
jīnɡ jì hé zuò
  • economic cooperation
  1. 我们过去侧重提供援助,现在强调经济合作。

    While in the past we stressed aid , now we stress economic cooperation .

  2. 奥巴马刚在檀香山结束美国主办的亚太经济合作组织领导人年度会议。

    Obama just completed hosting the annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation leaders ' forum in honolulu .

  3. 总而言之,两国目前是真正的经济合作伙伴。

    In sum , the two countries are now true economic partners

  4. 这会伤害德中两国的经济合作关系吗?

    Will this harm economic and cooperative relations between Germany and china ?

  5. 星期一双方就海峡两岸经济合作架构协议进行商谈,重点讨论了协议内容。双方定于6月举办高层磋商。

    Monday 's talks on the economic cooperation framework agreement focused on the content of the pact ahead of higher-level negotiations which are set to take place in june .

  6. 亚太经合组织(theAsia-PacificEconomicCooperation,简称APEC)诞生于1989年,致力于推动亚太地区的投资自由化和经济合作。

    Established in 1989 , the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation is a forum1 that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the Asia-Pacific region .

  7. 这些资产主要投资于经济合作及发展组织的债券与股票市场。

    These are invested mainly in the OECD bonds and equities .

  8. 如何破解区域经济合作碎片化风险?

    How can we resolve the risks that regional economic integration for connectivity development ?

  9. 太平洋经济合作理事会

    Pacific Ecomomic Cooperation Council PEP

  10. 金砖国家新工业革命伙伴关系是下阶段金砖经济合作的一个重要抓手。要敢于先行先试,将企业合作同新工业革命伙伴关系结合起来,争取在创新、数字经济、绿色经济等领域拿出更多亮眼成果,助力五国经济实现高质量发展。

    The BRICS partnership on new industrial revolution is vital to BRICS economic cooperation at the next stage , the business sector results in such areas as innovation , digital economy and green economy so as to promote high-quality development of BRICS economies .

  11. 经济合作与发展组织表示,2020年中国吸引的外国直接投资增长了14%,使中国成为全球外国直接投资第一大目的地。中国良好的发展前景以及进一步开放的政策是吸引外国直接投资的关键因素。

    China 's favorable growth prospects and further opening-up policies are key factors that attract foreign direct investment ( FDI ) . In 2020 , FDI inflows to China increased 14 % , making the country the top destination worldwide , according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development .

  12. APEC区域经济合作组织制度研究

    Study on the APEC 's Mechanism as an Region Economic Cooperation Organization

  13. APEC框架内的东北亚经济合作

    Northeast-Asian Economic Cooperation within the Framework of APEC

  14. 亚太经济合作组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation,APEC)是目前为止亚太地区乃至世界上最有影响的区域经济合作组织之一。

    APEC ( Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ) has been the largest organization for regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific area , even in the world by now .

  15. 2006年7月WTO多哈回合谈判无限期终止,在WTO框架下进一步推动全球贸易自由化的发展进程受阻,与此相对应的是区域和双边经济合作却快速发展。

    Corresponding to the indefinitely termination of Doha Round of WTO negotiations in July 2006 and arrested development of WTO , the regional and bilateral economic cooperation has developed rapidly .

  16. 经济合作与发展组织(organisationforeconomicco-operationanddevelopment)的研究显示,英国15岁青少年的识字率与计算水平大致与德国相当(高于法国的水平)。

    Studies by the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development show that levels of literacy and numeracy among 15-year-olds are about the same as in Germany ( and higher than in France ) .

  17. 最后提出中国应该积极拓展目前的对外经济合作,以抵消TPP带来的不良影响。

    Finally , China should actively expand foreign economic cooperation , in order to offset the adverse effects brought by TPP .

  18. 在当前全球多边贸易谈判进展缓慢的背景下,区域经济合作&其中绝大多数是以自由贸易区(FTA)的形式,在世界各地蓬勃开展起来。

    Within the context of the recent slow progress in global multilateral trade negotiation , regional economic cooperation , mostly in the form of FTA , is blooming throughout the World .

