
  1. 强5飞机减摆器是防止前轮摆振的关键构件。本文用疲劳断裂理论估算该构件的安全寿命和裂纹扩展寿命,并提出维修及设计改进建议。

    The shimmy damper of A5 aircraft is a critical component used to prevent the nose wheel from shimmying This paper estimates the safety life and fracture extension life of the component with the fatigue fracture theory , and puts forward recommendations for the maintenance and design improvement .

  2. 非线性减摆器的阻尼特性评价及其当量的线性化方法

    Evaluation on damping property of non-linear shimmy damper and equivalent linearization methods

  3. 一种基于复模量的粘弹减摆器非线性VKS改进模型

    An improved nonlinear VKS model of Elastomeric Lag Damper Based on its complex modulus

  4. 挤压式磁流变减摆器特性及其对直升机地面共振的影响研究离心摆式DMF-CS扭振减振器隔振性能分析

    Characteristics of Magneto-rheological Damper with Squeeze Mode and Its Effect on Helicopter " Ground Resounance " Dynamic Stability ; Analysis of Isolation of the Torsional Vibration of DMF-CS with Centrifugal Pendulum-type Absorber

  5. 提出了一种基于复模量的黏弹减摆器非线性VKS改进模型,得到了减摆器单频及双频条件下复模量随动幅值变化的非线性特性;

    An improved nonlinear VKS model of an elastomeric lag damper based on complex modulus is presented in order to predict its nonlinear characteristics with respect to dynamic amplitude undergoing single and dual frequency excitations .

  6. 本文介绍了一种新型的直升机旋翼减摆器&可控阻尼减摆器的基本原理及其等效粘性阻尼系数(EVDC)的计算方法。

    This paper presented the basic principle of a new type helicopter main rotor lead-leg damper - active controllable lead-leg damper and its calculating method of equivalent viscous damping constant ( EVDC )

  7. 直升机桨叶液压减摆器等效阻尼计算研究

    Study on equivalent damping calculation for hydraulic damper of helicopter rotor

  8. 一种直升机粘弹减摆器时域模型参数识别方法

    A Time-Domain Methodology for Identifying Model Parameters of Elastomeric Lag Dampers

  9. 带粘弹减摆器的旋翼/机体耦合系统稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Coupled Rotor / Fuselage System with Elastomeric Lag Damper

  10. 强5飞机减摆器轴断裂原因初探

    Preliminary research on fracture reasons of shimmy damper shaft of A5 aircraft

  11. 增大减摆器的静态位移会降低其有效阻尼;

    However , its available damping will decrease as its steady displacement increased .

  12. 直升机旋翼叶间减摆器的参数影响分析

    Parametric Analysis of Inter-Blade Lag Dampers of Helicopter Rotor

  13. 油液压缩性对减摆器工作特性的影响

    Effects of Fluid Compressibility on Landing Gear Shimmy Dampers

  14. 几何耦合对直升机桨叶液压减摆器等效线性阻尼的影响研究

    On Influence of Kinematics to Equivalent Linear Damping of Helicopter Blade Hydraulic Damper

  15. 推导了常规粘弹减摆器/旋翼耦合系统运动方程。

    A damper finite element model is coupled to rotor system equations of motion .

  16. 直升机旋翼可控阻尼减摆器原理与设计

    Principle and design of a helicopter main rotor active controllable lead - leg damper

  17. 在时域内建立了直升机粘弹减摆器的非线性模型。

    A time domain model incorporating nonlinear dynamic behavior of elastomeric lag dampers is developed .

  18. 直升机桨叶液压减摆器具有强非线性、大阻尼的特点。

    Great amplitude and highly nonlinear damping exist in the hydraulic damper of helicopter rotors .

  19. 飞机减摆器断轴失效分析及改进设计研究

    Losing Efficiency Analysis and Improved Design of Broken Shaft of Vibration Reducer on a Certain Aircraft

  20. 本文选择磁流变阻尼器的非线性滞回模型作为磁流变减摆器的数学模型。

    In this thesis the nonlinear hysteretic model is chosen as the mathematical model of magneto-rheological lead-lag dampers .

  21. 提出了一种在模型直升机旋翼故障试验台上模拟减摆器失效故障方法。

    This paper presents a simulation method of the defective lag damper fault on a helicopter rotor test rig .

  22. 大总距时,用时域分析得到的模态阻尼与试验值吻合得更好,该方法可用于具有非线性减摆器的直升机旋翼/机体耦合系统的动稳定性分析。

    TD analysis can be applied in the dynamic stability analysis of helicopter rotor / fuselage coupled systems incorporated with nonlinear blade lag dampers .

  23. 为此,本文研究了结构简单、可靠性高并具有自适应能力的磁流变减摆器(阻尼器),用于控制直升机旋翼/机体耦合动不稳定性运动。

    Therefore , in this thesis , the magneto-rheological damper ( MRFD ) was studied which is of simple structure , high reliability and self adaption .

  24. 建立了直升机前飞时,计入变距/挥舞/摆振几何耦合和力速度非线性关系的液压减摆器分析模型;

    An analytical model of hydraulic damper was presented in forward flight accounting for pitch / flap / lag kinematic coupling and its nonlinear force_velocity curve .

  25. 通过改进减摆器的安装型式、选择合理的几何参数可以显著降低轴向速度,提高等效线性阻尼。

    Results demonstrate that the damper axial velocity could be reduced and equivalent linear damping increased through modifications of damper geometric arrangement and reasonable choices of structural parameters .

  26. 结果表明,其中一个减摆器失效后,各片桨叶摆振运动特性相差很大,系统的摆振后退型模态阻尼下降幅度高达60%以上。

    It shows that the characteristics of each blade lead-lag behavior is very dissimilar arising from a damper failure , and the regressive lag modal damping has above 60 % decrement .

  27. 为提高旋翼/机体耦合动稳定性,一般采用在桨叶根部安装减摆器的方法,但目前常用的减摆器很难满足直升机不同工作状态下对摆振器阻尼的不同需求。

    To improve the stability , one common method is to install dampers at the roots of blades . However , commonly used dampers can hardly meet different demands when helicopter working in different conditions .

  28. 与基本模型相比,它能使系统的模态阻尼提高50%以上,而同时使减摆器的定常循环载荷的幅值下降60%左右。

    Compared with a baseline model ( which has no damper attachment offset ), analytical results show that the regressive lag mode damping can be increased about 50 % , simultaneously , the damper steady cyclic load amplitude has about 60 % decrement for a notional model .

  29. 参照某型直升机旋翼系统对减摆阻尼器的结构及性能的要求,首次研制了一种金属橡胶-钢丝绳索型减摆器。

    According to requirement of the shimmy damper ′ s structure and performance of a kind of helicopter rotor system , the paper presents a new kind of metal rubber-steel cable shimmy damper firstly .