
  • 【体】retain the title
  1. 她将在下月的锦标赛上争取蝉联冠军。

    She will be defending her title at next month 's championships .

  2. 他们已经5次蝉联冠军。

    They have won five championships in a row

  3. 之后还有哪支球队和AC一样好足以蝉联冠军杯吗?

    Has any team since been good enough to win two in a row since Milan ?

  4. 而蝉联冠军的最长记录由玛丽亚•凯莉与BoyzIIMen乐队合唱的《OneSweetDay》创造。二十年前,这首歌曾占据榜首长达16周之久。

    The top honor belongs to Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men 's One Sweet Day , which reigned for 16 weeks about 20 years ago .

  5. 西班牙企业商学院在某几项排名中下滑了一两个位置,但其综合得分仍然很高,足以令其蝉联冠军,特别是其MBA课程排名第四,管理硕士课程位居第五。

    IE lost one or two places in some rankings but scored highly enough to retain the top spot it gained last year , in particular being ranked fourth for its MBA and fifth for its masters in management .

  6. 在2017年FT对全球95个管理学硕士项目的排行中,虽然瑞士圣加仑大学(UniversityofStGallen)继续蝉联冠军,但法国和英国商学院分别以24个和18个项目入围成为中坚力量。

    While Switzerland 's University of St Gallen retains the top spot , French and British business schools , with 24 and 18 programmes respectively , are the backbone of the 2017 FT ranking of 95 programmes around the world .

  7. 全球最快超算500强榜单Top500每年发布两次,根据日前发布的榜单,中国的“神威·太湖之光”以每秒93.01千万亿次的浮点运算速度第四次蝉联冠军。

    According to a biannual ranking of the world 's 500 fastest supercomputers , called the Top500 , China 's Sunway TaihuLight maintains the lead as the No 1 system for the fourth time , with a performance of 93.01 petaflops .

  8. 在本届女足世界杯上,德国击败巴西,蝉联冠军。

    Germany retained the Women 's World Cup title .

  9. 伦敦已经连续两年蝉联冠军了。

    London came first in the study for the second year in a row 。

  10. 在过去四年的哈雷公开赛中,费德勒一直蝉联冠军宝座。

    Federer has been the champion in Halle for the last past four years .

  11. 如果今晚我赢了,这将是我今年第三次蝉联冠军。

    If I win tonight , it will be my third straight victory this year .

  12. 2011年,他们重返中超夺冠,并在今年第三次蝉联冠军。

    In 2011 , they won the Chinese Super League and claimed the league title for the third time this year .

  13. 如果你回想一下切尔西蝉联冠军的时候,他们一直都是开局很好。我们总是在追赶。

    You see Chelsea 's start this year , with a new coach and new ambition – they 're top of the league on maximum points .

  14. 他随巴斯比宝贝们在1955/56赛季和1956/57赛季中蝉联冠军,而那个赛季曼联也在战后成为第一支拿到双冠的球队。

    He excelled behind Busby 's Babes and was a back-to-back title winner in1955 / 56 and1956 / 57 , the season in which United came within an ace of the first modern Double .

  15. 这场胜利让佩雷拉的球队继续扩大榜首的领先优势,在仅剩一场比赛的情况下领先多次蝉联冠军的广州恒大队8分。

    With that win , Pereira 's men extended their lead at the top of the table , with an eight point gap from serial champions Guangzhou Evergrande , with just one match remaining .

  16. 镶有15颗钻石的戒指是对于湖人队第15次蝉联NBA冠军的褒奖。

    The15-diamond ring is an award for the Lakers '15th NBA championship .

  17. 《速度与激情7》(Furious7)过去两周蝉联票房冠军,如今又将横扫各大音乐排行榜。

    The film " Furious 7 " has dominated the box office for the last two weeks , and now its screeching victory lap has extended to the music charts as well .

  18. 第二次蝉联全国冠军,而这是阿拉巴马队4年中的第3次夺冠。

    That locks up a second straight national title , Alabama 's third in four years .

  19. 蝉联奥林匹克冠军宝座的全能人才,右臂骨折未能及时愈合。

    Paul Hamm , the reigning Olympic champion in the all-around , had not healed in time from broken bone in his right hand .

  20. 很多人认为金州勇士队下赛季将会蝉联总冠军,但也可能出于某种原因而分崩离析。

    Many believe the Golden State Warriors are going to win the title again and will still break up in some way next season .

  21. 《地心引力》上映第三个周末在美国和加拿大影院的票房估计为3100万美元,较前一周末仅下降28%,再度轻松蝉联票房冠军。

    With ticket sales off only 28 % from the prior weekend , ' Gravity ' grossed an estimated $ 31 million on its third weekend in U.S. and Canadian theaters , making it once again an easy No. 1 .

  22. 2015年,广州恒大足球队第五次蝉联中超联赛冠军。

    Guangzhou Evergrande won an unprecedented fifth straight Chinese Super League title in 2015 .

  23. 巴克斯特能成功地蝉联重量级拳击冠军吗?

    Can Baxter successfully defend his heavyweight championship ?

  24. 自此之后的两个赛季,蓝军蝉联英超联赛冠军。

    In the two seasons since , the Blues have won the English Premiership title twice .

  25. 这次比赛在纽约康尼岛的沙滩上举行,来自加利福尼亚州圣何塞市的切斯特纳特击败了蝉联六届冠军的日本小林尊。

    Chestnut , of San Jose , California , defeated six-time champion Takeru Kobayashi of Japan in the annual event held at New York 's Coney Island beach .

  26. 这意味着,我国超级计算机已连续8次蝉联该榜单冠军,显示了我国在高性能计算领域的崛起。

    That means a Chinese supercomputer has topped the rankings for eight times in a row , indicating the rise of China in the high performance computing field .

  27. 我们已经取得了那么棒的成绩,我们蝉联了联赛冠军(背靠背冠军),我们不该轻视我们取得的成绩,尤其是在英超这样艰难的联赛里。

    We have evolved to the stage where we are back-to-back champions and we should not underestimate what an achievement that is , particularly in a domestic league like the English Premiership .

  28. 我是职业拳击手,蝉联过9次冠军。

    I 'm a boxer by trade , nine consecutive titles .

  29. 她的新歌《喜欢你说话的方式》在热门单曲排行榜中已经蝉联第六周冠军。

    Her song Love the Way You Lie is her sixth number one .

  30. 这是奥普拉今年第三次蝉联福布斯排行榜冠军。

    This is Forbes'third go-round this year at putting Winfrey at the top of some list or other .