
  1. ‘超红’是从引进的美国‘WhiteLady’桃的自然杂交实生种中选出。

    ' Chaohong ' is derived from the true seed of White Lady 's natural crossing . ' White Lady ' is an American peach variety .

  2. 短枝型桃新品种超红短枝,在生长发育特点和生理特性上与其它品种有较大差异,其胚发育时间短,PF值很小,培养难度大。

    Super Red Spur , a new spur variety in peach genotype , showed great difference in growth developing and physiological characteristics compared with other peach varieties . It had short period of embryo developing , small PF value and difficult to culture .

  3. 油桃新品种&超红短枝的遗传稳定性研究

    Study on Genetic Stability of ' Super red Spur ' Nectarine

  4. 出色的声音,超红的歌曲,排行榜的常客。

    Strong voice , super songs and charts success .

  5. 超红短枝桃幼胚培养技术研究

    Studies on the Culture of Immature Embryo in ' Super Red Spur ' Peach

  6. 超红短枝的需冷量为450小时左右。

    Chilling requirement of the ' Super red Spur ' was about 450 hours .

  7. 以盆栽短枝型桃品种超红短枝和普通型品种早红珠为试材,研究了水分胁迫对不同生长类型桃树新梢增长率、叶片水分利用效率和羧化效率的影响。

    Under water stress , the shoot increased rate , the water use efficiency and carboxylation efficiency of two peach varieties were studied under pot cultivation condition .

  8. 我们于1997年引进了苹果元帅系第三代和第四代的几个品种,即新红星、首红和超红。

    Some varieties of G3 and G4 Marshal Apple , New Red-Star , Red Head , and Super-Red , were introduced to the improved variety demonstrative farm in Yanyuan County .

  9. 3干旱条件下,超红短枝的光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、对水分的利用效率和羧化效率一直高于对照。

    Under drought , photosynthetic rate , transpiration rate , stomata conduct , water use efficiency and carboxylic efficiency of the ' Super red Spur ' was higher than control 's.

  10. 4超红短枝虽有较强的自花结实能力,但以春艳、曙光、丹墨等品种为授粉树,坐果率更高。

    ' Super red Spur ' had a stronger self-flower bear fruit ability , but if Chun yan , Shu guang . Dan mo et al varieties were used for pollinate tree , the bearing fruit rate is higher .

  11. 目的探讨超剂量红细胞输注在小儿急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the action of super-dose transfusion of RBC in children ALL .

  12. 分析了在外荷载作用下,超固结红粘土地基可能出现的几种固结性状。

    Several consolidation behaviors may occur when over-consolidation red clay foundation is under load .

  13. 经凝固浴处理后,壳聚糖超滤膜对酸性红B的截留率提高了83.7%;

    The results show that the retention rate of chi - tosan membranes increases by 83.7 % after being treated by precipitation .

  14. 根据国内市场对超高纯氧化铁红的需求及目前国内氧化铁红的生产水平,简要介绍了氧化铁红的生产工艺流程及氧化铁红的精制工艺流程;

    The production technics and refining process flow of iron oxide are introduced on the basis of the demands and domestic production level of ultra-pure iron oxide .