
  • 网络economic mobilization
  1. 基于GIS的国民经济动员分析决策系统设计

    Design of Analysis and Decision-Making System on National Economic Mobilization Based on GIS

  2. 国有资产管理体制改革对国民经济动员的影响

    Effect of reforms of fixed assets management on national economic mobilization

  3. 提出了国民经济动员系统建模方法,在该方法中提出了构建成员Agent模型、系统环境模型、成员Agent的协调模型和通信模型的框架和指导原则。

    The method of modeling National Economy Mobilization System is presented . This method gives the framework and principle of resource agent , coordinate agent , precaution agent and negotiation model .

  4. 本文以国民经济动员仿真演练为背景,研究HLA分布式仿真中的数据管理问题。

    The article researches the data management in the HLA simulation , using the National Economic Mobilization Simulation and Practice as the background .

  5. CALS在国民经济动员网络化建设中的应用

    Application of CALS in Net Construction of National Economy Mobilization

  6. 美国前总统比尔克林顿(billclinton)表示,美国需要进行二战以来最大规模的经济动员,集中力量,引入新的能源科技和监管激励措施,以抗击全球变暖。

    The US needs to unleash " the greatest concentration of economic activity since we mobilised " for the Second World War by embracing new energy technology and regulatory incentives to tackle global warming , according to former US President Bill Clinton .

  7. 国民经济动员虚拟团队模式构建

    A research of the construction for national economic mobilization virtual team

  8. 基于熵的国民经济动员决策模型研究

    Research on Decision Model of National Economy Mobilization Based on Entropy

  9. 知识型经济动员基础的区域组合和产业组合

    On establishing the regional and industrial association of economic mobilization basis

  10. 加强经济动员准备提高战时经济动员能力

    Preparing well for economic mobilization to improve the capability in wartime

  11. 国民经济动员仿真演练中的视景仿真研究

    Visual Simulation Research in the National Economic Mobilization Simulation and Practice

  12. 国民经济动员中任务分解研究

    Research on Task Disassembly in National Economy Mobilization Simulation and Excerise

  13. 建立与完善国民经济动员体制和运行机制的思考

    On establishing and perfecting the economic mobilization system and operation mechanism

  14. 国民经济动员中医护人员组成形式数据建模

    Data Modeling of Medical Team Composing Pattern in National Economy Mobilization

  15. 国民经济动员技术体系初探

    A Probe on the Technical System of Our National Economy Mobilization

  16. 国民经济动员潜力是国民经济体系被动员时的属性。

    It is the utmost potential of national economic system when mobilized .

  17. 新时期国民经济动员理论框架

    Conceptual Framework of Theory of National Economy Mobilization in the New Century

  18. 对城市反空袭作战地方经济动员的思考

    Thinking of the city economic mobilization in the anti-air attack

  19. 然后,分析了国民经济动员活动中的任务动员流程。

    And , it analyzed the processes of national economy mobilization activities .

  20. 国民经济动员发展系统评价

    Research on Evaluation of National Economic Mobilization Development System Based on Coordination

  21. 谈在经济动员资源中建立保障模块的问题

    Issues of establishing the support groups in economic mobilization resources

  22. 国民经济动员仿真演练仿真概念建模研究

    Simulation Conceptual Modeling of National Economy Mobilization Simulation and Training

  23. 装备经济动员需求测定及其效应分析

    On the Demand of Economic Mobilization for Equipments and Its Economic Effects

  24. 我国国民经济动员管理体制回顾

    A review of the management system of national economic mobilization

  25. 纳入机制模式:新世纪中国国民经济动员建设的必然选择

    Model of bringing into : the selection of National Economic Mobilization Construction

  26. 网络时代国民经济动员中的金融建设

    The finance construction in national economic mobilization in Network Era

  27. 关于西北战区经济动员的前瞻性思考

    Thinking of the economic mobilization in the northwestern war zone

  28. 初论国民经济动员学的研究纲领

    An Elementary Study of the Research Programme of National Economy Mobilization Theory

  29. 高技术局部战争经济动员预案制订办法初探

    Formulating Economy Mobilization Prepared programme under high-tech regional war conditions

  30. 论加强我国经济动员组织体制建设

    On enhancing the construction of the organization system in national economic mobilization