
  • 网络ultra-precise machining;Ultra Precision Machining;ultraprecision machining;Ultra Machining
  1. 精密、超精密加工时PCD刀具后刀面错位熨压的理论模型及实验研究

    A Theoretical Model and Experimental Study on Overlapping Ironing of PCD Cutting Tool Flank in Precision and Ultraprecision Machining

  2. 目前应用于KDP晶体超精密加工的方法都不同程度地存在着一定的问题,还有待于进一步完善。

    Presently , the ultraprecision machining methods applied to KDP crystals have some defects , they still remain to be further improved .

  3. X射线&极紫外光学中的超精密加工及其应用

    Ultra - precision Machining and It 's Application for X-Ray / EUV Optics

  4. 先进IC制造技术在超精密加工中的应用与发展

    The Application and Development of Advanced IC Manufacturing Technology in Ultra-precision Machining

  5. 宏微控制平台还可以应用于其他领域,比如说MEMS、超精密加工等。

    The platform can also be used in other fields , such as MEMS , super precise process .

  6. 用碱性纳米SiO2浆料对计算机硬盘NiP基板进行CMP超精密加工的研究

    CMP Study of NiP Substrate of Computer Hard-disk with Alkali Nanometer SiO_2 Slurry

  7. KDP晶体超精密加工表面硬度压痕尺寸效应研究

    Hardness indentation size effect of KDP crystals for ultra-precision machining surface

  8. KDP晶体超精密加工技术的研究

    Study on the Ultra-precision Machining Technology for KDP Crystals

  9. 介绍了应用原子力显微镜(AFM)扫描测量超精密加工用金刚石刀具刃口半径的方法,给出了测量图象和测量结果。

    On the basis of scanning probe theory , a new method for measuring the cutting edge radius of diamond tools used in ultra-precision machining is proposed .

  10. 碳化硅(SiliconCarbide)陶瓷具有高耐磨耐腐蚀性、高脆性和低断裂韧性的特点,传统的超精密加工方法难以达到高精度表面质量要求。

    With the distinguished properties such as high anti-wear , anti-corrosion high brittleness and lower fracture-toughness , silicon carbide ceramic are hard to reach the required high-precision surface quality by the conventional ultra-precision manufacturing techniques .

  11. 目前,纳米级高精度MEMS定位系统已广泛应用于精密机械、超精密加工、生物工程、集成电路制造、医疗科学等领域。

    Currently , the nano-scale hign precision MEMS positioning system has been widely used in precision machinery , ultra-precision machining , bio-engineering , integrated circuit manufacturing , medical science and other fields .

  12. 其区别于MEMS技术和超精密加工技术,是利用传统机加工方式并针对微米和中间尺度微小零件进行高效率、高精度微细制造的有效途径。

    Differed from the MEMS and ultraprecision machining processing , it is a novel effective way using traditional machining method to manufacture micro - and meso-scale components with efficiently and high precisely .

  13. CVD金刚石是金刚石材料未来发展的主流,其超精密加工则是扩大CVD金刚石薄膜应用的关键技术之一。

    CVD diamond is the mainstream of future development of diamond materials , and its ultra-precision machining is one of the key technologies to expand the application of CVD diamond films .

  14. 目前,世界发达国家已经研发了基于FTS的微结构表面切削加工的超精密加工设备及其多轴数控系统,并成功的实现了高精度微结构表面的加工。

    Nowadays , some developed countries have successfully fabricated precision micro-structured surfaces applying their precision equipment and numerical control multi-axis systems .

  15. 超精密加工技术在精密机械、汽车、航空、航天、IC制造和微电子等诸多高新科技领域都有着非常重要而又广泛的应用,其中高精度主轴又是实现超精密加工技术的核心部件。

    Ultra-precision machining technology has very important and wide applications in many high-tech fields such as precision machinery , automobile , aerospace , IC manufacturing and microelectronics etc. High-precision spindle is the core component to achieve ultra-precision machining .

  16. 扫描探针显微镜(SPM)现在不仅用于表面微观形貌的检测,同时也用于纳米超精密加工和原子操纵。

    Scanning probe microscope ( SPM ) is used not only for measuring the micro profiles of surfaces , but also for nano ultraprecise machining and atom manipulation now .

