
  • 网络license plate recognition system;lpr;license plate recognize system
  1. ROI技术在车牌识别系统中图像存储方面的应用研究

    Application and research of ROI in LPR system

  2. 汉字识别方法研究及其在车牌识别系统中的应用

    Chinese Character Recognition and Its Application in LPR System

  3. 基于MATLAB的车牌识别系统的研究

    Research of license plate recognition system based on MATLAB

  4. 基于DSP芯片的车牌识别系统

    License Plate Recognition System Based on DSP Chip

  5. 基于SVM的矿用地磅车牌识别系统的研究

    SVM-based Mining Loadometer License Plate Recognition System

  6. MMS技术及在便携式车牌识别系统中的应用

    Application of MMS technology to portable license plate identification system

  7. 字符识别在各种OCR系统,车牌识别系统,集装箱号识别系统等中都起着重要的作用。

    Character recognition play a great role in various OCR systems , LPR systems and so on .

  8. 首先介绍了几种典型的细化算法,以Zhang细化算法为基础,并加以适当改进,然后应用到车牌识别系统中。

    A few of classic thinning algorithms are presented . An improved thing algorithm based on in Zhang thinning algorithm has been used to the car plate recognition system .

  9. 本文研究了基于DSP和ARM的嵌入式车牌识别系统,通过利用DSP的高速运算能力以及ARM的控制处理能力来实现整个嵌入式系统。

    In this paper a new embedded LPRS based on DSP and ARM is proposed . It uses the high-speed computation of DSP and the control ability of ARM to complete the whole embedded system .

  10. 车牌识别系统(LicensePlateRecognitionSystem简称LPRS)是ITS的重要环节,在交通监管、交通控制和车辆管理等方面发挥了重要的作用。

    License Plate Recognition System ( LPRS ) is the most important link in ITS . It plays a very important role in the traffic supervision , traffic control , and vehicle management and so on .

  11. 当字符图像受到噪声污染,甚至发生缺损、污染时,会增加车牌识别系统(LPR)准确识别的难度。

    The recognition of License Plate Recognition ( LPR ) will be more difficult when plate license character image is stained or fractured .

  12. 随着现代交通的高速发展,智能运输系统已成为当前交通管理的主要发展方向,车牌识别系统(licenseplaterecognition,简称LPR)作为智能交通系统的核心,起着举足轻重的作用。

    With the development of modern traffic , Intelligent Transportation System has been the main developing direction in the management of the traffic . As the core of the ITS , License Plate Recognition plays an important role now .

  13. SupPlate车牌识别系统软件&经得起考验的车牌识别。

    SupPlate & license plate recognition system can stand the test of the software license plate recognition .

  14. 因此车牌识别系统(LPR)研究在智能交通领域占有比较重要的地位。车牌识别系统一般由车牌定位、字符分割和字符识别三个模块组成。

    Hence , License Plate Recognition System ( LPRS ) plays a crucial role in the field of intelligent transportation . A LPR system consists of three parts : license plate detection ( LPD ), character segmentation and character recognition .

  15. 作为ITS的核心组成部分之一,车牌识别系统(LPR)在实时交通监控、公路自动收费管理系统以及交通治安监管等方面有着十分广阔的应用前景,是目前国内外的研究热点。

    As one core component of ITS , License Plate Recognition System ( LPR ) has a very broad application prospects in many aspects , such as real-time traffic monitoring , highway automatic charging management system , traffic security monitoring and so on .

  16. 车牌识别系统(LPRS)的任务是分析、处理汽车监控图像,自动识别汽车牌号,并进行相关智能化数据库管理。

    The task of vehicle license plate recognition system ( LPRS ) is to analyze and process observed vehicle images , automatically recognize license plate , and do relative intelligent database management .

  17. 因此,车牌识别系统(LPRS)自然成为了智能交通的重要组成部分,并在各国的交通管理中得到了广泛的应用和发展。

    Therefore , the license plate recognition system ( LPRS ) has naturally become an important part of intelligent transportation , and has a wide range of application and development in intelligent traffic management in all countries .

  18. 实时车牌识别系统关键技术的研究

    Research on Key Methods for Practical Vehicle License Plate Recognition System

  19. 因此,车牌识别系统中的车牌定位的研究具有重大的意义。

    Therefore , it is very meaningful to study plate location .

  20. 汽车车牌识别系统中摄像头标定技术的研究

    The Research of Camera Demarcation in Vehicle Number Plate Recognization System

  21. 智能车牌识别系统中图像定位算法

    Image Location Arithmetic in the Intelligent Vehicle Plate Recognization System

  22. 智能车牌识别系统中消除图像干扰的方法

    Method of Eliminating Noise of Image in Intelligent Vehicle Plate Recognization System

  23. 轨道衡车牌识别系统

    The Train - plate Recognition System on the Railway Weighing - machine

  24. 车牌识别系统中字符分割的研究与实现

    The Research and Achievement of Character Segmentation in Vehicle Plate Recognition System

  25. 方法在实际的智能车牌识别系统中得到应用。

    The method is applied to the intelligence vehicle plate recognized system .

  26. 车牌识别系统中智能算法应用研究

    Application of Intelligent Algorithm to Vehicle License Plate Recognition

  27. 由此可见,车牌识别系统在智能交通领域的重要作用。

    Thus , Vehicle License Recognition system play a vital role in ITS .

  28. 在车牌识别系统中,字符分割的效果起着至关重要的作用。

    Character segmentation plays a great role in the License Plate Recognition system .

  29. 车牌识别系统中车牌定位方法的研究

    The Research on the License Plate Location Method of License Plate Recognition Systems

  30. 基于人工神经网络的不同颜色车牌识别系统的研究

    Study on Various Color License Plate Recognition System Based on Artificial Neural Network