
  • 网络Ashraya;Free From Bias;transcendence;detachment
  1. 法学家属于知识分子中的一部分,具有超然性。

    Jurist belongs to the part of the intellectuals .

  2. 超然性目标依次排序为回归自然、贡献国家、人类福祉。

    The sequence of their supernatural value objectives : returning to nature , contributions to the state and happiness of human beings ;

  3. 之后,读者定会感受到艺术的超然性,与之相对的则是试图把生活重新拼凑在一起的人们所表现出的脆弱和破碎。

    In the aftermath , readers are assured of the transcendence of art set against the fragility and brokenness of humans trying to piece their lives back together .

  4. 尤以强调公正、独立、专业与超然性的监督制衡角色,加强其权责与落实执行力,为主要的诉求。

    Emphatically , as the main expectation , the role of the supervision mechanism should be justifiable , independent , professional and detached , responsibilities and power should be enforced , and power of performance should be carried out .