
  1. 研究形而上学不应忽略柏拉图&与王路先生商榷

    Plato An Indispensable Person in Studying Metaphysics Discussion with Mr. WANG Lu

  2. 评《辩证逻辑的历史与未来》&与王路先生商榷

    A Review of The History and Future of Dialectical Logic : Discuss with Mr. Wang Lu

  3. 再论逻辑学与通识教育&与王路教授商榷

    A Further Study of Logic and the Liberal Education & A Discussion with Professor Wang Lu

  4. 王路的《辩证逻辑的历史与未来》一文有种种不妥之处:一个确切的历史事实是:黑格尔的逻辑学就是辩证法。

    The history and future of dialectical logic wrote by Wang is unsound : A precise historic fact is that Logic of Hegel is just dialectics .

  5. 王路批评我国高校哲学教学拒绝现代逻辑是正确的,对以《普通逻辑》为代表的逻辑教材表示不满完全是正当合理的。

    WANG Lu 's criticism of the rejection of modern logic in philosophy classroom instruction in China 's institutions of higher learning is well founded , and his dissatisfactions with logic textbooks represented by General Logic is perfectly right and reasonable .