
  • 网络Wine Tasting
  1. 如果你想参加上海或广州的葡萄酒品鉴会,请从电子邀请函上的相关报名入口进入。

    Please enter through the guest entrances listed on your e-invitation , if you are interested in participating in the wine tasting in Shanghai or Guangzhou .

  2. 澳隆酒业建立了完善的葡萄酒品鉴体系,并致力与减少环节,减低成本,一最有竞争力的价格,向顾客供应澳大利亚原装优质葡萄酒。

    Aulon established Tasting sound system , and committed to reduce the links , cut costs , one of the most competitive prices to customers supply original quality Australian wine .