
  • 网络Mobility Barriers
  1. 第一,体重增加会导致机体问题,如骨关节炎、睡眠呼吸暂停和移动障碍。

    Firstly the increase in body mass can cause mechanical problems such as osteoarthritis , sleep apnoea and mobility problems .

  2. 在转换模型的基础上,通过加入车门内饰、假人和移动障碍壁模型,建立了完整的整车侧面碰撞模型。

    Then a complete vehicle side impact model is developed by adding finite element models for door trim , ES-2 dummy and moving deformable barrier on converted model .

  3. 在策略中,当有移动障碍物靠近机器人编队时,机器人需要对其产生判断和响应,包括停止运行或者沿原运动规划进行倒退。

    When the moving obstacle gets close enough to the robot group , the robots need to respond by either stopping to let the obstacle pass or retreating along the previous moving trajectories .

  4. 结果发现神经内科住院患者跌倒的内在因素有高龄、躯体移动障碍、意识障碍、认知障碍、眩晕发作、跌倒病史、低血糖反应和体位性低血压;

    Results The internal factors affecting neurological inpatients ' tumble were senility , moving disorder , consciousness disorder , cognitive disorder , dizziness , history of tumble , hypoglycemic reaction , and postural hypotension .

  5. 该轨道车可快速到达维修地点,装载大型设备和精密仪器,拖曳故障车辆,吊挂移动障碍物等,实现了功能多样化。

    The rail car can quickly reach repair locations , loading the large equipment and precision instruments , drag the fault of the vehicle , hanging mobile obstacles , realize the diversification of function .

  6. 在给出了非结构环境下移动障碍物优先级定义的前提下,提出了移动机器人在含有多个障碍物且障碍物运动具有不确定性的情况下的实时避障运动规划策略。

    The priority of moving obstacles in an unstructured environment is defined , and a real-time obstacle-avoidance motion planning strategy is proposed for mobile robots in the environment which has multiple obstacles moving in an uncertain way .

  7. 这个想法是要分开两个“氯”和“氢”原子,每到这是通过移动障碍的差距自己的位置,通过触摸屏幕的右侧向上或向下。

    The idea is to separate both " Chlorine " and " Hydrogen " atoms , each to it 's own place via the movable barrier 's gap , by touching the right side of the screen up or down .

  8. 基于立体视觉的移动机器人障碍检测算法研究

    A Study on Obstacle Detecting Algorithm of Mobile Robot Based on Stereovision

  9. 篱笆或墙上的一个像门一样的可移动的障碍物。

    A door-like movable barrier in a fence or wall .

  10. 答:被抛弃的球是移动的障碍物。

    A : An abandoned ball is a movable obstruction .

  11. 赛马时放在起跑线上的一个可移动的障碍物。

    A movable barrier on the starting line of a race course .

  12. 一种轻便的可移动的障碍物,在某些比赛中选手们要求必须跨过它。

    A light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain races .

  13. 移动机器人障碍躲避的最佳路径

    The Shortest Path for Mobile Robots in Obstacle Avoidance

  14. 基于视觉的室外移动机器人障碍物检测方法

    Vision-based Obstacle Detection Method for Outdoor Mobile Robot

  15. 当比赛被委员会暂停后,球员的球位于不可移动的障碍物。

    A players ball lies on an immovable obstruction when play is suspended by the Committee .

  16. 我们开发出了步子计划算法,可以让右腿机器人避免潜在绊倒的风险,由于移动的障碍,对环境中动态变化做出响应。

    We have developed footstep-planning algorithms that allow legged robots to avoid potential tripping hazards and respond to dynamic changes in the environment due to moving obstacles .

  17. 该算法将图像的色彩空间转换为HSI空间,通过对比图像中每个像素与参考路面色彩及饱和度的平均值,分割可移动区域与障碍区域。

    The color space of image is transformed to HSI space , and the region is divided into movable and barriers by comparing each pixel in the image with the average color and saturation in the reference surface pixels .

  18. 利用移动对象和障碍物的相对位置来快速识别移动对象是否在障碍范围内,从而减少计算障ffl距离的计算量。

    Utilizing the relative position between moving objects and obstacles can quickly identify whether the moving objects are in the obstructed range , which results in the reduction of the number of obstructed distance calculations .

  19. 移动机器人对障碍物运动轨迹预测方法的研究

    Research of Forecast Method for Mobile Robot Bar Movement Track

  20. 移动机器人的障碍物群检测方法

    Research about obstacle group for autonomous mobile robot

  21. 提取了障碍物图象的有效特征和移动机器人离障碍物距离。由于通常所用的融合方法有许多缺点。

    Distilling valid character of obstacle 's image and distance between obstacle and mobile robot .

  22. 他练习挥杆,并移动了散置障碍物,接触了障碍区的地面。

    He takes a practice swing and in so doing moves loose impediments and touches the ground in the hazard .

  23. 结合模糊逻辑控制的方法,设计了符合人类驾驶经验的模糊控制器,以实现移动机器人在障碍物环境下的自主导航;

    The fuzzy controller according with human driving experience is designed by the fuzzy logic control method to realize autonomous navigation in the obstacle environment .

  24. UTD法计算移动通信中地形障碍引起的绕射损耗

    UTD Method for Calculating Diffraction Loss Caused by Landform Obstacle in Mobile Communication

  25. 移动机器人通过检测障碍物边缘特征,从而确定障碍物的存在。

    Mobile robot confirms the obstacle by detecting the feature of edge .

  26. 操作方面,用方向键控制移动,避免被障碍物撞飞。

    Operation , and key to control movement to avoid obstacles zhuangfei .

  27. 研究了移动机器人对运动障碍物的动态避障。

    This paper considers the dynamic avoiding collision problem of mobile robot for multi-moving obstacles .

  28. 本文研究移动机器人在移动障碍物具有不确定性时的运动规划问题。

    In this thesis , motion planning for a mobile robot in a dynamic environment is studied .

  29. 所得结论可以为复杂非结构化环境下移动机器人导航中障碍检测、环境建模及自定位提供支持。

    The conclusions can provide the support for obstacles detection , environment map and self-localization in the navigation of mobile robot under complex and unstructured environment .

  30. 本文将介绍一种新型基于单目视觉的用于避障的障碍物检测方法。当移动机器人检测到障碍物时,它才能够有效地避开并且安全的移动。

    This paper introduces a novel obstacle detecting method based on one single camera which is used for the obstacle avoidance . Firstly , a depth learning method is used .