
  • 网络Rank;Ranke;leopold von ranke
  1. 品牌咨询机构ItoPartnership的合伙人戴维•梅兰克(DavidMelan?on)表示,联想在奥运会期间通过博客和社交网络与潜在客户建立联系的努力,给他留下了深刻印象。

    David Melan ? on , a partner at the Ito Partnership , a brand consultancy , says he is impressed with Lenovo 's efforts to connect with potential customers through blogging and social networking during the games .

  2. 费兰克现在是一家很大的商业公司的老板。

    Frank is now the head of a very large business company .

  3. 费兰克买了一顶帽子,看上去挺傻的,但是你不要取笑他,因为他自己很喜欢。

    Frank 's new hat looks kind of stupid but don 't make any cracks ! Because he really likes it .

  4. 要是他在利默里克水泥厂或者兰克面粉厂找到工作,不出三周就会丢掉它。

    If he gets a job at the Limerick Cement Company or Ranks Flour Mills , he loses it in the third week .

  5. “这是浪费了的时间,超出了旅程时间的承受范围,”报告的合著人戴维-施兰克说。

    " That 's the time wasted above and beyond just being able to make the trip ," said David Shrank , co-author of the report .