
  • 网络Walid;Alwaleed Bin Talal
  1. 在我离开之前,我必须和瓦利德谈谈。

    I need to speak with Walid before I leave here .

  2. 邻居瓦利德帮忙救下了被困在屋顶下的一个人。

    Neighbor Walid helped rescue a man trapped underneath this roof .

  3. 最为重要的是,拥有7%投票权的瓦利德王子(princealwaleed)本周表达了对詹姆斯的支持。

    Most importantly , Prince al Waleed , with 7 per cent of the voting rights , voiced his support this week .

  4. 唯一的线索可能就是考古学家发现的印有“希沙姆”字样的陶器。Baramki的同事RobertW.Hamilton解释说,宫殿应该属于哈里发瓦利德二世的继承人。

    The only hint archaeologists have found is a chunk of pottery bearing the name " Hisham . " Baramki 's colleague , Robert W. Hamilton , has argued that this is proof that the palace belonged to the heir of the caliph , Al-Walid II .

  5. 瓦利德•拉希德(WaleedRashed)是一家公司的创始人,该公司计划在10月推出一款名叫Voo的快递手机应用。Voo(这个名字让人联想起飞速移动的声音)旨在为所有人提供几乎所有的跑腿服务。

    Waleed Rashed is the founder of a company that plans to introduce a delivery app called Voo in October . Voo ( the name is meant to suggest the sound of speed ) aims to do almost any chore for anyone .

  6. 这是不是和你的朋友瓦利德有关?

    Does this , by any chance , concern your friend walid ?

  7. 瓦利德没有受过这方面训练。

    Walid isn 't trained to do something like this .

  8. 瓦利德是正在接受调查的这个组织的首脑。

    Walid is the head of the organization under investigation .

  9. 那你就用不着为瓦利德担心了,桑德拉。

    Then Walid has nothing to worry about , sandra .

  10. 我刚刚听说了瓦利德的事。

    I just heard what happened to walid .

  11. 听着,如果你真要释放,就放了瓦利德。

    Look , if you 're going to release anybody , it should be walid .

  12. 瓦利德已经取得了他们的信任。

    Walid has earned their trust .

  13. 被指控与他一道策划恐怖袭击的还有拉姆齐.比纳尔谢赫、瓦利德.穆罕默德.阿他什、阿里.阿卜杜勒.阿齐兹和穆斯塔法.阿勒-哈萨维。

    His alleged co-conspirators are Ramzi Binalshibh , Walid Muhammed'Attash , Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa al Hawsawi .

  14. 这是她的一位表亲,名叫瓦利德-萨达说道;大使官员不了解情况也没答应让她回家。

    The relative , a cousin named Walid al-Sada , said the ambassador did not know and promised to get back to the family .

  15. 由瓦利德领导的反叙利亚德鲁士党谴责叙利亚组织了暗杀杰马耶勒阴谋并说将会有更多旨在损害议会多数派的暗杀事件发生。

    Anti-Syrian Druze leader Walid Jumblatt blamed Syria for Gemayel 's assassination and said he expected more killings aimed at undermining parliament 's ruling majority .

  16. 位于开罗的美国大学政治科学系主任瓦利德.卡兹哈说,内塔尼亚胡很有可能将试图让穆巴拉克缓解在以色列定居点问题上的压力。

    Chair of the political science department at the American University in Cairo Walid kazziha says that it is likely that Mr. Netanyahu will be attempting to get Mr. Mubarak to ease pressure on Israeli settlement issue .