
  1. 邓丽君在扎实的演唱技术基础上,通过对装饰音、音色、力度的变化与处理以达到对不同风格作品的诠释。

    On the basic of solid singing skills , she dealt with works of different styles by handing the decorative tone , timbre and intensity .

  2. 从歌唱艺术的唱法、原生态歌手到歌唱的作品来看,失去了生态环境的民间音乐,经过改编的民间音乐作品,受过训练的演唱技术还像是原生态唱法吗?

    Viewing the way of singing , the singers and the songs they sing , can the folk music without the ecotypic environment , folk songs adapted and the trained singing technique still be called " Pro-ecotypic " Way of Singing ?

  3. 本文通过对有代表性的历史及神话题材的当代创作歌曲演唱技术的综合分析,探究民族声乐领域中不同风格不同题材作品的特点,以丰富民族声乐演唱技巧理论研究的内容。

    This paper is trying to analyze the singing technique of Chinese art songs for history and mythology , so as to study various features of national vocal composition for different style and different theme , and enrich the singing technique theory of national vocal music .

  4. 第二部分,论述了古诗词艺术歌曲演唱的相关技术。

    The second part , discusses the ancient art songs of related technologies .

  5. 但法律是站在艺术家们这边的:演唱会从技术上讲是一种私人场合,所以活动的组织者可以用任何方法来监视参会的人。

    However , the legality of doing so is on the artist 's side : a concert is technically a private event , therefore event organizers can subject concert-goers to almost any kind of surveillance .

  6. 第二部分论述了古诗词歌曲演唱的相关技术,包括气息、咬字行腔、润腔技巧三部分。着重指出润腔技巧对展示古诗词歌曲的韵味起到了重要作用。

    The second part illustrates how to sing , including the relevant skills , such as the breath , articulation and lubricating tunes , especially the important effect of lubricating tunes on illustrating the lasting appeal of the ancient poems .

  7. 他的演唱音色优美,技术娴熟,气息流畅,声音贯通,对弱声技巧特别是高音有独到的见解和造诣。

    The beautiful singing voice , skilled , breathing smooth and sound East , especially high skills to weak voice sound creative and skills .

  8. 而颤音作为声乐演唱中特有的技术形态,它是表现声乐作品中丰富情感的重要技巧之一,它能够对声乐演唱的完美诠释起到锦上添花的效果。

    As a special technical form in vocal music ," vibrato " is one of the significant skills that perform the rich emotion , and better illustrate the performance of vocal music .

  9. 第三部分指出演唱中注意的技术要点,包括咬字吐字、呼吸共鸣、音色音量、速度节奏四个部分。

    The third part points out some main technological points which should be paid attention to in singing , including bite word enunciate , breathe sympathetic response , sound of volume and rhythm of speed .

  10. 尤其是演唱提示部分,本文从语言、诗歌、演唱技术、演唱情感把握等诸多方面进行阐述,这部分是文章的核心。

    In particular , the article elaborates on the performance in the fields of language , poetry , skills and emotional aspects .