
yù tiáo
  • preset;programme
预调[yù tiáo]
  1. 并对施工水平连接桁架不同阶段的位移变形进行了计算与探讨,对其进行了变形预调,这保证了结构在施工过程中的安全。

    Calculated and discussed deformation displacement at different stage , preset the deformation , which ensure the safety of structure .

  2. 机器被重调时,预调的数据将被抹去。录像机已预调好以便录下比赛情况。

    " When the unit is reset , preset data is erased . " The video was pre-set to record the match .

  3. GB/T6254-1986电子设备用C类预调可变电容器类型规范

    Type specification for variable preset capacitors & Type C in electronic equipments

  4. 基于面阵CCD的刀具预调测量系统研制

    Development of Image Measurement System Based on Panel CCD for Cutting Tools

  5. K(ATP)通道在缺血预调中作用机制的实验研究

    Experimental study on the mechanism of K_ ( ATP ) channel in ischemic preconditioning

  6. 激励器(预调器、触发器)采用电荷泵箝位调整器的BUCK型DC-DC驱动电路

    " Exciter ( premodulator , trigger )" Novel Driver for BUCK DC-DC Converter with Active Charge Pump Clamp Regulator

  7. 目的:为确定体外循环心脏直视手术时应用缺血预调(IPC)的可能性,分别在两部分实验中研究了(1)IPC对长时间低温缺血心肌的保护作用。

    Aim : To evaluate the effect of ischemic preconditioning ( IPC ) on myocardial protection and the effect of temperature on IPC .

  8. 文中讨论了以MSK调制技术结合预调滤波器提高带宽效率的系统构建方案。

    To increase the bandwidth efficiency , such a system scheme use the MSK modulation method combining with a premodulation filter .

  9. 电子摄像式刀具预调测量仪的研究

    Research of Tool Presetting and Measuring Machine Based on CCD Imaging

  10. 刀具预调仪的结构设计及误差的补偿方法

    Architecture Design of Tool presetting Instrument and its Error Compensation

  11. 计算机视觉刀具预调测量仪的研究

    A Study on the Tool Presetting and Gauging Based on Computer Vision

  12. 一种磁悬浮飞轮增益预调交叉反馈控制方法

    Gain scheduling cross feedback control approach for magnetic suspending flywheel

  13. 数控刀具预调仪误差补偿技术的研究

    Study of error compensation technique for an NC cutting tool preparing instrument

  14. GB/T12775-1991电子设备用圆片型瓷介预调可变电容器总规范

    Generic specification for disc-style ceramic dielectric variable pre-set capacitors in electronic equipment

  15. 数控刀具预调仪的误差修正论刀具管理

    99 8 15 Error modification of numerical controlled preset instrument for cutting tools

  16. 计算机视觉二维刀形检测及刀具预调仪系统的研究

    Research on Tool Setting and Tool Form Measurement Based on 2-D Computer Vision

  17. 对刀具预调测量仪的误差来源进行了分析,对整机精度进行了检定。

    The error sources of the tool presetting and measuring system are analyzed .

  18. 刚管调制器预调器电路的改进设计

    An Improved Design of Driver in Hard Tube Modulator

  19. 录像机已预调好以便录下比赛情况。

    The video was pre-set to record the match .

  20. 力学分析、预调技术及其在工程中的应用

    Mechanical Analysis Presetting Technology and Its Application in Engineerings

  21. 切削中心刀具预调及刀形检测微机控制系统

    Computer Control Detecting System for Cutting Machine Tool Setting and Tool Form Measurement

  22. 低温对缺血预调心肌保护作用的影响

    The Effect of Ischemic Preconditioning on Myocardial Protection

  23. 缺血预调对离体鼠心收缩功能的影响

    The Effects of Ischemic Preconditioning on the Contraction Function of Rat Isolated Working Heart

  24. 提出了一种新的二维图像测量系统标定方法,并成功应用在刀具预调测量仪上。

    This thesis puts forward a new calibration method for two-dimensional image measuring system .

  25. 目的研究联合应用去甲肾上腺素和腺苷模拟缺血预调的心肌保护效果。

    Objective To evaluate the cardiac protective effect of co-infusion of adenosine and norepinephrine .

  26. 光电瞄准式刀具预调仪研究

    Study of Photoelectric Image Measuring Tool Presetter

  27. 缺血预调对体外循环NO释放和血管内皮功能的影响

    Influence of Ischemic Preconditioning on Cardiac Release of NO and Vascular Endothelial Function during Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  28. 腺苷及缺血预调对未成熟兔心肌乳酸代谢及心肌耗氧的影响及意义

    Effects of Adenosine and Preconditioning Ischemia on Lactate Metabolism and Myocardial Oxygen Consumption in Immature Rabbits

  29. 基于面向对象程序设计方法,设计了刀具预调测量系统软件。

    The software of this system was designed basing on OOP ( object oriented programming ) .

  30. 必须查看本机交流电压选择器之预调状态是否符合本地交流电压。

    The Voltage Selector Setting should be checked to see that it conforms to the local AC supply voltage .