
  • 网络economic proportion
  1. 应该在多大规模上、用多少资源从事运输,被忽视、而今天却是无法回避的基本经济比例之一;

    Using how many recources in transportation is a basic economic proportion which has been ignored in the past , but can not be still avoided today ;

  2. 这也是作为MPA学员毕业时写作论文必须要求,特别枣庄市作为农业经济比例比较大的地区,更有发展县域经济的内在要求和研究必要。

    This also is took when MPA student graduation writes the paper to have to request , Zaozhuang took specially the agricultural economy proportion quite big area , has the development county territory economy the intrinsic request and the research necessity .

  3. 过去十多年来,我们一直没有摆脱经济比例的严重失调,而没有按比例发展就不可能有稳定的、确实可靠的高速度。

    In the past decade we have failed to rid the economy of the serious imbalances which have made it impossible to achieve a steady and reliable high rate of growth .

  4. 通过对工业的调整,安徽省国民经济比例恢复正常,改善了工业体系布局,工业企业的管理水平和经济效益有显著提升。

    Through the adjusted industry of Anhui Province , the proportion of the national economy returned to normal , the layout of the industrial system was better , improved industrial enterprises and economic management significantly .

  5. 公有制经济比例过大,非公有制经济比例过小是山西所有制结构存在的主要问题,它对山西产业结构的调整有着一定的制约作用。

    The problem in Shanxi ownership is that the proportion of public ownership economy is too big , and the proportion of non public ownership economy is too little , which has some restrictive function to the adjustments in Shanxi industrial structure .

  6. 武汉市城市基础设施建设投资与国民经济的比例选择

    Proportion Choice Between the Infrastructure Construction Investment and the National Economy in Wuhan

  7. 粮食与经济作物比例由1995年的

    The ratio of foodstuff and economic plant was modified from 2.75:1 in 1995 to

  8. 而新人口论所谓人口与经济增长比例失调的解释确有可取之处。

    Three 's some valuable point in the explanation on the imbalance of population and economic , in the New Theory of Population .

  9. 由于这一战略的实施,造成了国民经济重大比例的严重失调,水、电供应紧张以及环境的严重污染。

    So it caused that the national economy was seriously out of proportion , the supplies of water and electricity were in great demand , and the environment was gravely polluted .

  10. 它是紧跟着上月推出4万亿刺激包后的一个行动。而这4万亿投入是出于对经济增长比例小于8%的担忧和希望能创造出足够的工作机会。

    It comes on the heels of a4 trillion yuan ( $ 586 billion ) package announced last month amid fears growth could fall below the8 percent considered necessary to create enough jobs .

  11. 结果表明:集体经济成分比例较高,各种民间资本以单位自筹和社会捐赠形式存在于国有经济和集体经济体育场地之中是侨乡泉州体育场地经济成分的主要特征;

    The result shows that the sector of collective economy occupies the higher proportion . The main characteristics of economic sector of sports fields in Quanzhou is all kind of private capital existing in state and collective economic sport field with the form of donation and self-collection of the units .

  12. 各共和国将拥有与其经济规模成比例的选举权。

    Republics will have voting rights proportionate to the size of their economies

  13. 提升消费对经济增长贡献比例的关键,在于提高居民家庭收入水平,改变其占GDP比重处于前所未有低水平的局面。

    The key to raising the consumption share of growth is to get household income to rise from its unprecedentedly low share of GDP .

  14. 现状是,尽管中国的经常项目盈余占其经济总量的比例已不像数年前那么高了,那时经常项目盈余一度达到GDP的10%,但总量还是十分巨大。

    Not , it is true , as massive a surplus as a share of its overall economy as it had a couple of years ago , when the current account surplus reached 10 % of GDP , but huge nonetheless .

