
  1. 中国的葡萄酒制造业是一个十分具有发展潜力的行业。

    Chinese wine industry is of massive potentialities .

  2. 类似的冷法灭菌工艺在其它产品诸如果汁和葡萄酒制造中也得到了应用。

    Similar cold pasteurization processes can be applied to other products such as fruit juices and wines .

  3. 也就是说,一旦某种葡萄酒被制造出来,不管价格达到什么高度,其产量都不会再改变。

    That is , irrespective of the price it fetches , once a particular vintage is made no more can be produced .

  4. 他塑造了葡萄酒是如何制造并营销的。

    McCoy : He shapes how wines are made and marketed .

  5. 当经济学家大卫李嘉图(davidricardo)在世时,这种方法很管用:200年前,葡萄牙用“葡萄牙制造”的葡萄酒交换“英格兰制造”的英国纺织品。

    This worked fine when economist David Ricardo was alive : 200 years ago Portugal was trading wine " made in Portugal " for English textile " made in England " .