  17. 着重介绍KDP晶体超精密加工技术的近期发展状况,详细分析KDP晶体超精密加工中存在的若干问题。

    In this paper , the latest development is generally reviewed , and some problems existing in ultra-precision machining of KDP crystal have been analyzed in detail .

  18. 微纳米测量技术在微机电系统(MEMS)装配与集成、集成电路(IC)制造与封装、超精密加工等领域广泛应用,并朝着高速、高精度方向发展。

    Micron and nanometer displacement measurement technology is widely used in the field of MEMS assembly , IC manufacturing and packaging , ultra precision process , etc , and its development trend is high speed and high precision .

  19. 本文通过基于AFM的机械刻划加工方法,对超精密加工中切屑的形成、形貌的影响因素进行了研究。本文首先对针尖刻划过程以及基于AFM的刻划机理进行了分析。

    So , this paper studies for the influencing factors on chip formation and morphological characteristics via the mechanical scratching machining of AFM * Firstly , the process of needlepoint scratching and AFM scratching mechanism are analyzed .

  20. 扫描探针显微镜(SPM)的诞生为超精密加工及其检测技术的迅猛发展起到了推波助澜的作用,为人们研究超精密表面的微观结构及其相互作用提供了有利的手段。

    Scanning probe microscope ( SPM ) has been promoting ultraprecision machining and its measure dramatically since it came into the world in 1986 which enable researchers to study the ultraprecision surface structure and function .

  21. 通过CBN磨轮在硬齿面加工中应用的实例,说明CBN良好的机械加工性能及其在精密和超精密加工中的应用前景。

    The application of grinding wheels of CBN to grinding hard gears is taken for example . It has been shown that CBN has better machining properties and good application prospects in precise processing and super precise processing .

  22. SPM具有极高的分辨率,能够用于观测和描绘超精密加工表面,通过对所观测到的各种物理现象及表面质量进行分析研究,使得人们获得了重要的新的表面科学信息。

    SPM has higher than a kite resolving power , and is capable of observing and describing super-exact manufacturing surface . We obtain much important surface information through analysis and research for kinds of testing phenomenon of surface quality .

  23. 本文以KDP晶体超精密加工机床为研究对象,首先根据流体动力学的基本方程,推导气体静压止推轴承静态特性的理论计算公式,并用该公式计算在工作气压下止推轴承的刚度。

    Firstly , the theoretical formulas on the static characteristics of aerostatic thrust bearing are derived with the basic equations of fluid dynamics and the stiffness of the thrust bearing under the working pressure is calculated with the theoretical formulas .

  24. 化学机械抛光(Chemical-MechanicalPolishing,CMP)作为超精密加工的主要手段,由于在抛光过程中人为因素影响极大,导致抛光效率低、质量稳定性差、加工成本高。

    Being one of the main methods of ultra-precision machining , chemical mechanical polishing ( CMP ) is in the situation of low efficiency , bad quality stabilization and high machining cost as the impact of the human factors on polishing process .

  25. 现代空间光学技术的发展使得非球面光学元件在光学系统中被广泛采用,计算机控制光学表面成形技术(CCOS)已经成为现代光学元件精密超精密加工的重要手段。

    With the development of modern special optics technology , aspheric optical elements are used widely in optics system , the technology of computer controlled optical surfacing ( CCOS ) has been an important method in precision and ultra-precision machining of modern optical elements .

  26. 超精密加工技术是现代高技术战争的重要支撑技术,是现代高科技产业和科学技术的发展基础,是现代制造科学的发展方向。

    Ultra-precision machining technology is the development foundation for high-tech industries .

  27. 超精密加工机床的关键部件技术

    Technique for Key Components of Machine Tool for Ultra precision Machining

  28. 微细游离磨粒借助流体动压力实现的超精密加工技术

    Ultra-precision machining technology in fine loose abrasive using fluid hydrodynamic pressure

  29. 超精密加工振动误差源诊断实验研究

    Experimental Study of Vibration Error Sources Identification of Ultra Precision Machining

  30. 离子束抛光技术是一种超精密加工技术。

    Ion beam polishing technology belongs to the ultra-precision machining technology .