
  • 网络orchid;Blue Orchid
  1. 授粉诱导兰花花部乙烯生物合成基因在转录水平上的表达

    Pollination induced expression of ethylene biosynthetic genes at transcription level in orchid flowers

  2. 一般称为兰花花系,科学上称为兰花科。

    Commonly this family is called the orchid family : scientifically , the family is called Orchidaceae .

  3. 第二部分以《孟姜女》、《兰花花》两部作品的音乐风格,曲式结构对比分析作品。

    The second part comparative analyzes the works through the musical styles and structure .

  4. 代表曲目有《脚夫调》、《兰花花》、《赶性灵》、《横山下来游击队》、《见面容易拉话难》等。

    Representative song titles are Foot-Sloggers'Tunes , Lanhuahua , Ganshengling , Guerrillas at the Foot of Mount Hengshan and Tongue-tied when I Gaze on that Face .

  5. 本文《孟姜女》、《兰花花》两部作品的音乐风格及演唱技巧等方面,分析不同音乐形象的塑造。

    The " Meng Jiangnv , Lan Huahua " two works of musical styles and singing skills analyze the image of the shape of different music .

  6. 北美东部过去的一种普通林地兰花,花单生、粉红色或白色,拖鞋状。

    Once common rose pink woodland orchid of eastern North America .

  7. 欧洲的一种兰花,花穗状、绿色略带桃色或紫色。

    European orchid with spikes of green and pinkish or purplish flowers .

  8. 印度北部著名的兰花,花极大、浅蓝紫色至深蓝紫色。

    Famous orchid of northern India having large pale to deep lilac-blue flowers .

  9. 一种生于欧亚的兰花,花呈粉红色或紫色,成疏穗状花序。

    Eurasian orchid with showy pink or purple flowers in a loose spike .

  10. 欧洲南部的兰花,花淡绿色、有香味;有时归入玉凤花属。

    South European orchid having fragrant greenish-white flowers ; sometimes placed in genus habenaria .

  11. 绶草属的一种兰花,花白色、成纤细、扭曲的穗状。

    An orchid of the genus Spiranthes having slender often twisted spikes of white flowers .

  12. 欧洲的一种兰花,花蝇状。

    European orchid whose flowers resemble flies .

  13. 欧洲的一种兰花,花穗密集、芳香、粉色、红色或淡紫色,有明显的花距。

    European orchid having dense spikes of fragrant pink or lilac or red flowers with conspicuous spurs .

  14. 万带兰属的任何一种美丽的兰花,花大,有疏松的总状花序。

    Any of numerous showy orchids of the genus Vanda having many large flowers in loose racemes .

  15. 美国东北部的一种兰花,花品红色,唇瓣呈漏斗状;有时归入朱兰属。

    Orchid of northeastern United States with magenta-pink flowers having funnel-shaped lip ; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia .

  16. 南美洲和特立尼达岛的兰花,花大、黄色或微红褐色;有时归入金蝶兰属。

    Orchid of South America and Trinidad having large yellow and reddish-brown flowers ; sometimes placed in genus Oncidium .

  17. 澳大利亚的小形兰花,花白色,唇瓣上有紫色和橙色斑纹,总状花序疏松。

    Diminutive Australian orchid with loose racemes of fragrant white flowers with purple and orange markings on the lip .

  18. 产于北美的一种兰花,花紫色适有白色,萼片和花瓣在和蕊柱后面形成盔瓣。

    North American orchid having a spike of violet-purple flowers mixed with white ; sepals and petals form a hood .

  19. 一种兰花,花蓝色到紫色、唇瓣底部有舌状或带状突起。

    Orchid having blue to purple flowers with tongue - or strap-shaped protuberances ( calli ) at the lip base .

  20. 虾脊兰属任何一种艳丽的兰花,花白色、黄色或玫瑰色,叶宽,纵向折叠。

    Any of various showy orchids of the genus Calanthe having white or yellow or rose-colored flowers and broad leaves folded lengthwise .

  21. 一种兰花,花浓密、花序略呈螺旋状、乳白色,花顶部的两片花瓣形成拱形兜帽;产自北美洲西部。

    Orchid having dense clusters of gently spiraling creamy white flowers with 2 upper petals forming a hood ; western North America .

  22. 欧洲南部的兰花,花墨绿色,比小蝴蝶兰大、但不如它香;有时归入玉凤花属。

    South European orchid with dark green flowers that are larger and less fragrant than Platanthera bifolia ; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria .

  23. 欧洲南部的兰花,花淡绿色、有香味;有时归入玉凤花属。鲜花畅快地向空气里散发馨香。

    South European orchid having fragrant greenish-white flowers ; sometimes placed in genus Habenaria . The flowers give their perfume freely to the air .

  24. 北美东部的一种沼泽兰花,花纯白、流苏状,穗状花序。鄂尔多斯东北缘早白垩世冰川泥石流沉积的发现及其成因证据

    Bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers . DISCOVERY AND ITS GENETIC EVIDENCES OF EARLY CRETACEOUS GLACIAL DEBRIS FLOW IN THE NORTHEAST MARGIN OF ORDOS

  25. 一种兰花,花淡绿色、成总状花序、长在靠近地面的叶子中央;产自俄勒冈州北部和蒙大纳州、横穿加拿大、向东至美国一带。

    Orchid having a raceme of large greenish-white flowers on a single flower stalk growing between two elliptic or round basal leaves lying on the ground ; from northern Oregon and Montana across Canada to the eastern United states .

  26. 兰花和迎春花之类的野花越来越少了。

    Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare .

  27. 这些兰花开了花,后来变得极其流行。

    The orchids flowered and became hugely fashionable .

  28. 然后就是黄紫罗兰花;这种花如果种在一座客厅或低层的小室底窗下是大可增人兴趣的。

    Then wall-flowers , which are very delightful to be set under a parlor or lower chamber window .