
  • 网络sharing;co-construction and sharing
  1. 虚拟组织机构建设和网格GIS技术是解决国土资源信息化共建共享的基本内容和重要技术。

    The construction of the virtual organization system and the GridGIS technology are the main contents and important technology of the construction in sharing of the land and resources informatization .

  2. 该文从五个方面论证了CASHL是我国信息资源共建共享的成功模式,并从用户的角度,对CASHL的进一步发展提出了建议。

    This paper argues that CASHL is a successful mode of information resources sharing , and puts forward some suggestions to the CASHL 's further development .

  3. 基于Web环境的信用信息系统共建共享机制的构想

    A Conception of Credit Information System Co-Sharing-Co-Construction Framework Based on Web

  4. 基于Web服务的共建共享型数字图书馆研究

    The Research on Web Services-based Co-built and Shared Digital Libraries

  5. 我国加入WTO后军校信息资源的共建共享刍议

    Discussion on the Military Library Information Resources Sharing after Entering the WTO

  6. 广州大学城高校图书馆信息资源共建共享SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis on Cooperative Development and Sharing of Library Information Resources in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center

  7. 实现网络互联互通加强资源共建共享&安徽省党校系统VPN专网建设

    To Realizing the Network Interconnection and Strengthening the Resource of Common Construction Use Together : The Construction of VPN Networks of Anhui Party School System

  8. CALIS系统、NSTL系统是国内目前文献信息资源共建共享最成功的两个例子。

    CALIS and NSTL are successful examples of literature information resources co-construction and sharing .

  9. CASHL是我国信息资源共建共享的成功模式

    CASHL Is a Successful Mode of Information Resources Sharing in China

  10. 加强CASHL文献传递服务促进外语院校资源共建共享

    Enhancing CASHL Document Delivery Services and Promoting Resources Sharing among Foreign Language Institutions

  11. 山西文献信息资源整合,应该采取两步走战略,依托CALIS和CERnet,建立A,B,C三类等级馆,最终实现跨平台、跨数据库、跨内容的资源共建共享。

    The integration of Shanxi / s literature information resources should adopt the two-step strategy , rely on CALIS and CERnet , establish the libraries of A-level , B-level and C-level , and realize the co-constructing and sharing of the trans-platform , trans-database and trans-content literature resources .

  12. 2004年,教育部启动了中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(简称CASHL)的建设与服务,对我国图书馆信息资源共建共享是一个重大的突破。

    In 2004 , the Education Ministry started the construction of China Academic Humanities and Social Sciences Library ( CASHL ), which is an important breakthrough that libraries carry out resources sharing in China .

  13. 理论创新与信息资源共建共享

    Theoretical Innovation and the Joint Construction and Sharing of Information Resources

  14. 青海省高校文献信息资源共建共享的探讨

    Exploration of Bibliographic Information Resource Sharing in Universities in Qinghai Province

  15. 区域图书馆资源共建共享的思考

    Pondering the Construction and Sharing of the Resources of Region Library

  16. 基于区域的地方文献共建共享模式建构

    The Mode Establishment of Sharing and Co-construction Based on Local Documents

  17. 重庆移动电信基础设施资源共建共享策略研究

    Research of Telecommunication Infrastructure Sharing in the Chongqing Mobile 's Telecom

  18. 二要推进地理信息资源共建共享。

    Second , we must promote the geographic information resources sharing .

  19. 论文献信息资源共建共享的发展对策

    The Developing Countermeasures on Document Co - constructing and Information Sharing

  20. 中国高校信息资源共建共享研究

    The Study on China Academic Information Resources Joint Building and Sharing

  21. 建筑院校图书馆信息资源共建共享研究浅谈高校图书馆与学院图书分馆建设

    Research on Building and Sharing of Construction College Library Information Resources

  22. 图书馆与资料室分布式资源体系的共建共享

    Co-Construction and Sharing of Distributed Resources of Libraries and Reference Departments

  23. 大学城图书馆实现资源共建共享的对策

    How to Realize Library Information Construction and Sharing in the University-town

  24. 浅议青海图书馆系统文献资源共建共享运行机制

    Discussion on Literature Resources Buiding and Sharing System of Qinghai Library

  25. 试论文献信息资源共建共享绩效评估体系的设计

    The Design of Performance Evaluation System of Information Resources Sharing Systems

  26. 日本大学图书馆资源共建共享方式介绍

    The Study on Resources Co-Construction and Sharing in Japanese University Libraries

  27. 大资源观指导下的图书馆资源共建共享

    Common Construction and Sharing of Library Resources Guided by Grand-Resource-Based View

  28. 从生态补偿到流域生态共建共享&兼以新安江流域为例的机制探讨

    From ecological compensation to ecological inter-construction and share of river basins

  29. 文献信息资源共建共享模式新论

    A New Treatise on the Sharing and Development of Document Information Resources

  30. 论复合环境下信息资源共建共享的实现

    Realization of cooperative development and resources sharing at hybrid libraries