
  • 网络grape polyphenols;Red Wine Polyphenols
  1. 以法国Caudalie集团为例,这是一家在英国受人顶礼膜拜的化妆品品牌,因善于运用葡萄多酚的功效而闻名。

    Take the French group Caudalie , a cult cosmetics brand in the UK known for harnessing the power of polyphenols in grapes .

  2. 结果表明,葡萄多酚对DPPH、超氧阴离子自由基、羟基自由基清除活性IC50值分别为:1.96μg/ml、7.50mg/ml、1.91mg/ml,同时,在实验条件下它可将油脂的酸败时间推迟1d。

    IC50 of grape polyphenols on scavenging DPPH radical , superoxide anion radical and hydroxyl radical were 1.96 μ g / ml , 7.50mg / ml , 1.91mg/ml respectively . It can also defer the oil oxidation about one day under the experiment conditions .

  3. 葡萄多酚物质提取方法的研究

    Study on the methods of polyphenol extraction and separation in grape tissue

  4. 无核白葡萄多酚氧化酶特性研究

    Study on the Characteristic of Polyphenoloxidase in Thompson Seedless Grape

  5. 壳聚糖&海藻酸钠微胶囊对葡萄多酚控制释放的研究

    Mimic Study on Controlled Release of Grape Polyphenols from Chitosan-sodium Alginate Microcapsules

  6. 高温操作及贮存过程中葡萄多酚的稳定性

    Storage and Thermal Stability of Polyphenols from Grape Seeds

  7. 葡萄多酚的抗氧化活性

    Study on the Antioxidant Activities of Grape Polyphenols

  8. 在传统酸奶加工工艺基础上,生产葡萄多酚酸奶。

    On bases of the traditional yoghurt technology , grape polyphenols yoghurt was produced .

  9. 葡萄多酚类化合物以及生理功能

    Grape Polyphenol Compounds and Its Physiological Functions

  10. 野生山葡萄多酚对异丙肾上腺素诱发的小鼠心肌缺血的保护作用

    Protective effects of the polyphenols of Vitis amurensis Rupr on myocardial ischemia induced by isoproterenol in mice

  11. 山葡萄多酚对酒精慢性中毒大鼠氧化损伤的保护作用

    Protective effects of polyphenols of vitis amurensis Rupr on rat oxidative damage caused by chronic alcohol intakes

  12. 山葡萄多酚对大鼠缺血再灌注心肌线粒体损伤的保护作用

    Protective Effect of Polyphenols of Vitis amurensis Rupr on Myocardium Mitochondrial Injury Induced by Ischemia / Reperfusion in Rats

  13. 而以不同浓度的葡萄多酚与0.08mg/mL的茶多酚配伍时,增效效果显著。

    While mixing GP with various concentrations into TP which concentration is 0.08 mg / mL , the increasing effect of inhibition is distinct .

  14. 在实验室条件下,有机溶剂提取是进行葡萄多酚物质相关研究的适宜方法,其最佳因子组合为C3D2A2B1,即在70℃,50%乙醇浓度,5倍体积比提取60min。

    The result shows that organic solvent is appropriate for grape polyphenol extraction and its optimal conditions cover the following aspects : temperature 70 ℃, alcohol concentration 50 % , volume ratio 5 ∶ 1 , extraction 60 min.

  15. 目的探讨葡萄籽多酚(grapeseedpolyphenols,GSP)逆转肿瘤多药耐药的作用及其相关机制。

    Objective To explore if grape seed polyphenols ( GSP ) reverses human breast cancer multidrug resistance .

  16. 研究了葡萄籽多酚(GSP)对高脂膳食小鼠降血脂以及体外抗氧化功能的影响。

    The effect of grape seed polyphenol ( GSP ) on reducing the blood lipid in hyperchloesterolemic rats and its invitro antioxidative function were studied .

  17. 葡萄籽多酚体外逆转胆囊癌细胞株GBC-SD多药耐药作用的研究

    Grape seed polyphenols reverses multidrug resistance of GBC-SD cell lines

  18. 目的:研究葡萄籽多酚(grapeseedpolyphenol熏GSP)对人乳腺癌耐阿霉素细胞株MCF鄄7/ADR的体内外耐药逆转作用。

    Objective : To study the reversing effects of grape seed polyphenol ( GSP ) on multidrug resistance of MCF-7 / ADR cells in vitro and in vivo .

  19. 目的研究野生山葡萄总多酚的浸提条件。

    Objective To study the total polyphenols extracted condition from wild grape .

  20. 葡萄籽多酚逆转人乳腺癌多药耐药性及其机制的研究

    Grape seed polyphenols reverses multidrug resistance of human breast cancer

  21. 葡萄籽多酚性成分对小鼠抗氧化作用研究

    Studies on Antioxidant Effects of Rats on Polyphenols Constituents of Grape Seed

  22. 作用:葡萄含多酚及具有抗衰老效果的天然抗氧化剂。

    How it works : Grapes contain polyphenols , natural antioxidants with anti-aging benefits .

  23. 葡萄籽多酚抗糖尿病大鼠非酶糖基化实验研究

    Experiment study on anti-nonenzyme glycosylation effect of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract in Diabetic Rats

  24. 目的探讨葡萄籽多酚性成分对小鼠的抗氧化性。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the antioxidant effects of rats on polyphenols constituents of grape seed .

  25. 此条件下,葡萄籽多酚粗次提物得率为13.3%,纯度为25.2%。

    Under these conditions , the yield of crude grape polyphenols was 13.3 % , and its purity was 25.2 % .

  26. 通常俄勒冈的黑松果葡萄含多酚的水平更高,欧洲的葡萄酒含的多酚比美国产的更多。

    Oregon pinot noirs tend to have higher levels of polyphenols and European wines tend to have more polyphenols than American wines , in general .

  27. 葡萄皮籽多酚物质的提取技术研究

    A Study on the Extraction Technology of Polyphenol in Grape Skin and Seed

  28. 不同处理对葡萄皮中多酚类化合物溶出效果的研究

    Study on the Dissolution Effect of Different Treatment on Polyphenols from Skin of Grape

  29. 液相微萃取-高效液相色谱法分析葡萄汁中多酚类化合物

    Determination of polyphenols in grape juice by liquid-phase microextraction coupled with high performance liquid chromatography

  30. 超声波法从葡萄籽中提取多酚的研究

    Research on the Extraction of Polyphenols from Grape Seed by Ultrasonic