
  1. 试论贵州省矿产资源开发利用总量调控

    Total Quantity Regulation of Mineral Resource Development and Usage of Guizhou Province

  2. 第三章,主要分析市级政府编制总量调控的基础。

    Chapter III deals with the foundation of the municipal government total control .

  3. 第五章,分析了市级政府编制总量调控的根本出路:制度建设。

    Chapter V analyzed the fundamental way of the total control : institution building .

  4. 根据货币政策的定义,它具有总量调控的特征,在全国范围内必须保持高度统一。

    As a total-control policy , monetary policy is necessary to the nationwide unity .

  5. 在总量调控上,注重运用货币政策,防止高通货膨胀爆发;

    In general regulation area , monetary policy should be in the focus to prevent inflation ;

  6. 第四章,阐明了市级政府编制总量调控的基本方法。

    Chapter IV , the municipal government set out the total control of the basic methods .

  7. 矿产资源开发利用总量调控是矿产资源规划编制的重点和关键。

    The total quantity regulation of mineral resource development and usage is the emphases and key point .

  8. 货币政策作为总量调控手段其一大特点便是对整体经济影响的全局性。

    As a total control means , monetary policy has an overall impact to the economy and society .

  9. 第一部分分析我国货币政策总量调控下的区域差异表现及其原因。

    Part one analyzes the regional differences and its reasons under the unified regulation of Chinese monetary policy .

  10. 降低微观调节成本有助于提高总量调控精度。

    The lowering of the micro adjusting cost gives rise to enhancing the adjusting precision of the total amount .

  11. 提出土地利用总量调控、结构和布局调整、土地生态建设等方面的政策建议。

    Put forward the policy suggestion on the aspect of Land Use amount adjusting control , structure and layout adjustment , land ecological construction .

  12. 因为,国民经济的健康发展,需要完善三个机制:技术进步、维护适度社会公平、货币总量调控。

    The healthy development of national economy needs to consummate three systems : technical progress , moderate social equality maintaining , money aggregates control .

  13. 但在实践中,我国货币政策也表现出只关注总量调控,却忽视地区差异的局限性。

    However , in practice , our monetary policy shows the limitation of paying attention to gross adjusting control , and ignoring the regional differences .

  14. 因此,市级政府编制总量调控的首要要求就是以市级政府职能转变为导向,这是调控的核心。

    Therefore , the primary requirement of municipal government is to the transform governments ' functions as a guide , this is the core of control .

  15. 城市出租车客运市场车辆总量调控问题研究全局搜索聚类的多车场多车型调度算法研究

    Regulation and Control of Total Amount of Market of the Urban-taxi Passenger Transport ; An Algorithm of Multi-depots and Multi-type Vehicles Routing Based on Global Searching Clustering

  16. 这些原因说明,解决我国失业问题的关键不在总量调控方面,而在于解决经济中存在的各种结构性矛盾。

    All the reasons indicate that only through the settlement of structural contradiction in economic operating but not adjusting in aggregate level can the problem of unemployment be solved .

  17. 在实现政府职能有效转变的前提下,实现科学定编成为市级政府编制总量调控的基础。

    Under the premise of achieving effective change of government functions , we can achieve the scientific personnel allocation as the foundation for the municipal regulation of its staffing size .

  18. 以煤炭、冶金、制糖三个行业为重点,总量调控和淘汰落后生产能力工作取得积极进展。

    Progress was achieved in the effort to readjust the total output and phase out backward production capacity of traditional industries , centering on coal , metallurgical and sugar-refining sectors .

  19. 而区域经济调控问题相对于国民经济调控的另外两个主要内容(总量调控和结构调控)却较少地为经济学家所关注。

    While the problems of regional control are received less economists ' interest compared with the other two main contents of national economy control , the quantitative control and structural control .

  20. 而苏州市政府在编制总量调控中所采取的主要措施,既有共性的推演,也有个性的展示。

    Suzhou Municipal Government has taken the main measures in the practice of the total control of established staffing size ; among them are common deductions and personality of the show .

  21. 通过此,从根本上杜绝编制总量调控中的潜规则现象和人治行为。

    In this way , we fundamentally eliminate the " unspoken rules " and the phenomenon of the " rule of man " behavior in the total control of established staffing size .

  22. 目前我国原油进口为自动进口许可管理,分国营贸易和非国营贸易两部分,国营贸易企业共有四家,由国家经贸委进行总量调控,统一安排进口量,关税为零。

    There are four state-owned trade enterprises that are subject to adjustment of the total import volume by the Stale Economic and Trade Commission under the unified with a tariff rate of zero .

  23. 第一部分是绪论,着重说明为什么要研究转轨中后期的宏观调控以及宏观调控理论和政策必须要处理好短期稳定和长期增长,总量调控和结构调整,政策和体制的关系。

    It emphasizes on the reasons that the author study macroeconomic regulation in mid-later system transition stage and the relationship that macro policy should cope with properly between short-term regulation and long-term growth , aggregate control and adjustment , policy and system .

  24. 2002年1~10月份中国石油市场原油供应充足;在总量调控下,汽油、柴油、煤油、燃料油供应略小于需求,库存下降;

    Crude supplies were adequate in the Chinese petroleum market between January and October 2002 . With control and adjustment of gross volumes , the supply of gasoline , diesel , kerosene and fuel was slightly lower than the demand , with stockpiles declining .

  25. 但同时由于我国各地区对外开放程度的不平衡性、信贷供给市场的寡头垄断性,单一总量调控模式客观上加剧了货币信贷供给的区域差异,不利于经济协调发展。

    However , due to the imbalance of opening in different areas and oligarch monopoly in credit supply market , the system enlarged the disparities of money and credit supply among different areas , and went against the harmonious development of the whole economy .

  26. 而无论哪种因素,相对于货币政策这样的针对总量的调控手段,行政手段无疑更便于灵活操作,也更容易对症下药。

    Whatever the factors , compared to the monetary policy response to such total control means , the administrative means is easier flexible operation , but also easier to find .

  27. 为了确保拉萨市大气环境质量在规定期限内达到功能区划分所要求的标准,我们应该控制污染源的排放总量,调控排放布局和方式。

    We should control emit gross pollution and adjust position and way as to confirm air environment quality of lhasa reaching the standard which is decided by function area_dividing in limited time .

  28. 然而,在以转变经济发展方式、优化经济结构为目标的新时期,货币政策的制定不仅要考虑对经济总量的调控,更要兼顾经济结构的调控。

    However , in the new era of the transformation of economic developing mode and the optimization of economic structure , the formulation of monetary policy need to consider both the adjustment and control of gross economy and that of economic structure .

  29. 就信贷传导中的银行信贷渠道和企业资产负债表渠道而言,信贷规模总量受到调控下的银行信贷渠道又是货币政策信贷传导中发挥主要作用的渠道。

    When the bank credit channel and enterprise balance sheet channel are concerned , the bank credit channel under the total size regulation plays the main role in the monetary policy credit channel transmission . Finally , this paper gives a summarization of the main conclusions .

  30. 这些数据结果可以为报废汽车回收企业的总量控制以及宏观调控政策提供科学依据,并为报废汽车回收企业的选址提供了切实可行的具体依据。

    The results of these data recovery companies for the amount of scrapped vehicle control and provide the scientific basis of macro-control policies , and location of discarded automobile recycling business provides a practical and concrete basis .