
  • 网络temple mount;Mount Temple
  1. “是的,沙龙明天会去圣殿山”

    " Yes , Sharon is going to the Temple Mount tomorrow . "

  2. 2000年,沙龙在一个武装警察小分队的陪同下到访圣殿山,标志着被称为第二次起义的巴勒斯坦地区血腥暴力冲突期的开始。

    Mr. Sharon 's visit in 2000 to the Temple Mount , accompanied by a contingent of armed police , marked the start of a period of swirling Palestinian violence known as the second Intifada .

  3. 在沙龙拜访圣殿山的前一天。

    The day before sharom 's visit to the moumt .

  4. 又派人去占领耶路撒冷和圣殿山。

    And he sent others to take Jerusalem , and the mountain of the temple .

  5. 以色列警察与巴勒斯坦人在东耶路撒冷宗教圣地发生冲突,穆斯林称当地为「圆顶清真寺」,而犹太教称为「圣殿山」。

    There were clashes between the Israeli police and Palestinians around the religious site known as Haram al-Sharif to Muslims and Temple Mount to Jews in Jerusalem .

  6. 将那些石头安放在圣殿山上一个适当的地方,直到一位先知来到,再另行安排。

    And they laid up the stones in the mountain of the temple in a convenient place , till there should come a prophet , and give answer concerning them .

  7. 大卫选择了莫里亚山(或称圣殿山)为殿址,据说那里是亚伯拉罕建造祭坛准备牺牲以撒的地方。

    As the site for a temple , he selected Mount Moriah , or the Temple Mount , where it was believed that Abraham had built his altar to sacrifice Isaac .

  8. 他发表声明要求以色列人结束对这个圣地的挑衅行为,圣地指的就是圣殿山或是崇高圣所。

    He went on in his statement to demand what he called an end to provocative acts by Israelis on this holy site - the Temple Mount or the Noble Sanctuary .

  9. 特别从九月初以来,因圣殿山引发的巴以危机愈演愈烈地拖到了新世纪。

    Very since the beginning of September , caused by " Mountain of Temple of God " crisis , Israel of Palestine , exceed and perform and exceed and delay to the new century strongly .

  10. 到末日,上主的圣殿山必要矗立在群山之上,超乎一切山岳,万民都要向它涌来。

    And in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be prepared on the top of mountains , and it shall be exalted above the hills , and all nations shall flow unto it .

  11. 三种宗教占世界人口的很大一部分,这里是“崇高圣所”或“圣殿山”,位于有“上帝之城”、“上帝之山”之称的耶路撒冷的中心。

    There are three religions which is very large portion of the world 's population , for which this spot Haram al-Sharif or the Temple Mount is at the center of Jerusalem and Jerusalem is perceived as being God 's City , God 's Mountain .

  12. 但是耶路撒冷暴力事件激增的主要焦点在于,大部分暴力事件都发生在前往旧城山顶的通道,犹太人称那里为圣殿山而穆斯林称那里为崇高圣所,那里被这两种信仰尊为圣地。

    But the most immediate focus of the spike-up in violence in Jerusalem has been - a lot of it 's been around access to the hilltop in the Old City that Jews call the Temple Mount and Muslims call the Noble Sanctuary - a holy spot to both religions .

  13. 犹太人称圣殿为“圣殿山”。

    Jews call the Noble Sanctuary the Temple Mount .