
  • 网络Beyond Borders;beyond the border;Beyond All Boundaries;Beyond Frontiers;BEYONG THE BORDERS
  1. 超越边界,爱,超越边界,超越一对恋人的身份和社会角色,超越充满暴力和极度暴力的边界。

    Beyond borders , the love beyond borders of two lovers'role of life , the borders full of violence and intense peril .

  2. 首先,当粒子飞行超越边界时,采用和声搜索算法产生新解;

    Firstly , when the boundaries are exceeded , the harmony search algorithm is implemented to obtain a new trial solution ;

  3. 在这里开始超越这些边界我的一个国家的故事。

    Here starts my tale of a country beyond these borders .

  4. 超越时空边界产品创新的全球视野全球产品开发团队的管理

    Beyond Time and Physical Distance : An New Perspective for Product Innovation

  5. 它的影响力更远覆盖到超越美国边界的地方。

    Its influence spreads far beyond American boundaries .

  6. 虽然新边界无法全面超越旧边界,但新旧边界具有相容性。

    Although the new bound cannot comprehensively surpass the original one , they are compatible with each other .

  7. 今天国际法这一术语广泛适用于无论是公共性质还是私人性质的任何超越国家边界的行为。

    Today , the term international law applies to any conduct outside the boundaries of states , whether of a public or a private nature .

  8. 全球价值链背景下,国际分工已从按产品分工转变为按要素分工,从产业间水平分工转变为价值链分工;产业边界超越国家边界,改变了国家参与国际分工的性质;

    In the context of global value chain ( GVC ), industries spanned country boundaries , which changed the nature of country 's participation in international division .

  9. 过去十年间,我记述了非洲大陆53个国家的首都,以图理解区域地理和传统是如何超越国家边界的。

    In the past decade I have documented the 53 capitals of the continent in a bid to understand how regional geography and tradition transcend state boundaries .

  10. 这样的魅力是可以理解的,因为网络通讯可以超越地理边界,通过分享重要想法,扩展有共同爱好的朋友的人际圈。

    The fascination is understandable , as cyber communications go beyond geographic borders and expand the ability of people with common interests to share ideas important to them .

  11. 在当今全球化竞争背景下,企业资源整合范围不断超越企业边界和国家边界,其整合模式的选取已经不再是纯粹管理技术的问题,而在很大程度上受到国家文化特征的影响。

    Under the global competition , the scope of enterprise resources integration is expanding beyond organizational and national borders , the selection of resources integration model is no longer a pure technology problem , but influenced largely by the characteristics of national culture .

  12. 利用一类常见分布族的一个重要性质,给出了增量带重尾分布的随机游动在随机时段内的上确界超越曲线边界的概率的一个重要结果的必要条件。

    The necessary condition of an important result of the probability that the supremum of a random walk with ( heavy - ) tailed increments crosses a curve on a random time interval is presented by using an important property of a general distribution class .

  13. 移动超越自我的边界。

    Move beyond the boundaries of self .

  14. 经济竞争主体已经超越企业的边界,以产业集群为主体的竞争格局悄然形成。

    The competitive body has already exceeded the boundary of a single enterprise . The industrial cluster is formed silently .

  15. 另一方面,世界主义的伦理在本质上是关于个体与他人对话的艺术,认为个体应当超越身份的边界而对他人怀有关心和尊重。

    The essence of cosmopolitan ethics is the art of conversation between individuals and others . Individuals should go beyond the borders of identities and pay concerns as well as respects to other people .

  16. 组织通过调动和协调组织内部和外部的人力、资金和其他资源实施项目来达到某个特定的目标,所有大型工程项目都会超越组织的边界。

    By mobilizing and coordinating internal and external human , financial and other resources , organizations implement projects to achieve a particular objective . The operation of all large-size projects will go beyond organizational boundaries .

  17. 癌症的一个定义特征是快速产生异常细胞,这些细胞超越其通常边界生长并可侵袭身体的毗邻部位和扩散到其它器官。

    One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries , and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs .

  18. 乐清低压电器产业区的经验表明,随着产业升级与多元化策略的推进,企业集团就会超越本地的边界,通过跨区域迁移扩张,在更大尺度的空间范围内构建企业战略网络。

    The experience of Yueqing low-voltage electrical equipment industrial district shows : with the strategies of industrial upgrading and diversifying investment led by the business groups , they will leave the industrial district to establish larger-scale strategic network through trans-regional relocation .

  19. 无边界职业生涯的概念产生于20世纪90年代早期。其基本涵义是指雇员在不同的雇用单位就业的职业生涯,或者是指超越单个组织边界的一系列工作机会。

    Boundaryless career stems from the concept of the early 1990s . The basic meaning refers to the employment of employees in different units of career employment , or refers to a single organization beyond the borders of a series of jobs .

  20. Magnum的受欢迎程度超越了美国的边界,与阿拉伯马养殖全世界承认他完美无瑕的构象的支柱。

    Magnum 's popularity transcends the United States'borders , with pillars of Arabian horse breeding worldwide recognizing his flawless conformation .

  21. 分布式可以导致更多分权,甚至可以超越企业或者组织边界。

    The distribution can lead to much more decentralization , even beyond the enterprise / organizational boundaries .

  22. 价值链财务活动导致人们对财务主体边界的模糊,但实际上并没有超越其现实的边界。

    The author believes that financial activities in value-chain can 't break through the actual boundary of financing body .

  23. 国际法是指调整发生在超越单一国家法律边界的各种行为规则和标准的法律体系。

    International law : The body of legal rules and norms that regulates activities carried on beyond the legal boundaries of a single state .

  24. 外来资本进入农业领域,促成了土地流转市场的形成,超越自然村社边界并以具有法律效应的合同为保障的发生在农户与资本之间的契约流转开始在农村出现。

    Foreign capital into the agricultural areas , contributed to the land circulation market formation , beyond the natural villages and communities and to have legal effect the boundary of the contract for the occurrence of security in the farmers and capital .

  25. 医院管理者们越来越深刻地认识到,现代医院管理必须超越医院内部管理职能,超越医院边界,将医院看成是动态环境中一个开放系统来加以管理。

    Hospital managers have a more and more profound understanding of that modern hospital management must manage the hospital as an open system in the dynamic environment , and that it must cut across internal management functions of the hospital and the hospital boundary .