  15. 此举将在未来十年里减少逾4000亿美元赤字,并让国内可自由支配支出占美国经济产出的比例降至德怀特艾森豪威尔(DwightEisenhower)总统以来的最低水平。

    This would reduce the deficit by more than $ 400bn over the next decade , and bring domestic discretionary spending down to the lowest share of our economy since President Dwight Eisenhower .

  16. 结果表明,卧龙区自然因素与社会经济因素贡献比例为3:2,与LESA所规定的1:2不同。

    The result indicate that the contributing ratio of natural factor and socio-economic factor to the quality of cultivated land was not 1:2 but 3:2 in Wolong area different from LESA based on the connotation of cultivated land quality defined in this research .

  17. 贷款各国就其经济地位按比例认购股份。

    The lending nations subscribe toward its capital stock in proportion to their economic importance .

  18. 加拿大等国与美国情况类似,但其出口在总体经济中的比例也远远高于美国。

    But even countries like Canada rank far higher in exports as a percentage of the economy .

  19. 马来西亚消费者债务与经济产出的比例超过四分之三,依然是该地区的最高水平。

    And Malaysian consumer debt remains the highest in the region at more than three quarters of economic output .

  20. 首都北京占中国经济产出的比例不足4%,在固定资产投资中所占份额更小。

    The capital city contributes less than 4 per cent of China 's economic output and a smaller share of fixed asset investment .

  21. 但是,我国消费需求长期不足,消费占经济总量的比例一直处于一个不高的水平。

    However , China lacks of consumption demand for a long time , and its consumption accounts for a small proportion in the total economic output .

  22. 该地区成年女性中只有28%从事经济活动,比例世界最低,而其中绝大多数又聚集在低级别的岗位。

    Only about 28 % of the adult female population is economically active the lowest in the world and most of those women are concentrated in low-level positions .

  23. 近年来,随着高新技术企业对经济增长贡献比例的逐年加大,高新技术企业的重要性己经被人们广泛认可。

    In recent years , with high-tech enterprises contribute to economic growth increase the proportion of each year , the importance of high-tech enterprises has been widely recognized .

  24. 而固定资产投资在实体经济中构成比例较大,对经济的总产出具有较大的影响。

    As one kind of investment , fixed assets investment has a higher construction rate in the real economy . And it has a greater influence on overall economic output .

  25. 南京地区服务业增加值在下一阶段会保持稳定发展趋势,但其在国民经济增长的比例和速度会相对缓和。

    Fourth , value added services in Nanjing will remain stable in the next stage of development trend , but its scale and speed of economic growth will be relatively moderate .

  26. 去年,国内投资占国内生产总值的70%,远较发达经济体的比例为高。这些投资当中有许多都投入到楼市和基建发展。

    Domestic investment much of it in property and infrastructure development accounted for70 percent of China 's gross domestic product last year , a far bigger share than in developed economies .

  27. 在美国,金融公司支付的薪资总额以及赚取的利润在总体经济中的比例,最近几十年都有大幅提升。

    In the US , both the share of all wages and salaries paid by the financial firms and those firms ' share of all profits earned have risen sharply in recent decades .

  28. 另外,最近银行存款的增长快于贷款,意味着人们存入银行的钱流回经济体系的比例在下降。

    And recently deposits at the banks have been rising faster than loans , meaning less of the money people are putting into banks is making its way back out into the economy .

  29. 只要净出口占经济增长的比例保持在如此高的水平,刺激内需就会面临出现真正经济过热的风险,因此汇率调整似乎是进行更广泛调整的必要部分。

    So long as net exports are contributing so strongly to growth , stimulating domestic demand risks true overheating , so exchange rate adjustment seems to be a necessary part of the broader adjustment .

  30. 从发达国家的农业发展来看,传统农业在国民经济中的比例已经日益缩减,包括美国、日本、欧盟等发达国家和地区的传统农业比例已经下降到国民总产出的2%左右。

    Looking from the experience of developed country agricultural development , the traditional agriculture already reduced day by day in the national economy proportion , including US , Japan , European Union and so on .