
  • 网络Existing Competitors
  1. 并运用五力模型从潜在进入者威胁、供应商讨价还价能力、买方讨价还价能力、替代品威胁、现有竞争者五个角度对竞争环境进行了分析。

    And the article used five forces model threats , analyzed from five competitors as threat of potential entrants , the bargaining power of suppliers , bargaining power of buyers , threat of substitutes , the existing competitors .

  2. 根据美国著名的战略管理学者迈克尔·波特的观点,在一个行业中,存在着五种基本的竞争力量,即潜在的加入者、替代品、购买者、供应者以及行业中现有竞争者间的抗衡。

    According to M.E.Porter , a well-known American scholar on strategic management , in any industry and trade , there exists five basic competitive forces , namely , potential new comers , substations , buyers , suppliers and confrontation between existing competitors .

  3. Potter的竞争理论,对醋酸市场的现有竞争者、潜在竞争者、替代品竞争者、供应商的讨价还价能力和购买者的讨价还价能力等五种竞争作用力进行了研究。

    Potter , this paper studies the five forces of acetic acid industry including the current rivals , the threats of entry , the threats of substitutes , the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of buyers .

  4. 波特五力模型分析从本项目的供应商、消费者、潜在竞争者、现有竞争者以及替代者五个方面进行的分析和论证,运用SWOT的分析方法对本项目进行自身的优势和劣势分析。

    It is demonstrated by the theory of Potter Five Forces Model Analysis from supplier , consumer , potential competitor , existing competitor and replacement and carry on its own advantage and inferior position analysis to this project using the analytical method of SWOT .

  5. 同时也存在国家限制房产投资、技术壁垒、劳动力成本上升、现有竞争者竞争激烈、潜在进入者进入壁垒较低,苗木等供应商侃价能力强等不少威胁。

    The current furious competition ; the lower bulwark which the potential competitor entering ; the stronger bargaining ability of the vegetation supplier and so on .

  6. 又利用波特的五种力量模型从现有竞争者、新进入者、替代品、供应商和购买者五个方面分析其面临的种种威胁;

    Porter 's " Five Force Model ", it analyses from five aspects : the present competitors , the new intruder , the substitute threat , the supplies , the buyer , and finds out the threatening of it .

  7. 本项目在行业发展的宏观环境分析后,发现具有很大的潜力和投资空间;在行业环境中,其进入门槛较低,现有竞争者主要集中在大城市的繁华商业区,产品的替代品较少。

    In the macro environment , it has great potentials and investment space . Soft drinks industry environment has low barriers to entry . The existing competitors of this project mainly concentrated in the bustling commercial district in big cities , but it has less substitutes .

  8. 它提出将研究市场的增长潜力,现有的竞争者和当时的市场动态。

    It will examine the proposed market , the growth potential , existing competitors and prevailing market dynamics .

  9. 微观上从患者的消费心理、现有的竞争者和高档次医疗服务的消费需求三个方面阐明了洋医院面临的客户群体的特点。

    In micro-economy environment aspects , the writer expatiates the consumer , the competitors and the need of high-level medical services in China .

  10. 通过横向一体化来减少现有的竞争者,将行业从分散竞争状态逐渐转变为对峙状态。

    They also can lessen existing rivals by crosswise unify , and change the industry from the state of dispersed competition to confronting state .

  11. 第一部分,对整个照明行业及节能灯制造业进行了环境扫描,主要分析了现有的竞争者、潜在的竞争者及可能的替代产品。

    The thesis has six sections : Chapter one : the environment scan of the entire industry , mostly the existing competes , potential competes , possible substitute product .