
  1. 身披白昼之圣光光没银星俱裂亡

    Just like silver stars imploding we absorb the light of day .

  2. UST是TW-圣光之愿服务器联盟方一亲友休闲公会。

    UST is a casual Alliance guild on TW-Light 's Hope Realm .

  3. 拥抱圣光吧,我的圣骑士和血骑士们。

    Embrace the Light , my fellow Paladins and Blood Knights .

  4. 我们绝对不该长期地生活在圣光底下。

    We are never meant to live permanently under that divine light .

  5. 用来接受上帝圣光的恩赐。

    That can receive this * Gift of god 's pure light .

  6. 圣光之愿礼拜堂增加了许多新任务。

    Dozens of new quests have been added to light 's hope .

  7. 当圣光之手触发时神圣风暴不再会高亮。

    Divine Storm no longer incorrectly highlights when Hand of Light procs .

  8. 圣光的勇士挺立于黑暗要塞之中。

    Light 's champion in the stronghold of darkness .

  9. 圣光将让你粉身碎骨,达里昂!

    The Light will tear you apart , Darion !

  10. 圣光来自远方的天空。

    Holy light comes from heaven far away .

  11. 神圣力量;圣光冲击;光芒之剑;镇魂领域;

    Power of Holy ; Light of Holy ; Lighting Sword ; Holy Area .

  12. 圣光环绕圣母圣婴!

    Round yon virgin mother and child !

  13. 一些东西的确紧跟着展示出来了,但却不是所谓圣光的神圣力量。

    A display indeed followed , but not of the holy powers of the light .

  14. 圣光之触-现在为惩戒专精的一部份。

    Hand of Light-Now part of Retribution .

  15. 灵魂随影而逝,升于高处化为古老的圣光。

    When shadow comes to claim our souls , some must rise-the light of old .

  16. 不过,要成为领导者,那个人的余烬必须在圣光中净化。

    However , to become the leader , one 's ember must be pure in light .

  17. 在各各他的圣光下,所有我们设想的善良都只不过是肮脏的抹布。

    In the light of Calvary , all our supposed goodness is nothing but filthy rags .

  18. 以圣光的名义

    In name of Holy Light

  19. 圣光调息法,风箱式调息法和快速呼吸对于那些患肥胖症的人效果很好;

    Kapalbhati , Bhasrika & fast breathing can be practiced by people suffering from obesity with good effects ;

  20. 以任何方式引导圣光或者接受圣光的治疗,只会感到疼痛。

    Channeling the Light in any way , or receiving healing from the Light , only causes pain .

  21. 现在由震击,闪现,圣光和神光触发。

    Tower of Radiance now procs from Holy Shock , Flash of Light , Holy Light or Divine Light .

  22. 太阳升起来,照在宁静的世界上,静静的村庄仿佛沐浴在圣光之中。

    The sun rose upon a tranquil world , and beamed down upon the peaceful village like a benediction .

  23. 一旦他死去太久,圣光都无法把他救活。

    Once he has been dead for too long , not even the Light can bring him back to us .

  24. 火系是wtfpwn伤害树,光是防御,具有圣光甲和三个速发进攻技能。

    Lightning is more defense oriented , having the powerful Warp Armor and three short ranged attack skills in it .

  25. 朝圣者和修道士们高举着蜡烛在圣墓教堂参加圣光奇迹。

    Pilgrims and monks hold candles during the miracle of the holy light in the Church of the holy sepulchre .

  26. 然后,我在神圣天赋当中点了一点(纯洁审判),然后持续对自己施放圣光术。

    Then , I put a single point in Judgements of the Pure and cast another bunch of Holy Lights on myself .

  27. 神性祈求只降低圣光闪现、圣光术和神圣震击造成的治疗效果。

    Divine Plea now only reduces the amount healed by your Flash of Light , Holy Light , and Holy Shock spells .

  28. 部落圣骑士,也就是血精灵,他们操纵了圣光从而让它的力量来满足他们的欲望。

    Horde Paladins are blood elves that have learned the ways to manipulate Light and bend its powers under their own will .

  29. 这事很难说,因为三次战争之前没有有记载的使用圣光的不死者。

    It is difficult to say , as there are no known records of undead wielding the Holy Light before the Third War .

  30. 圣光守护得到一个额外效果:它现在也使你的神圣祈求有50/100%的机率抵抗驱散。

    Guarded by the Light got an additional effect-In addition , your Divine Plea spell is50 / 100 % less likely to be dispelled .