
ān wèi
  • comfort;console;consolation;solace;soothe
安慰 [ān wèi]
  • [comfort;console;soothe] 安顿抚慰。用欢娱、希望、保证以及同情心减轻、安抚或鼓励

  • 从回忆中,他总是找得到安慰和力量的。--郑文光《火刑》

安慰[ān wèi]
  1. 我试图说上几句安慰的话。

    I tried to offer a few words of comfort .

  2. 在这种情况下,他的话起不了什么安慰作用。

    His words were of little comfort in the circumstances .

  3. 医生安慰他说,没什么严重的病。

    The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong .

  4. “他会回来的。”苏珊安慰她道。

    ' He 'll come back , ' Susan assured her .

  5. 你可以安慰自己的是你已经尽了最大的努力。

    Console yourself with the thought that you did your best .

  6. 他晚年从孙儿们身上得到安慰。

    His grandchildren were a solace in his old age .

  7. 他们平安的消息给大家带来了巨大的安慰。

    News of their safety came as a great relief .

  8. 她笑了,仿佛在往事的回忆中得到了安慰。

    She smiled , as though solaced by the memory .

  9. 感受到他的拥抱使她得到安慰。

    It comforted her to feel his arms around her .

  10. 她轻声安慰受到惊吓的孩子。

    She spoke quietly to still the frightened child .

  11. 受害人的遗孀今天正受到亲属和朋友的安慰。

    The victim 's widow was today being comforted by family and friends .

  12. 他妻子去世后,几个孩子就是他极大的安慰。

    The children were a great consolation to him when his wife died .

  13. “没关系。”安妮安慰她说。

    ‘ Never mind , ’ Anne consoled her .

  14. 她搂住他肩膀以示安慰。

    She put a consoling arm around his shoulders .

  15. 在我经历这一切的日子里,孩子们一直是我的一个巨大安慰。

    The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this .

  16. 他轻拍着妹妹的手安慰她。

    He patted his sister 's hand consolingly .

  17. 不知道这算不算得上安慰,她也没有得到那份工作。

    If it 's any consolation , she didn 't get the job , either .

  18. 谋杀儿子的凶手被判罪,让他们得到了一些安慰。

    The conviction of their son 's murderer helped to give them a sense of closure .

  19. 我不愿意撒谎,但我安慰自己那是出于好意。

    I didn 't like lying but I consoled myself that it was for a good cause .

  20. 对数百万失业者来说,通货膨胀率的微降是不起作用的安慰。

    A small drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort for the millions without a job .

  21. 政府会从最新的民意调查中得到安慰。

    The government will take comfort from the latest opinion poll .

  22. 意大利肉酱面是绝好的安慰食物。

    For me , spaghetti bolognese is the ultimate comfort food .

  23. 我不需要任何人的精神安慰。

    I don 't need anyone to hold my hand .

  24. 约翰的母亲和姐姐到他身边给予安慰。

    John 's mother and sister rallied round offering comfort .

  25. 她把她揽进怀里,尽力安慰她。

    She took her in her arms and tried to comfort her .

  26. 内德搂着她,想安慰她。

    Ned put his arm around her , trying to comfort her .

  27. 不是只有我一个人才这样,我可以用这一事实来安慰自己。

    I can console myself with the fact that I 'm not alone

  28. 他成了费雯丽忠诚的朋友和给她安慰的人。

    He became Vivien Leigh 's devoted friend and comforter .

  29. 我父亲3年前去世的时候,我从写作中找到了安慰。

    I found solace in writing when my father died three years ago

  30. “没关系,内德。”他安慰我说。

    ' Never mind , Ned , ' he consoled me