkHan就开始喜欢她了。

    Han was drawn to Tang when she was still in the starting phase of her acting career back in 2010 .

  6. 就在今天,在Reg踏入演艺圈23年,商业圈50年之后的这场演唱会上,他宣布了一个粉丝们不想听到的消息。在今天的SoundEffect节目中您将听到这个消息。

    Today , though , after 23 years on his current show , and 50 years in the business , Reg made an announcement his fans didn 't want to hear . And it 's today 's Sound Effect .

  7. 这位44岁的明星(右侧穿条纹上衣的)和她的前夫以及孩子Apple和Moses一起度假。她正在考虑退出演艺圈,专心打理她的生活网站。

    The 44-year-old star , far right in a striped top , who has revealed she is considering retiring from acting to concentrate on her lifestyle website took her holiday with her ex-husband and children Apple and Moses .

  8. 西恩·潘的JPHRO联欢晚会上招待了演艺圈的一众明星,包括莱昂纳多迪卡普奥,阿诺施瓦辛格。

    Sean Penn 's JP HRO Gala was hosted for a whole host of stars in the showbiz circuit including the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and Arnold Schwarzenegger .

  9. 这位影星在演艺圈里很有面子。

    This film star enjoys due respect in the entertainment circles .

  10. 大概是因为他的头发演艺圈中最值钱的头发,所以才会出现这种情况。

    It 's probably about the most valuable hair in showbiz !

  11. 我就说当初不能进演艺圈。

    I told her not to get into this business .

  12. 他亦尝试加入演艺圈。

    He is also trying to move into show business .

  13. 2005年她休学重返演艺圈。

    She took a break from studies in 2005 to return to acting .

  14. 猜谁又回演艺圈了?

    Guess who 's back in show biz !

  15. 记:在光彩斑斓的演艺圈,你能有这样的想法真是挺难得的。

    Reporter : glorious colorful entertainment , you can have such thoughts really quite rare .

  16. 据报道,这对演艺圈恋人正频频约会中,但进展缓慢。

    According to reports the acting pair are dating , but are taking things slowly .

  17. 除非你怕他将来长大后变成…演艺圈的人。

    Unless you 're afraid he 's gonna grow up and be in show business .

  18. 十一月,梅根和哈里宣布订婚后,梅根称将退出演艺圈。

    She revealed she would be quitting acting after announcing their engagement back in November .

  19. 遗憾的是,后来她不得不为了家人而退出演艺圈。

    It was a shame that later she had to leave the spotlight for her family .

  20. 你真的应该在演艺圈有一番事业你是个很好的演员

    you really should for sure have a career in this business.You are a fantastic actress .

  21. 而她加入演艺圈的选择也进一步加剧了她的这种极端想法。

    This convoluted way of thinking was further exacerbated by the industries she chose to throw herself into .

  22. 对于那些想在中国演艺圈成功发展的外国艺人,作为过来人,你有没有什么好的建议?

    Do you have any suggestions for foreign artists who want to succeed in the Chinese entertainment world ?

  23. 演艺圈只要有人想出柜了,会先来问我。

    As long as someone came up the entertainment cabinet , and will be the first to ask me .

  24. 在我刚进演艺圈的时候,另一个宋佳已经很出名了。

    When I first entered the entertainment industry , there was another Song Jia who was already very famous .

  25. 好消息是,她已经准备好回归演艺圈了。

    The good news is that she 's ready to bounce back and make a post-family return to acting .

  26. 现在这条路已经发生了变化,而且不仅仅是对初创演艺圈的新秀而言。

    But today that path is changing , and not just for comedians trying to break in to the business .

  27. 乔伊重返演艺圈,于是想把自己的照片重新挂回干洗店的名人墙上。

    Joey , back in show businees , tries to get his celebrity picture back on a dry cleaner 's wall .

  28. 凭借招牌微笑,黑边眼镜以及猫头鹰式的喜剧发式,沈殿霞树立起了自己在演艺圈的地位。

    With her signature smile , dark-rimmed glasses and comic hairstyle , Shum established herself as a comic and dramatic actress .

  29. 他将自己写一首名为第一次来纪念他的许多在演艺圈的第一次。

    He will be composing a song named Di Yi Ci to record all the 1st time entering the entertainment circle .

  30. 凯特哈德森今年21岁。我欢迎年轻一代进入演艺圈,因为这可以提醒我自己行将就木。

    Kate Hudson is21 . I love welcoming young stars to show business , because it reminds me of my own death .