
  • 网络economic surplus;EVA
  1. 试论商品价格的确定及经济剩余

    On the determination of commodity 's price and economic surplus

  2. 资本两重性与经济剩余的扩张&马克思统一的非均衡经济学

    The Dualism of Capital and the Expansion of Economic Surplus & The unity of non-equilibrium of economics by Marx

  3. 经济剩余来源新解

    The New Conception of the Source of Economic Remainders

  4. 劳者有其股只不过是劳动者分享经济剩余的形式之一。

    Laborer with his own share is only one forms of the laborer sharing the surplus .

  5. 物质资本是经济剩余之母,人力资本是经济剩余之父。

    The author holds that physical capital is the mother of EVA and human capital is the father of EVA .

  6. 因此政府应对私人和公共物品中采用不同的政策和措施以促进经济剩余的增加。

    As a result , government should take different policies and measures in private and public goods to increase economic surplus .

  7. 适用经济剩余原理对目前我国农业科研单位及推广部门中存在的一些现实问题进行了分析。

    Using the principle of economic surplus , this paper analyses the current problems within agricultural institutes and extention services in China .

  8. 国家对农村金融的管制,其本质在于,国家以金融剩余的形式对农村经济剩余加以切割与转移。

    The nature of the regulation imposed on rural finance is the government-designed segmentation and transfer of the rural economy surplus , in the form of financial surplus .

  9. 通过比较得知:西安市居住地价和容积率的关系并不显著,居住用地的容积率还偏低,土地利用水平不高,土地的经济剩余没有完全显现出来。

    Xi ' an residential FAR and the land price relationship is not significant , the FAR of living space is also low , land-use level is not high , the economy remaining land has not felt .

  10. 对古诺模型与不同市场结构下的经济剩余进行比较,认为古诺均衡有效增加了私有物品的经济剩余,而对公共物品经济剩余的增加效率较低;

    Through comparing the economic surplus of Cournot Model with that of different structures of markets , the paper points out that Cournot equilibrium is of low efficiency for public goods but high efficiency for private goods in increasing economic surplus .

  11. 对混合经济中剩余价值的分析

    Analysis of Surplus Value in Mixed Economy

  12. 如果一个经济体剩余劳动力和廉价资本泛滥,就很难计算出其投资增长的极限。

    It is hard to calculate the limits to investment growth in an economy awash with surplus labour and cheap capital .

  13. 这个风险就是,随着全球经济的剩余产能用尽,生产率增长放缓,通胀压力随之加大。

    That risk is of rising inflationary pressures as the world economy runs out of spare capacity and productivity growth slows down .

  14. 储量必须是已发现的、可采的、经济的和剩余的。

    Reserves should be discovered , recoverable , economic and remaining .

  15. 中国农村经济发展与剩余劳动力

    China 's Rural Economic Development and Surplus Labor Power

  16. 论个体经济对农村剩余劳动力的吸纳

    On individual economy 's absorb on rural suplus labor

  17. 社会主义市场经济条件下剩余价值的探讨

    On Surplus Value Under Socialist Market Economy System

  18. 以西部开发为契机,通过发展当地农村经济来消化剩余劳动力;

    With the opportunity of western exploitation , to develop the rural economy itself assimilated the rural surplus laborers ;

  19. 社会主义市场经济是否存在剩余价值,这不只是一个重大的理论问题。

    It is an important theoretical issue whether on not there is surplus value under the socialist market economy system .

  20. 第三章考察四元经济下农业剩余劳动力转移的状况。

    Chapter three gives a detail analysis to the transfer of the Chinese surplus agricultural labor force under the four-dimension economy .

  21. 欧洲人移民美国是有其深刻的历史背景的:欧洲产业革命的深入发展,摧毁了欧洲的传统经济,导致剩余劳动力向海外迁徙;

    There were profound historical backgrounds for it : The deepening development of European industrial revolution destroyed the European traditional economic structure , causing surplus labor to emigrate abroad ;

  22. 资本主义经济增长与剩余价值率、剩余价值积累率呈同向变动,与资本有机构成呈反方向变动。

    The capitalist economy growth changes in the same direction with the surplus value rate and the surplus value accumulation rate , while in the reversed direction with the capital organic composition .

  23. 非经济因素对农村剩余劳动力转移作用和影响的理论分析

    Theory Analysis on Effects of Non-economy Factors to Rural Labor Migration

  24. 发展区域经济,促进农村剩余劳动力转移

    Developing Regional Economy , Promoting Transference of Rural Surplus Labor

  25. 浅谈我国二元经济下的农业剩余劳动力转移

    Discussing the transfer of surplus labor force in agriculture under Chinese dual-economic structure

  26. 从中国的甲骨文开始,随着社会的出现,经济的发展,剩余商品的交换,广告开始出现了。

    With the development of societies and economies , the emergencies of surplus commodities , advertisement has come into being .

  27. 再次对城市化与经济发展和农业剩余劳动力转移的关系通过搜集的大量数据,进行回归分析,验证了城市化水平和经济发展、农业剩余劳动力转移之间有很强的相关关系。

    Thirdly , the paper conducts a correlation analysis between urbanization and the transference of agriculture surplus labor , urbanization and economic growth .

  28. 笔者通过考察剩余价值的理论基础和社会属性,论证了社会主义市场经济中也存在剩余价值。

    By analyzing the theoretical basis and social attributes of surplus value , the paper states that surplus value also exists in socialist market economy .

  29. 近一半的机构表示,在经济低迷期间,剩余员工的工作量有所增加,而46%的雇主表示,员工压力有所加大。

    Almost half of organisations said that workloads of remaining employees had increased during the downturn , while 46 per cent said that employee stress levels had increased .

  30. 工业化进程中的二元经济结构是农村剩余劳动力产生的根源和转移的瓶颈;经济增长方式的转变对我国的就业产生了深刻的影响;

    The dualism in economic structure in the process of industrialization causes the surplus labor in rural areas , and is also the bottleneck of the labor 's shift .