
  • 网络TYPE;vehicle type
  1. 结果表明不同的碰撞速度、不同的车辆类型和不同的车辆前部结构参数都将对行人伤害有不同的影响。

    The results are obtained that there are different test results in different velocities , different vehicle types and different vehicle foreparts .

  2. k号因车辆类型和越野设备而异。

    The k-number varies , depending on vehicle type and country equipment .

  3. “k号”依车辆类型和越野设备而有所不同。

    The " k-number " varies depending on vehicle type and country equipment .

  4. 实验结果表明,所设计的检测方法和SVM模式识别方法能够快速有效地识别车辆类型并正确地进行分类。

    The experimental results indicate that the algorithm can recognize and classify vehicles rapidly and effectively .

  5. 按以继续并按f7确认。指定车辆类型,本例中为。

    Press to continue and confirm with f7.specify vehicle type-in this case .

  6. 使用此菜单项,可对应车辆类型对外部harman放大器进行编码。

    The external Harman amplifier corresponding to the vehicle type can be coded using this menu item .

  7. 在前文研究的算法的基础上,利用VB编程语言,实现了对船舶、车道信息、车辆类型、车辆信息、配载和港口配载信息的管理和查询。

    Previous paper on the basis of an algorithm , using VB programming language , realize the management and query of the ship , lane information , vehicle type , vehicle information , stowage and port stowage information .

  8. 并通过实例分析,指出将D-S证据理论应用于在公路车辆类型识别方面具有实际应用前景。

    And through examples of analysis , points out the DS theory of evidence will be used to identify the type of vehicles in the road with the prospect of practical application .

  9. 第二,针对车辆类型不同带时间窗的AVRP,提出了改进的蚁群算法。

    Secondly , an improved ACA is put forward to solve mixed fleet AVRP with time windows .

  10. 事故分析对行人的年龄分布、性别、损伤部位以及严重程度、车辆类型进行了研究,对典型案例进行了详细分析,并进行了AIS、GCS分级。

    Accident analysis was carried out in terms of distributions of the pedestrian age group , gender , injury location and severity , as well as the type of vehicles . Furthermore , the selected cases were analyzed in detail and the injury AIS and GCS were classified .

  11. 利用支持向量机SVM~★识别车辆类型

    Vehicle Type Recognition by Using Support Vector Machine SVM ~ ★

  12. 基于不变矩的机器视觉车辆类型识别技术

    Research on Vehicle Type Recognition by Computer Vision Based on Invariant Moments

  13. 利用声波和地震波识别军事车辆类型

    Recognition of Military Vehicles by Using Acoustic and Seismic Signals

  14. 从车辆类型切换到控制单元列表。

    Switch from the vehicle type to the list of control units .

  15. 选择相关的车辆类型,然后按确认。

    Select the relevant vehicle type and confirm by pressing .

  16. 选择车辆类型,按下启动自动控制单元搜索。

    Select vehicle type , press and start the automatic control unit search .

  17. 选择车辆类型,然后转至控制单元列表。

    Select vehicle type , then go to the list of control units .

  18. 检查是否显示了正确的车辆类型。

    Check that the correct vehicle type is displayed .

  19. 选择车辆类型并按以继续。

    Select vehicle type and press to continue .

  20. 使用此菜单项可以输入车辆类型编码。

    Using this menu item , the vehicle type vehicle coding can be entered .

  21. 禁鸣喇叭对降低交通噪声的显著程度随道路路面的好坏和车辆类型的不同而有一定差异。

    Effect of no tooting on mitigation traffic noise changes with pavement and vehicle type .

  22. 车辆类型识别技术的研究

    Research of Vehicle Type Recognition Technology

  23. GB/T3730.1-1988汽车和半挂车的术语和定义车辆类型

    Motor vehicle and semi-trailer-type-terms and definitions

  24. 车辆类型的自动分类识别是公路收费自动化、管理规范科学化的重要前提。

    Automatic vehicle classification ( AVC ) is the important prerequisite for automatic charging and administrating system .

  25. 车辆类型类别百分比

    Vehicles Types Category Percentages

  26. 损坏代码列表包含已确定的车辆类型的有效维修编号和部件名称。

    The damage code list contains the valid service numbers and component designations for the vehicle type you have identified .

  27. 如果显示的车辆类型不正确,则必须在车辆上安装新的控制单元并重复此步骤。

    If the wrong vehicle type is displayed , a new control module must be installed in the vehicle and the procedure repeated .

  28. 针对智能交通领域汽车类型识别的应用背景,利用单目视觉开发了基于计算机视觉车辆类型识别系统;

    Based on the application of vehicle type recognition in intelligent traffic fields , a vehicle type recognition system based on computer was developed , adopting the technique of monocular vision .

  29. 对运动目标的识别与分类,提出了一种基于改进型帧间差值检测法和基于小波神经网络的车辆类型分类算法。

    In order to detect and classify the moving objects , we present an algorithm of vehicle property auto detection and classification based on the combination of advanced inter-frame difference and wavelet neural network .

  30. 其中,城市道路交通中的噪声与交通主干道、车流量、车辆类型、行驶速度、道路状况、道路两侧的建筑布局、由噪声引发的振动等等均有关联。

    There into , road traffic associated with noise mechanism , for example , main road , quantity of traffic , styles of vehicle , run-speed , status of road , building position in side way , vibration of noise-solicitation and so on .