  19. 东亚区域经济合作和一体化从提出、探讨到FTA在不同国家之间的签署和具体实施到东亚区域经济合作和一体化的制度化建设,东亚在迈向区域经济一体化的道路上已经取得了较大的进展。

    From the proposal , discussion and implementation to the institution construction of the East Asian regional economic cooperation and the integration , East Asia has already achieved a big progress on the path .

  20. 亚太经济合作组织(APEC)21个成员国同意就更多环保产品设定关税上限,并承诺在2015年前不增设新的贸易壁垒。

    The 21 members of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation , or APEC , forum agreed on tariff caps for an extended list of environmental products and vowed not to raise new trade barriers before 2015 .

  21. 日本对华经济合作,也从民间有限交流,发展成政府间经济合作,1979年日本决定对华实施ODA这个特定经济合作领域的对华援助,这是一个对中日都有好处的双赢事业。

    In 1979 , the Japanese government decided to offer China assistance in the form of Official Development Assistance ( ODA ), which has become a win-win relationship between the two countries .

  22. 国际上以经济合作与发展组织(OECD)为代表的国际组织也开展了旨在全球范围内反对恶性税收竞争的斗争,这从根源上给了基地公司避税以致命的一击。

    At the same time international organizations led by Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development ( OECD ) also launched the campaign aiming at counteracting harmful tax competition , which will devastate international tax avoidance engaged by base company fundamentally .

  23. 2001年11月中国与东盟10国就建立中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)达成了一致意见,这标志着中国迈出了参与区域经济合作的坚实一步。

    In November 2001 , China and the ten ASEAN countries reached a consensus on the establishment of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement ( CAFTA ), signifying its solid move towards participating in regional economic cooperation .

  24. 从现实性来考虑,可以借助APEC贸易投资自由化框架、次区域合作协定、区域内贸易的发展途径以及长期的经济合作基础和渠道来发展东亚区域内的投资合作。

    From practical considerations , we can improve investment cooperation in East Asia by drawing support from APEC trade and investment liberalization frame , and making use of the channels of sub-regional development cooperation , inner-region trade development and long-term economic cooperation .

  25. 2002年11月4日双方签订《中国与东盟经济合作框架协议》,标志着中国与东盟建设10+1自由贸易区(FTA-FreeTradeArea)的计划进入正式实施阶段。

    The two sides signed the " China-ASEAN Framework Agreement on Economic Cooperation " on November 4 , 2002 , that marks the construction of China and ASEAN " 10 + 1 " Free Trade Area ( FTA-Free Trade Area ) plans to enter the formal implementation stage .

  26. 但G20之所以奏效,仅仅是因为它将自己局限于国际经济合作等相对无关性命的问题。如果它有一天偏离正题,触及伊朗之类的问题,那些常常令安理会陷入僵局的分歧便必然会再次出现。

    But the G20 works only because it has confined itself to relatively bloodless issues of international economic co-ordination . If it were ever to stray on to questions like Iran , then the divisions that too often cripple the Security Council would simply reappear .

  27. 1996年,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)发表的题为《1996年科学、技术与发展展望》的报告中,系统地提出了知识经济这一概念,知识经济从此走向了世界。

    In 1996 , the organization of economy companion and development gave the report of " The science , technology , and the prospect of development in 1996 ", in which the concept of knowledge-based economy is put forward systemically , so the knowledge-based economy is come into the world .

  28. 30多年来,东盟国家的经济合作取得了一定成绩,尤其是东盟自由贸易区(AFTA)计划的提出,成为东盟地区经济合作的转折点和东盟发展过程中的重要分水岭。

    For over 30 years , the economic cooperation of the ASEAN countries has scored certain achievements , and especially the proposition planned in AFTA becomes the important watershed and turning point among evolution of regional economic cooperation in ASEAN .

  29. NAFTA,即北美自由贸易协议正式生效以来已经走过了20个年头,而这项协议为美国,墨西哥和加拿大带来了前所未有的经济合作,美墨间贸易呈现突飞猛进增长。

    In the 20 years since the North American Free Trade Agreement , or NAFTA , entered into force and set the stage for unprecedented economic cooperation between the United States , Mexico and Canada , trade between the United States and Mexico has grown by leaps and bounds .

  30. 从六方会谈看东北亚经济合作

    Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation and Development in View of Six-party Talks