
  • 网络Mobile Home;mobile house
  1. 他辞去了在B.ElectronicManufacturer的工作,他说,计划搬出自己的移动房屋,付清账单,然后去旅行。

    He resigned from his job at B. Electronic Manufacturer and says he plans to move out of his mobile home , some bills and do some traveling .

  2. 警方认为,正是这名22岁的小伙子HeinzsJr.策划了上周末他父亲移动房屋中的谋杀案。

    Police believe , that guy , 22-year-old , Guy Heinzs Jr. , was behind last weekend 's killings at his father 's mobile home in Glynn County .

  3. 这些受害者均在移动房屋内被发现。

    These victims were all found in a mobile home .

  4. 再看一下这条新闻。在佐治亚州农村一所移动房屋内,人们发现7人死亡。

    Also watching this , 7 people found dead at a mobile home park in rural Georgia .

  5. 该表格要求回答居住或逗留在某个房间,公寓或移动房屋内的人口数量。

    The form asks for the number of people living or staying in a house , apartment or mobile home .

  6. 据报道,死亡人数达到6人,而其中至少有两人生活在在阿肯色州西部的移动房屋。

    But half of dozen deaths have been reportedly at least two of them at mobile home part west of Arkansas .

  7. 没有什么特别的限制,但是巴克斯特公司要求必须是合理的-不是移动房屋,没有马或者牲畜。

    It 's not restrictive , but Baxter notes that it must be within reason & no trailer homes , no horses or livestock .

  8. 我建议你马上把你的房子放到交易市场上,尽快卖掉它,买个移动房屋。

    I would suggest you put your house on the market today and sell it as quickly as possible and buy a mobile home .

  9. 根据警方消息,美国路易斯安那州的一名8岁男孩在玩了侠盗猎车手以后,将同在移动房屋里看护自己的90岁老太太玛丽.马特尔斯开枪打死。

    The child had just finished playing Grand Theft Auto IV before he fatally shot Marie Smothers , 90 , inside a Louisiana mobile home , police said .

  10. 出现在第四频道的《如何摆脱房贷》节目中,里克·亨特的未来主义风格的可移动房屋让主持人莎拉·比尼大为震惊。这个房屋只花了他和妻子阿曼达2万英镑。

    Appearing on Channel 4 's How To Live Mortgage Free , he stunned presenter Sarah Beeny with his futuristic mobile home which cost him and his wife Amanda just20000 pounds .

  11. 街道两边主要是带有小型庭园的移动房屋,不过由于气候的原因,尤其是许多顽童还有狗四处乱跑,所以青草很难生长。

    Our street consisted mainly of mobile homes with small yards , but grass was difficult to grow in that climate , especially with the many children and dogs romping through the neighborhood .

  12. 被移动的房屋重达145吨,每次移动两英尺。

    It 's 145-ton house that 's being moved , feet at a time .

  13. 通过综放采动下地表移动对村庄房屋的破坏机理及规律的研究分析,减少房屋破坏和减少村庄搬迁,对采用综放技术的煤炭企业可持续发展具有深远的意义。

    Through analyzing mechanism and regularity of ground movement destroying village house in sublevel caving mining-induced , reducing houses destroyed and village moving , it has profound significance to sustained development of coal enterprise .