
ān lè xiāng
  • land of milk and honey;totus land
安乐乡[ān lè xiāng]
  1. 那个国家现在成了人们向往的安乐乡。

    The country is now the fancied land of milk and honey .

  2. 伯莎的记忆里出现了意大利,那个安慰因夙愿未酬而痛苦的人们的国土,那个安乐乡。

    Bertha 's memory brought back Italy , the land of those who suffer in unfulfilled desire , the lotus-land .

  3. 《安乐乡的一日》反映了由于东西方文化的冲突,在美华人所感受到的身份认同困惑。

    《 A Day In Pleasantville 》 reflects the perplexities of cultural identity which perplexes the Chinese in the United States .

  4. 因此,垂手等待死亡,期待一个毫无挑战的安乐乡,只是为了活下去,这是对自己的不负责任。

    Therefore it is incredibly irresponsible to merely accept death as the future , settle into a comfort zone of challenge , and to merely exist .

  5. 第一部分为导论,导论由四部分组成,分别阐明本文的选题意义、研究现状、本文的研究方法以及贵州省毕节地区大方县安乐彝族仡佬族乡的简介。

    The first part is introduction , introduction consists of four parts , this paper expounds the significance of topic , the research present situation , the profile in Bijie Dafang county AnLe Yi and Gelo nationality , and the research method respectively .