
  • 网络Turning;turn;Lathe;Lathe Machining
  1. 车削加工过程建模与MATLAB仿真分析

    Modeling and Simulating by MATLAB on Turning Process

  2. 基于VB的NC车削加工模拟仿真系统研究

    Investigation of the emulation simulation system of NC turning based on VB

  3. NC车削加工切屑形成机理的有限元仿真

    FEM simulation of chip formation mechanism in NC turning machining

  4. CAM系统工艺数据库的建立及应用&车削加工部分

    Foundation and Application of The Technological Data Bank in CAM System-Part of turning work

  5. 描述了一种应用于数控车削加工中心上的CNC旋压成形工艺。

    A CNC spin forming process applicable to the numerical control turning center is described .

  6. 利用单元工艺法解决车削加工CAPP问题

    Solve the problem of turning CAPP by the method of cell process

  7. 超声波振动车削加工等离子喷涂Al2O3+13%TiO2陶瓷涂层

    Used Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting to Machining the Al_2O_3 + 13 % TiO_2 Ceramic Coatings by Plasma Spraying

  8. 基于OpenGL的数控车削加工图形仿真系统研究

    Study on the Graphics Simulation System of NC Turning Based on OpenGL

  9. CAE技术在数控车削加工训练中的应用

    The Application of CAE Technology into CNC Turning Training

  10. SN弹性砂轮在数控车削加工中的应用与研究

    Application and Research of SN Elastic Grinding Wheel in Numerical Control Lathe Work

  11. ABS塑料工件的车削加工

    Turning Processing of ABS Plastics Part

  12. 基于OpenGL的虚拟车削加工图形建模

    Virtual turning process figure modeling based on OpenGL

  13. 基于VRML数控车削加工全景仿真技术研究

    The Technology for NC Turning Simulation in Whole Environment Based on VRML

  14. Nd-Fe-B烧结永磁材料的车削加工研究

    Investigation on Turning of Sintered Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnetic Material

  15. 对Nd-Fe-B烧结永磁材料的车削加工进行了试验研究。

    The turning mechanism of sintered Nd-Fe-B permanent magnetic material was investigated experimentally .

  16. 在此框架基础上利用VRML、EAI和Java的有机结合实现了对车床基本车削加工方式的虚拟。

    Based on the framework , this paper puts the cutting ways of the lathe into effect , combined VRML , EAI and Java program .

  17. LVDT刀具在线检测仪在超精密车削加工中的应用

    Application of LVDT tools of on line Testing Instrument in Ultraprecision Turning

  18. 基于DEFORM-3D的高速车削加工仿真

    Finite element simulation of high-speed turning using DEFORM-3D

  19. 设计开发一种大行程的快速伺服刀架(FastToolServo,简称FTS),使用金刚石车削加工的方法加工NRS元件成为解决上诉问题的核心技术。

    Design and development of a large stroke Fast Tool Servo ( FTS ), using the diamond turning method become the core technology to resolve the problem of NRS surface manufacturing .

  20. 利用触针式轮廓仪对车削加工的表面轮廓进行了测量,分析了不同工艺参数对表面分形维数D和表面粗糙度参数aR的影响。

    In this paper , the turning surface profiles were measured with a contact stylus profiler , and the influences of the different machining conditions on the fractal dimension D were also analyzed .

  21. WC-Co硬质合金喷涂层是刀具材料的主要成份,难以用普通刀具对它进行车削加工。

    WC-Co spray coating carbide , the main composition of cutting tool material , is rather difficult to cut with common cutting tools .

  22. 利用快速伺服刀架(FTS)作为精密微位移加工模块来车削加工微结构表面的方法已经成为微结构表面切削加工的一种主流技术。

    Precision diamond turning based on a fast tool servo as a micro-displacement module is a very popular micro-structured surface manufacturing technology .

  23. 并通过VC++调用MatlabComBuilder生成的组件,将基于Matlab的切屑形态预测模块集成到虚拟数控车削加工系统中来,进行切屑形态预测。

    The paper uses the module transferred from Matlab to VC + + by using Matlab Com Builder , integrates the chip formation prediction model into virtual numerical control machining system , predict the form of the chip .

  24. 通过使用不同刃磨质量的polycrystallinediamond(PCD)刀具车削加工硅铝合金活塞实验,阐述了PCD刀具刃磨质量及几何参数对硅铝合金活塞加工表面粗糙度的影响。

    The surface roughness of silicon-aluminum alloy pistons affected by the edge grinding quality and geometry parameters of polycrystalline diamond tools was described by using different PCD tools with different grinding qualities to machine silicon-aluminum alloy pistons .

  25. FANUC0i系统数控车床车削加工的几种对刀方法

    FANUC 0i system numerical control lathe turning processing several kinds to knife method

  26. 本文阐述了SPDT技术的原理、特点以及在ICF靶制备中的应用,包括腔体的制备、异形靶零件的制备以及泡沫车削加工等。

    The SPDT principle , characteristic and application in the field of inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) target fabrication , such as hohlraum production , target component machining and foam turning micromachining are mainly described in the paper .

  27. 针对碳石墨M104密封环的车削加工过程,进行了常规切削和激光辅助切削的对比实验研究;

    The turning process of carbon-graphite M104 seal ring is focused , and the comparative experimental study on conventional machining and laser-assisted machining are performed .

  28. 运用正交试验法对W-Fe-Ni合金半球试件车削加工表面粗糙度进行了试验,并采用极差分析法分析了试验结果。

    The experiment was carried out on W-Fe-Ni alloy semi-sphere parts by using orthogonal test method to study the turned surface roughness , and results of experiments were analyzed by using maximum difference method .

  29. 以FANUC-0I系统的为例,提出了数控车削加工的的两种手动对刀方法,详细阐述了对刀步骤及其原理,并介绍了刀补值的输入方法。

    Taking FANUC-0I system for instance , two rectifying cutter methods by test cutting in numerical control machining were put forward . The steps and the principles of rectifying cutter were expatiated , and the methods of inputting the compensating value of tools were introduced .

  30. 确定车削加工工艺系统刚度的一种实验方法

    An experimental method for determining the rigidity of turning machine systems