
yù cè
  • prediction;forecast;project;calculate;prognosis;scenario;divination;divine
预测 [yù cè]
  • [forecast;calculate] 预先测定或推测

预测[yù cè]
  1. 自然资源保护主义者预测,数以百计的物种可能会从这个地区消失。

    Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area .

  2. 根据P区元素在周期表中的位置确定位置指数W,并用W预测P区元素的电离能。

    Position index W is defined with the position of P-group element and ionization potential is calculate with w.

  3. 据预测,通货膨胀将稳定在3%。

    It is anticipated that inflation will stabilize at 3 % .

  4. 陪审团的决定不可能预测。

    It was impossible to second-guess the decision of the jury .

  5. 他们的预测后来发现太离谱了。

    Their predictions turned out to be wide of the mark .

  6. 三、四月份的天气非常不好预测。

    In March and April , the weather is much less predictable .

  7. 认为房屋市场很快就有好转的预测结果证明是错误的。

    Predictions of an early improvement in the housing market proved false .

  8. 无法预测最终结果。

    It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome will be .

  9. 专家预测经济将复苏。

    Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy .

  10. 结果证明销售预测过于乐观。

    The sales forecasts turned out to be over-optimistic .

  11. 国际货币基金组织已经调低对未来十年的增长预测。

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade .

  12. 你能预测经济的发展方向吗?

    Can you forecast where the economy is heading ?

  13. 国际货币基金组织已经调低了它对未来十年的增长预测。

    The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts for the next decade .

  14. 实验结果证实了我们的预测。

    The results of the experiment confirmed our predictions .

  15. 报告预测下月物价将上涨3%。

    The report forecasts that prices will rise by 3 % next month .

  16. 伦敦金融分析家预测今年的利润非常丰厚。

    City analysts forecast huge profits this year .

  17. 政府预测经济会复苏。

    The government is forecasting an economic recovery .

  18. 很难准确预测对环境产生的影响。

    It 's difficult to make accurate predictions about the effects on the environment .

  19. 他们的销售量预测纯属估计。

    Their sales projections are a total thumbsuck .

  20. 这些结果和我们的预测相当一致。

    These results accord closely with our predictions .

  21. 没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。

    Not many people agree with the government 's prediction that the economy will improve .

  22. 这些补助金用于减轻农民因难以预测的恶劣天气而遭受的损失。

    The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather .

  23. 勃朗宁的预测不过是妄加猜测而已。

    Browning 's prediction is no better than a wild guess .

  24. 该研究还预测低糖软饮料市场将迅猛增长。

    The study also forecast an explosion in the diet soft-drink market

  25. 根据对经济的预测来预言选举的走势不大可靠。

    Predicting voting trends from economic forecasts is a dodgy business .

  26. 这种情况很难预测,什么事都有可能发生。

    This is such an unforeseeable situation that anything could happen .

  27. 财政部早就预测消费者支出会出现上扬。

    The Treasury has long been predicting an upturn in consumer spending .

  28. 很难预测陪审团将会作出何种反应。

    It 's hard to predict how a jury will react

  29. 该国现在正弥漫着对未来的悲观预测。

    The country is currently obsessed with gloomy prognostications about its future .

  30. 编辑们和撰稿者们在试图预测未来。

    Editors and contributors are trying to second-guess the future .