
  • 网络varro;Hoarau
  1. 古罗马的家畜饲养技术与畜牧经营思想方法研究&以M.T.瓦罗的《论农业》为例

    Study on Breeding Technique and Thought Ways of Keeping Farming in Rome & Taking 《 On Farming 》 of M.T.Varro as An Example

  2. Strategy&的肯•法瓦罗(KenFavaro)表示,其他例外可能包括投资者需要在持续性方面获得保证的公司——这一说法对钱伯斯获得的非同寻常的新头衔构成支持。

    Ken Favaro of Strategy & says other exceptions to the norm could include companies where investors need reassuring about continuity - an argument in favour of Mr Chambers " unusual new title .

  3. 普瓦罗从口袋里拿出了信。

    Poirot produced the letter from his pocket .

  4. 希瓦罗人好战,并因从未真正被征服过,至今深感自豪。

    The Jivaro were warlike , and they remain proud that they were never really conquered by others .

  5. 他的虔诚众所周知,故被任命为维考瓦罗修道院的院长。

    FML the fame of his piety led to his being appointed the abbot of a monastery at vicovaro .

  6. 据悉,阿瓦罗瓦海滩位于南岛顶端,黄金般的沙滩绵延800米(2600英尺)。

    Awaroa inlet is an 800-metre ( 2600-foot ) stretch of golden sand at the top of South Island .

  7. 本文全面地评介古罗马作家瓦罗的散文作品。

    This paper aims at a global review on the prosaic works of the knowledgeable and productive Roman author Varro .

  8. 舒阿人管缩小的头颅叫,是希瓦罗人中最危险的部落。

    The Shuar , who called a shrunken head a tsantsa , was the most dangerous tribe within the Jivaro group .

  9. 普瓦罗进餐时一直在琢磨,是什么促使奥利弗太太前来拜访他的。

    Poirot had been wondering , while eating his dinner , what it was that was driving Mrs Oliver to visit him .

  10. 如果你手头有橙子,希瓦罗人缩小过的头就那么大。

    If you take an orange and hold it in your hand , that would be about the size of a Jivaro shrunken head .

  11. 希瓦罗人先除去敌人的头骨,然后用热沙包裹皮肤。

    The Jivaro people would start by removing the skull of their enemy , and then they would pack the skin with hot sand .

  12. 瓦罗彻普:结合了小偷的隐密和狡诈与幻术师的力量,姚恩姚森不是个可以随便轻视的人。

    Combining the stealth and guile of a master thief with the power of a great illusionist , Jan Jansen is not one to lightly dismiss .

  13. 只有搭船或直升机才能到达阿瓦罗瓦海滩,去年底曾打着“地球最棒海滩”名号待价而沽。

    Accessible only by boat or helicopter , it came on the market late last year , with real estate agents marketing it as " the best beach on the planet . "

  14. 被称为希瓦罗人的南美印地安人生活在安第斯山脉东麓,被认为是猎首者中最凶残的人。

    The South American Indian people known as Jivaro lived on the eastern slopes of the Andes and were known to be the most vicious of all the groups when it came to head-hunting .